October 28, 2018 Sun am 1 Cor 13:4-8

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Taking a look at the nature of Love.

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Thank you all for coming today. Good morning. And for all of you tuning in online, can you hear me?

Hello. That's Guy brought you to me online. Thanks for coming my mom.

There's two questions I want to ask is today. What is the nature of love? And the second one can man live without God? This past month. We've been focusing on Christian character. Folkestone topic of Hope but now we're on the topic of Love. Tony has some great things to tell us about love and John. About not only loving your neighbor, but also loving your enemies as contrary as the stock Maybe. Love & Hope are both constructs. I call him constructs because there's nothing really tangible about hope and love science can't explain it because science is an evaluation of the natural world. You can't touch test hope and love scientifically, but somehow there's a lot of data on this on this subject on this concept.

There's a lot of data on it. Do we agree that some people do some crazy things for love? Delete crazy things in the name of Hope. But the study of this data is actually in the realm of psychology. However, the evaluation of hope and love is a construct form or to the discipline of philosophy. But even then we still have difficulty defining it. Soar study of love has to be defined in order to find truth. Truth can be obtained by all these disciplines not just in science. But how do we find truth and what we call love? Before we get to this we should first understand the inadequacies of the English language when it comes to our English word. Love.

Want to see if they love many things. I love my car. I love cheeseburgers. I love my mother or Dakota commercial from one of my favorite restaurants. Love that chicken from Popeye's.

So clearly there is a large Symantec range forward that we use often. However, we have domesticated it sometimes using it without meeting on trivial things or using to express a feeling or emotion that we have that is as fleeting As the Wind. I think the Spanish language does a better job of this contract. I may be biased because my wife speak Spanish.

But I'm learning Spanish from her and I tell her often teamo, which means I love you. But I can also express it another way. I can say to Candle which means literally I like you but in Spanish you say to someone that you love. I got the privilege to learn biblical languages of Hebrew and Greek. So I'll tell you what these two languages use.

Heater has a few words that Express this concept the first word of kava. Is a generic word for love meaning to have an attraction to or be intimate with? Not necessarily romantic, but can be can be in a familial relationship. And I'm starting to say that there's a slight change error. Are you guys I seen it. There we go. , Stephen King David's name comes from a common Hebrew root, which is dode which means beloved. The most popular word for love. However, what is driving you always Covenant of Grace and Mercy and Hebrews the word cussing. That's the second word, man.

Is cussing it's a major theme of the book of Ruth. The loving-kindness are faithful love of Ruth to Naomi and they're trying times together does how hebra tries to flush out the concept that we in English have deemed low.

Taking a broom. Now, let's have a short lesson in Greek.

I believe Greek has the best distinction for the words of love. I wish me and I wish that we can convey the mass intention ality. The first one is Eros, which is erotic or intimate love a love between lovers phileo, which is friendship love or love between friends. We actually see this in the city of Philadelphia the City of Brotherly Love.

Tivoli translate is unconditional love but I can also be described as an unending love a parent would have on a child because no matter what the child does you're still going to love them right side know we talked about unconditional love and I question whether we really internalized the pin comprehended its meaning Does this mean that there are conditions? To this love that I'm supposed to give to someone does this mean that I'm if I'm supposed to show agape love that if I do that they deserved it in some way. Does this mean that even if someone is my enemy and treats me harshly that they should deserve any less love than I am commanded of them. Jesus says otherwise when telling us to love our neighbor Matthew 5 this is out of order. There are those blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account rejoice and be glad for your reward is great in heaven for so they persecuted the prophets that were before you take hope that you'll be rewarded in heaven. Even if you show love to those that may seem very difficult to love. Now back to these Greek words and the 21st chapter when Jesus restores Peter after his failure during Jesus trial be at 24 another. Yes.

Jesus asked Peter Peter. Do you love me and use the word agape? Get a response. Yes, you know, I love you, but he uses the word phileo. Jesus asked him again Peter. Do you love me Agape Peter says, yes, you know. I love you Jesus Vallejo interesting. Just ask him a third time. People that he asked him if third time Simon son of John do you love me this time? He uses the word phileo.

You see the Percy X Jesus ask him if he ask him if he loves him and he uses the word Agape response. Of course. I love you. I'm your friend. Just ask him again. Do you love me Agape Peter says, of course. I love you. I'm your friend. And then Jesus turns the table on him was Simon. Are you my friend? Here's the gut-punch realization hits Peter right where hurts and he has to face mistake that he made when he denied Jesus three times in the night of his arrest. You can see how Peter is being redeemed and being given a chance to restore himself. And that's the man that he betrayed who is Indy called his disciples his closest friends for the past 3 years.

Jesus is giving his friend a second chance by asking him. Are you indeed my friend? Are you going to stay with me this time? Shortly after Peter gets to show how much he loves Jesus by preaching a Passover in the Bible says it 3000 were added to Heavens numbers that day. The nature of Love shown to Peter by Jesus giving him to turn around. He needed to fulfill the destiny that was called to him which was culminated for him at Pentecost. Now I tell you all of this, of course is just an example of how the words love are used in the Bible. In our Bibles in English, we only see the word loved one in Greek. We see there's two different words being used and there's meeting in both of them. And then we can sometimes miss them because the inadequacies of the English language. The gospel writer John does his best to exhibit in man's language as the nature of Love shown through Christ. This is course food for thought as we Define our terms, but Paul dresses the nature of love and very critical passage and Epistles and here he answers our questions as to the nature of love. I passed for the day is 1st Corinthians 13 4 through 8 in the question again, what is the nature of love and can man love without God? no doubt, we have heard this passage 1st Corinthians 1st Corinthians 13 4 through 8 before it's been scientifically what kind of context Wedding Marriage, right But I would like to challenge us today to remove the ideas of wedding from your mind when studying this verse don't get me wrong. I love weddings. Mine was the bomb.

And you know what Jesus also loved weddings to according John his first miracle happened at a wedding. Put in our first reading of this passage answer me this is there a wedding going on in Corinth when Paul was riding this from what I can tell I believe a wedding is far from Paul's mind at this point of time. Keep in mind to that isn't the same book in which Paul and chapter 7 tells him. I wish you were like me and didn't need to marry each other. But it's better for you to marry than to burn with passion. Of course, most of most of us can't be like Paul because most of us are married or hope to be one day. Promise likely had a spiritual gift of celibacy and when she was able to devote his whole life to Christ and not to desire to get married.

And we are that are married today or indeed blessed by having our spouses the Bible tells us this. But to all of our single brothers and sisters out there do not mistake the blessing of singleness. Paul discusses this at length in Chapter 7 Nepal time of writing this letter was an episis building up the church. He received word that the church in Corinth was dying rivalries jealousy immoral behavior. All these things were dividing the church in such a way that if Paul did not address these issues. The Corinthians will fall into apostasy. They had questions of ritual Purity. There were some questions about marriage such as is divorce allowed in stomach and some of the congregation were boasting about having certain spiritual gifts that were greater than others. And there's an irony in that we'll talk about that. This appears to be the real problem causing divisions in the church at Corinth. before getting to our famous chapter 13 verse will need to address the situation in chapter 12 and chapter 12 Paul's address addressing the irony of spiritual gifts somehow being the reason for the Visions in the church. The Corinthians were making such claims such as wisdom and knowledge. No doubt gifts that are still around today. And I would argue that many Among Us have inherited this gift from the spirit. I can see many faces now that I know have inherited the gift of wisdom and knowledge.

The Corinthians informed him of other gift. They were boasting on 1st Corinthians 12:10.

To another the working of Miracles to another prophecy to another the ability to distinguish between spirits to another various kinds of tongues. And another the interpretation of tongues. These are gifts that were not accustomed to today. However, they claim to have these gifts but watch what Paul does it appears that they are asking him what spiritual gifts were legitimate and which ones were perhaps better than the others but he masterfully guide them in his worst. Skip skillfully sidestepping the answer he knew they were looking for instead. He addresses the heart of the issue. Bristol Amman All of these are powered by one in the same spirit will portions to each other and to each one individually as he Wills for just at the body is one and has many members in all the members of the body though many are one body. So it is with price for 13 four and one Spirit. We were all baptized in the Jews are grease slaves were free and all were made to drink of one spirit for the body does not consist of one member but many Because I'm not a hand. I do not belong in the body. That would not make it any less part of the body. If all were single member, where would the body be as it is? There are many parts yet one body. Pulse tears away the conversation concerning the legitimacy of their claims and the hierarchy of spiritual gifts and focuses on the great irony. How can gift that are given by the spirit divided you all in the body of Christ?

Don't you see this great irony to divide us?

Under Christ. So clearly the Corinthians are missing something. I sure by the time you're asking about love. You talking about spiritual gifts What's Love Got to Do with It? in the name of the famous prophetess Tina Turner

Don't worry, baby birds. I'm about to beat you. Okay? Guess where the answers are scripture. I Lament The Bible sometimes cryptic but I love passages like this that really seem to make it plain as day. 1st Corinthians, 12:29 are all Apostles are all prophets are all teachers do all work miracles. Do all possess Gifts of healing do all speak with tongues do all interpret. But earnestly desire the higher gifts and then what he say and I will shoot still show you a more excellent way.

Do you know where he's going with this? I think we do.

probably one of my favorite verses 1st Corinthians 13:1 Even if I speak in the tongues of men and angels, but have not love I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal wonderful illustration making a preacher's life easy.

Brazilian if I had prophetic powers and understand all Mysteries and all knowledge. And if I have all Faith so as to remove mountains, but have not love I am nothing verse 3 if I give away all I have and if I deliver at my body to be burned in other words he saying if I'm so holy and blameless that you can even offer me up as a sacrifice like the blameless lamb at Passover, but have not love I gain nothing.

Brothers and sisters. I finally presents you are passage not in contacts, but in the context of a Dying Church the needs to turn their focus, you see the division the gifts which the spirit of God has given them their divisions like with their selfishness. Look what I can do. They were posting in the gift that they were given as if they earn these gifts or achieved them on their own. Everything. You do should point to the one that is given you the gift.

don't they realize that they've already been given the greatest spiritual gift one actually worth boasting about better than prophecy better than speaking in tongues better than healing better than all knowledge better than wisdom better than the ability to move mountains.

But what but what means do receive this gift by the greatest at the world has ever seen and it can only be done with the greatest act of love the world has ever seen. It was an actual event that happened in time and space Paul tells them what they are missing and tells them that love can heal their Church. It can heal our church. And that's church with Big C. I mean the Church of Christ has a body. But there's a problem Church. As poetic as this passage is it terrifies me? Twitter the first up there Love is patient. Right there. I miss mark. Love is kind. I can think of countless times. I let my anger get the best of me loves not envy or boast. It is not arrogant or rude.

I miss that too is not insist on its own way. Okay, so selfish. Is that yours or resentful? I just got here to about myself soon. It is our choices wrongdoings but rejoices with the truth love bears all things believes all things hopes, all things endures all things. How can I ever hope to it live up to this? I can live my whole life time and there's no way I don't fall short at least one of these categories once if I if I haven't already. Does it scare anybody else?

Doesn't seem like this is asking for pure perfection. weight

13/8 Love Never Ends, perhaps I'm looking at this the wrong way. It seems I'm just as guilty and I'm making the same mistakes as the Corinthians making it all about me and what I can do. When there is only one that successfully describe yourself as never ending. God is never ending.

So what is the nature of love our first question? You see the nature of Love is God's nature. It is something that I am not I need help to be anywhere close to a pause talking about here 1st Corinthians 13 4 through 8. I need help if I want to get to the point where I can love with patience and kindness. But there's another problem Church. The very problem is something that is not of God's nature. This is a course in is not of God's nature cannot do. And that is sin which should make sense because then essentially is the rejection of God himself in the Garden of Eden. They took of the fruit and they rejected God they sent. I suspect that a major reason they were kicked out of the garden was for their own safety because one can I hope to stand in the presence of God and mercy and unrepented sin? It is not of his nature. We see this played out in the Tabernacle.

Which was designed to show what we stand where we stand with God and His Holiness where in the holy of holies into the holy of holies on the day of atonement. As a part of the Priestly robes, they had Bell's fast into the roads and they were aware rope tied to them just in case of situation would occur in which the enter the holy of holies not richly pure as in there's a tone for and the power of God or the nature of God would consume them. We see this very thing happened Leviticus 10, but they'd have been by who the sons of Erin. You cannot be in the presence of God. If what you are is rejecting God we have the same concept of zurvan natural world today. I cannot hope or a law of nature is that two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. I cannot hope to try and sit in the very same seat as Tony at the same time. It's physically impossible one of us would have to reject or displace each other the nature and the nature of God are like oil and water the Toots simply do not mix one will rise to the top and the other will be dragged to the bottom. So we won't inherit this nature of God love but sin is blocking us from attaining it literally two forces of nature and competition battling for our very Souls, but there is good news. God made a way for us to inherit This Love

This nature it's not impossible to attain because with God. All things are possible are they not friends all answering now? We cannot fully love without it is impossible to live a 1st Corinthians 13 4 through 8 life without God. In fact, we should realized we don't have to stress over trying to reach this impossibly high standard for herself because the act of love has already taken place for us in the person of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary.

1st Corinthians 13 4 through 8 is not a standard. We should try to achieve our own but as a reflection of the Gospel of Jesus Christ played out before us. It is not a burden we must carry to try and be perfect people but is a picture that shows what has already been done for us. Very next week is going to preach on exciting topic God Is Love from 1st John 4:8 and as a precursor that precursor to that let's use this concept for a second. God is love the logically this means that we can use the word love and God interchangeably, correct. I'm glad you guys before I do this part. So we have our first 13 4 through 8. What should I do here? Go ahead. Next song please.

All right.

All right, if I give away all I have and I deliver at my body to be burned but have not God I am nothing God is patient. God is kind. God does not envy or boast God is Not arrogant or rude. God does not insist on its own way. You showed this on the cross. He gave himself up for us God is Not irritable or resentful. Otherwise, we would have a chance. Does not rejoice that wrongdoings he rejoices with the truth. God Bears all things believes all things hopes. All things endures all things God never ends. He is the Alpha and the Omega this one Paul talking about when he finishes first date. He says they'll pass away as for tongues. They will STEEZ pass for knowledge. It will pass away all of these gifts and knowledge will pass away but one thing remain love one thing wrong will remain God. We cannot hope to love fully a perfectly without God in our lives only with God. Can I even get close to this? And it is This Love that shows through to the world. In the same way the Corinthians use their spiritual gifts to point to the cell. Paul urges been to love and Is This Love that points them to Christ. If the kids not pointing to Christ the gospel. Then what you're doing is Bane. It accomplishes nothing. So, how do we do that? How do we point to Christ? Unfortunately, I can't answer this in my profession. I'm an archaeologist a scientist and my profession I deal with the natural world the observable World someone to believe in God. Jesus doesn't say I got up here and you will win them over the god. What's he say? He says they will know you are my disciples by how you what. How you love each other?

Jesus also tells him and John 15:13 greater love has no one than this that someone lay down his life for his friends Christ clearly lead this by example and asked us to do the same. I sure Peter was thinking of Jesus saying this very this very thing when she just asked him. Do you love me phileo? Are you my friend willing to go as far as I went for you? This is how I read the passage anyway, but it's chat and it cut in as challenging to me. I hope it's also challenging to you. Call Evan Hansen the sacrificial love in a fusion spot another heavily quoted first in a wedding context wives submit yourselves to your husband's as you use the Lord only like to recite this verse. And not in it as if it gives us any power over 1. However some reason we stop right there but men keep reading. What to say after that verse 25 husbands love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. What did Jesus give up for the church he died for her in the same way husband should be willing to love their wives in a way that that you would die for her are We There Yet church have we reached a point where we can die for our friends died for husbands or wives or hold on our enemies. Brass, we can't die for them. Maybe instead. We should try to live for them. And reflects the love that was shown on the cross to others. Maybe we don't have to die because the ultimate sacrificial death was already displayed in his finality 2000 years ago. on the cross Let us together as the body of Christ accept God's nature into our lives so we can successfully reach out to the world not in judgment not in hate but in love. If you did not love each other with God's love than what we are doing here is in vain. We become just a support group.

We don't want to be just a support group. We want to be a movement for all people no matter what race you are what your background is, no matter how you're living your life now or how you lived in the past. It is not matter for there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. We want to be a moving that gives life and life to the full. If you have not received this free gift I implore you to do so. We asking you come join our movement and spread love to the world. We have water come and be baptized in the life and death of Jesus Christ. The scripture tells us and the free gift of love and salvation is ours. We can put sent to death and take on God's nature the nature of Love Galatians 3:27 says for as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ we have taken on God's nature in this way in baptism. This is my last time. With our invitation going back to Peter. He says love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins. I think it's amazing that Peter says this because I know he's experienced first when Jesus redeemed Peter for my own shortcomings only Jesus can which gave him the power and the strength the strength to preach This Love This Love, which is Jesus and what was shown on the cross? If God is calling you now come up to the front as we sing a song of annotation.

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