Most people in Christianity think they believe the Bible, and that they are led by the Holy Spirit. Why, then, are there so many different beliefs? What is true? Our founder faced this dilemma more than a century ago, and focused on finding the truth. He asked, “Of what value is any belief if God is not behind it?” This is why when he discovered untruths as a youth, he began a life-long journey to seek the true meaning behind the Scriptures. Insisting on Bible support at every point, he found that the religious world (even if limited to Christianity) has blended many external sources of thought into core beliefs - and that most contradict the Bible. L.T. chose to rely on only one source of knowledge about God's plan for this Earth and how we can become a part of it: Scripture. Listen in as we honor our humble beginnings with thankfulness and you can learn the reason for our yearning hearts!