Matthew 28:19
With grateful acknowledgement of these sources of direction and inspiration:
the Holy Spirit; the Word of God;
Robert Coleman, The Master's Plan of Evangelism;
Mark Mittleberg, Lee Strobel and Bill Hybels, Becoming a Contagious Christian;
John Stott, The Spirit, The Church, and the World;
Frank Tillapaugh, Releasing the Church
July 25, 2004
Given by: Pastor Rich Bersett
[Index of Past Messages]
Let me begin with an old, familiar question: Who are the ministers in this place?
Ephesians 4:11-14 - Equipping vs. ministering.
Scripture reading: Matthew 28:18-20, esp 19; Acts 1:8 cf 8:1; Acts 2:42-47 esp 47.
It is when the church ministers that the world takes notice. Real people changed…
How does the church minister? By making natural contact with the unchurched, using their spiritual gifts in a natural and genuine way to serve the unchurched, and leading them to their own conclusion that they should receive Christ as Lord.
This is the picture we have as we see the believers scattered and serving-Acts 8:1. This is also what we have revealed at Matthew 28:19-"As you go…"
So it is the individual believers' personal responsibility to reach others for Christ.
ILUS: My draft experience, #82, 4/12/70- we're all drafted, we Christians. We are called to be salt and light, to be ambassadors and priests, and there are no deferments. We're enlisted to display righteousness in a wicked world, to help the weak and feed the hungry, to represent the Living God, to tell sinners about Jesus. There is no one who is saved who is not drafted by God to be an agent of grace.
Of course it makes us nervous. But there are two comforting truths: 1) we have His Spirit for courage, leading and power, and 2) because we are a body, working and serving alongside one another, we have mutual support in the mission. We have the church. Think about it-what do you as a believer and a witness for Christ, need in order to be effective?
Obviously, some things are indispensable: the Holy Spirit who empowers us for our witness and brings the conviction, etc. But beyond that what do you and I need from the rest of the body to help us in our career as witnesses for Christ?
What We Need From the Body
1. Support and Encouragement: community
A certain assurance that I am not in this alone
A regular reminder of our calling
A coach or two in my life helping me grow and go
2. Training and Modeling: discipling
Annually and usually more frequently, "How to Lead Them to Christ"
Primary role of evangelists: to equip saints for work of ministry: witnessing
3. Accountability and Example: small group
We do better when we are reminded of our calling
We do better when we are given models to follow
4. Community for Self and Friends: a place to bring them (now and then)
Need to be confident that my friend will be received well, nurtured and loved
Need a reliable system of support and ministry
Need coaching in the process
The Provision
Life Groups are your opportunity, training center, community and support center.
But they will not work if we are:
Self-centered - seeing the group as ministry for me only
Uncommitted - not believing it is my personal calling to be a witness and invite others.
ILUS - Moody - woman said, "I don't like the way you do evangelism!" "I understand. Tell me, madam, how do you prefer to reach people for Christ?" "Well, I don't, actually." "Well, I like the way I do it better than the way you don't do it!"
Each group will have appeal to some of your friends and family
ALPHA - Those with honest heartfelt questions re faith
2 SAMUEL - Those looking for something exciting in Bible study
CHRISTIAN LIVING - Those with questions re practical Christian Life
SCRAP BOOKING - Those who aren't interested in church at all
THE JOURNEY - Those with real intellectual struggle with faith
PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE - Those who are searching for meaning and purpose in their lives
'BEGINNINGS" - Those looking to get solid footing in their faith
There is no greater joy or sense of fulfillment in the Christian life than helping to bring someone to faith in Christ. When you do, you know that person will spend eternity in heaven, not in hell; you know that person has peace with God through Jesus, and is experiencing forgiveness of sins and tasting the kindness of the Lord through His Spirit indwelling him; you know that you have done the Father's will;
You know that you have helped grow the Kingdom of God and the church.
"If I am a Christian, I am not set on saving my own skin, but on seeing that the salvation of God comes through me to others, and the great way is by intercession." Oswald Chambers
"In the People's Republic of China, the largest nation in the world and a billion people strong, is what is called the Three-Self Church. That is the state-approved church. Several of us from Wooddale, a couple of years ago, were in Beijing, and we went to one of the services of one of the Three-Self Churches. It was an old building, built around the turn of the last century. We had a translator there. There were hymns sung, some of them were to western tunes which we knew. They read the Bible. They had prayers. There was a sermon, a Bible teaching, that I thought was fine.
But they're not allowed to evangelize. That's part of the deal with the state. "You can do your thing as long as your thing doesn't include persuading somebody else."
There are about 50 million Christians in the People's Republic of China who have chosen not to be part of the Three-Self Church, and meet in house churches, because they're convinced you can't be a Christian unless you evangelize. They say that the two go together; and if you don't evangelize, you're not a Christian. They would say that those who are in the Three-Self church are really not Christians, as far as the New Testament definition is concerned." Leith Anderson, "Making More Disciples"
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