October 28, 2018 - The Thinking Christian No. 3 - Respond to Evil
October 28th, 2018
The smaller groups in our church community are inside our homes where we go deeper,
build friendships, and walk out the Christian life with each other.
1. “Breaking the Ice” question: (group facilitator)
2. Check-ins: What’s been happening in your week(s) since last meeting? Introduce yourself if new/new
people in group, check in with each other
3. Care: Needs in the group; name needs and have sentence prayers (short sentences/open ended, not
long-winded) at end of the gathering time
4. Compassion: What compassion work is the group planning? Are you inviting your neighbors to join?
5. Group Announcements (church-wide and group-only)
6. Dig in: Any reflections, discernments, disagreements from last week’s teaching (or since you last
met)? Look at the Bible passage(s) again and read some of them out loud in the group (and other verses
that may have been mentioned). What jumps out at you? Discuss some of the questions as a group.
7. End and Homework: Final questions, prayer huddles for personal requests. Consider breaking into
small groups (huddles) of 2-4, by gender, if large enough.
1. Have you picked a compassion/service opportunity? It could be something someone is
already connected with in your group...
Big Idea review: Two approaches and pictures of God
+ Blueprint or warzone
2. In Luke 11:17-23, Jesus is the stronger man. What does this passage tell us about the
spiritual situation we find ourselves in and how has the cross changed this?
3. If evil is simply a “dark will” part of God, what does that say about our views of sin and
4. What would you say to a loved one who experienced a significant loss? Does the type
of loss change this and how (e.g. a horrible accident claims a child, a family member is
kidnapped, the experience of war, cyclone/hurricane, etc.)
5. What aspect of God’s character do you find most comforting? What do you find most
“forced” (e.g. “What I think I’m supposed to say, but this is really what I think/feel”)?
+ Particular or general
+ Pure will or pure love
6. Dig into scripture: 1 Peter 5:7-9, Ephesians 6:10-20, Romans 12:14-21,2 Corinthians
10:3-5, 1 Timothy 4:1-7, Roman 12:2, others?
In what areas of life do you need to engage the “weapons of our warfare”?
7. How do these verses potentially reveal more about our gatherings for worship, prayer,
encouragement, confession, etc.?
Prayer Requests this week:
+ Human super-tyrant or Jesus
(1 John 1:5, Hebrews 1:3, Col. 1:15-20, 2:9-10)
Big Idea: Part 2:
Our response will be resignation or holy revolt. We must choose revolt.
(1 Peter 5:7-9, Ephesians 6:10-20)
1) Systemic evil is the most powerful.
2) Dealing with evil on the personal/small level.
Jesus is the Stronger Man and the Two Kingdoms/middle age tension
“The kingdom of God as Jesus uses the term refers to nothing other than his
ministry, and the ministry he gave to his disciples, of setting up God’s rule where
previously there had been Satan’s rule. If the “kingdom of God” was the central
concept of Jesus’ ministry and teachings all scholars recognize, then the ‘kingdom of Satan’ was, as a corollary concept, central as well. An increasing number
of scholars are also coming to recognize this...the NT authors also never doubted that in this present world the Creator’s will was not the only will that was being carried out. Wills, human and angelic, oppose God, and he must fight against
them. The kingdom of God, therefore, was something the NT authors prayed
for, not something they considered already accomplished (Matthew 6:10, Luke
11:2)” Boyd 185.
3) Some warnings: Not all sickness, problems, or issues are directly connected to
an evil spirit - BUT every issue DOES involve a spiritual component.
4) Confession of sin - agreeing with what God says about it and confession of
your God-given worth.
5) Become so rooted in the church, word, and worship that you can hear the
leadings of the Spirit
(1 John 4:1-4, Luke 11.17-23)
1) We can and should call evil! Not simply another aspect of God.
2) We should fight, resist, revolt through prayer, loving action and naming evil as
such, NOT as God’s perfect plan!
3) We love first. We leave final judgment to God. (We do NOT try to locate God’s
judgment in the storm).
4) Worship and prayer matter more than you suspect.
6) Pray for your neighbors, your family, your church AND
7) Get prayer when you have a problem/issue...