Romans 6:1-23

Romans  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  42:47
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Are you new creation? If so, are you living like it?

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Please find Romans 6:1-14 in your Bibles this morning...
The nineteenth-century preacher Roland Hill once told a story of how a drunken man came up to him and said, “I am one of your converts, Mr. Hill.” “I daresay you are,” replied the preacher; “but you are none of the Lord’s, or you would not be drunk.”
When a church misunderstands the Bible’s teaching on conversion, it may well become filled with people who made sincere pronouncements at one point in their lives but who have not experienced the radical change the Bible presents as conversion.
It’s not reciting a creed. It’s not saying a prayer. It’s not a conversation. It’s not becoming a Westerner. It’s not reaching a certain age, attending a class, or passing through some other rite of adulthood.
Many people get offended when you criticize them or suggest they make a change myself included, how about you?
As we have already seen in Romans, scripture says all people desperately need to change because by nature we are alienated from God, rebellious toward God, and subject to the wrath of God.
Many people today believe that people can’t really change. We may be able to make some minor adjustments here and there, but we can’t fundamentally change who we are.
However, by God’s grace, through the gospel, we can change. Through faith in Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we can change!
WHAT IS THE CHANGE WE NEED? - Born again, new nature, new heart!
Many people might agree that there are some changes they need to make to be a better person. Nicer to family, and friends, more patient and giving. However, few is the number of people that believe that they are not “good enough” to go to heaven.
Jesus teaches that in order to enter God’s kingdom, we must be born again [Jhn 3.3]. God himself must give us a new nature in order that we would believe in Christ and do God’s will.
HOW DOES THIS CHANGE HAPPEN? - Gy grace through faith!
Therefore conversion is the radical change that comes about when a person turns from their sin and trusts in Christ. How does this conversion happen?
Through the gospel, by the power of the Holy Spirit, God gives new life to spiritually dead sinners. Conversion happens when God grants us a new nature and supernaturally enables us to repent of our sins and believe the gospel.
WHAT IS THE FRUIT OF THIS CHANGE? = Romans 6:1-14; 15-23
From 9Marks Healthy Church Study Guides [Real Change: Conversion] - Bobby Jamieson & Mark Dever - Crossway Publishers


O eternal, almighty, and most gracious God: heaven is your throne, and earth is your footstool; holy and reverend is your name. You are praised by all the heavenly hosts, and in the congregation of your saints on earth, who will be sanctified as they come near to you. We are sinful and unworthy dust; but being invited by you, we are bold, through our blessed Mediator, to present ourselves and our supplications before you. Receive us graciously; help us by thy Spirit: let your fear be upon us; let your word come to us in power, and be received in love, with attentive, reverent, and obedient minds. Make it to us a savour of life unto life. Cause us to be fervent in prayer, and joyful in your praises, and to serve you this day without distraction; that we may find that a day in your courts is better than a thousand eleswhere, and that it is good for us to draw near to God; through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
Hughes, R. Kent. The Pastor's Book: A Comprehensive and Practical Guide to Pastoral Ministry (pp. 267-268). Crossway. Kindle Edition.

$0.50 Christian Words

Antinomianism = Living without law
Mortification = Putting off the Old man
Vivification = Putting on the New man / living to righteousness
Romans 6:1 ESV
1 What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound?
Antinomianism (from the Greek: ἀντί, "against" + νόμος, "law") In Christianity, an antinomian is one who takes the principle of salvation by faith and divine grace to the point of asserting that the saved are not bound to follow the moral law contained in the Ten Commandments.
Rom 6.15
What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace?
Early church heresy
Continued today…
“By no means!”
Why not?
Romans 6:2 ESV
2 By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?
We died to sin. This is the foundation fact of Paul’s thesis. How can we live in what we have died to (2)?
Antinomianism is the very thing Paul says is utterly unthinkable for a true believer
The Greek verb is PAST TENSE
The sentence could be translated: ‘We died to sin [in the past]; how then shall we live in it [in the future]?
The Message of Romans (i) We Died to Sin (2)

When we die, our five senses will cease to operate. We will no longer be able to touch, taste, see, smell or hear. We will lose all ability to feel or to respond to external stimuli. Just so, it is argued, to die to sin means to become insensitive to it.

Perfectionism - Sinlessness
This view is incompatible with Paul’s view and exhortations...
This view is incompatible with our Christian experience…
Disillusion = doubt God’s Wrod
Self-denial = dishonesty with sin or our experience
The Pillar New Testament Commentary: The Epistle to the Romans A. Shall We Continue to Sin that Grace May Abound? 6:1–14

Becoming a Christian is a decisive step; it is the beginning of faith and it means the end of sin.

The end of the reign of Sin and the beginning of the reign of Grace! - Rom 5.21
Dead to the guilt of sin = Justified !!
How did we die to sin?
Romans 6:3 ESV
3 Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death?
The way in which we have died to sin is illustrated in our baptism, which illustrates our being united us with Christ in his death (3).
Baptism = immersion = evoked violence
people being drowned / ships being sunk
Paul Is Not Saying… = Baptism is what saves you!
Paul would not contradict himself…
by grace / through faith / because of Christ
Baptism does not save you it illustrates that you are saved…
What else does Baptism illustrate?
Having shared in Christ’s death, God wants us also to share in his resurrection life (4–5).
Romans 6:4 ESV
4 We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.
The Message of Romans (iii) God Intends Us to Share Also in Christ’s Resurrection (4–5)

the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ are not only historical facts and significant doctrines, but also personal experiences, since through faith-baptism we have come to share in them ourselves.

Just As… So Also
death - new life
The Gospel of God: Romans Identification with Christ

When we embrace Christ in justifying faith, we put to death the old man, the old life, the old corrupt human nature. It is dead and buried. Just as Christ came out of the tomb with a new power of life, a resurrected life, so the Christian, once he is reborn and justified by faith, is to show evidence of new life, because a new power for life has been imparted to him by the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Romans 6:5 ESV
5 For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.
Not only now but future
for certain!!
Our former self was crucified with Christ in order that we might be freed from sin’s slavery (6–7).
Romans 6:6 ESV
6 We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin.
The Message of Romans (iv) We Know that Our Old Self Was Crucified with Christ (6–7)

Verse 6 contains three closely related clauses. We are told that something happened, in order that something else might happen, in order that a third thing might happen.

Heresy = the human body itself is bad [sinful]
Asceticism = severs self discipline avoiding all indulgences
The Gospel of God: Romans Identification with Christ

A somewhat barbaric form of this punishment was for the convicted murderer to be sentenced to have the rotting corpse of his victim tied to his own back, so wherever he went he was reminded of the loathsome act that he had committed. He walked around with a dead human body attached to his own back reminding him of his criminal transgression. Some have said that this is what Paul had in mind by the phrase ‘body of sin’. We carry the foul-smelling, corrupt old man that is still clinging to us, but in our sanctification we are to be set free from the power of that corpse.

We are freed from this guilt!
Verse 7 syas!
Romans 6:7 ESV
7 For one who has died has been set free from sin.
Does this mean that real Christians no longer sin!?
Gal 5.24
Galatians 5:24 ESV
24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.
Verses difforent
Paul writes both / Paul’s exhortations / Paul’s experience
2 Crucifixions of NT
Legal Christ centered death
Personal daily death to self
first is unrepeatable / second must be repeated & dependent on first
1 Cor 15.31
1 Corinthians 15:31 ESV
31 I protest, brothers, by my pride in you, which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die every day!
Both the death and the resurrection of Jesus were decisive events: he died to sin once for all, but he lives continuously unto God (8–10).
Romans 6:8–10 ESV
8 Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. 9 We know that Christ, being raised from the dead, will never die again; death no longer has dominion over him. 10 For the death he died he died to sin, once for all, but the life he lives he lives to God.
Not simply a future hope = a present reality!
The Message of Romans (v) We Believe that We Will Also Live with Christ (8–10)

Imagine an elderly believer called John Jones, who is looking back over his long life. It is divided by his conversion into two halves, the old self (John Jones before his conversion) and the new self (John Jones after his conversion). These are not his two natures, but his two consecutive lives. By faith and baptism John Jones was united to Christ. His old self died with Christ to sin, its penalty borne and finished. At the same time John Jones rose again with Christ, a new man, to live a new life unto God. John Jones is every believer. We are John Jones if we are one with Christ. We died with Christ (6–7); we have risen with Christ (8–9). Our old life terminated with the judicial death it deserved; our new life began with a resurrection.

Protestant Crosses are Empty = Christ is alive!!
We must realize that we are now what Christ is, namely ‘dead to sin but alive to God’ (11).
Romans 6:11 ESV
11 So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.
Secret to Christian Success!!
Consider = know, count on, regard, reckon, believe!!
v3 = know - baptized into his death
v6 = know - old self crucified - no longer slaves
v9 = know - Christ’s death was once and once alone - sufficient - victorious !
G.I. Joe = “Now you know and knowing is half the battle”
Rom 12.2 = renew our minds!
The Gospel of God: Romans Identification with Christ

Paul is making here a very simple deduction. If God reckons you dead in Jesus Christ, if God accounts your sins to be dead on the cross, then you also ought to reckon yourself to be dead. Paul is not asking us to do anything toward ourselves that God has not first done for us. We are to consider that our old life is dead. Put it away, it’s over, it’s done. It died once and for all. You can’t go back.

The Message of Romans (vi) We Must Count Ourselves Dead to Sin but Alive to God (11)

If Christ’s death was a death to sin (which it was), and if his resurrection was a resurrection to God (which it was), and if by faith-baptism we have been united to Christ in his death and resurrection (which we have been), then we ourselves have died to sin and risen to God. We must therefore ‘reckon’ (AV), ‘consider’ (RSV), ‘regard’ (NEB), ‘look upon’ (JBP) or count (NIV) ourselves dead to sin but alive to God in, or by reason of our union with, Christ Jesus (11).

This ‘reckoning’ is not make-believe. It is not screwing up our faith to believe what we do not believe. We are not to pretend that our old nature has died, when we know perfectly well it has not. Instead we are to realize and remember that our former self did die with Christ, thus putting an end to its career. We are to consider what in fact we are, namely dead to sin and alive to God (11), like Christ (10). Once we grasp this, that our old life has ended, with the score settled, the debt paid and the law satisfied, we shall want to have nothing more to do with it.

Application of truth - fruit of conversion
Being alive from death, we must offer our bodies to God as instruments of righteousness (12–13).
Romans 6:12–13 ESV
12 Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, to make you obey its passions. 13 Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness.
Therefore = Arguments end…Application Begins
This is a command! = from Christ Himself…
Instrument = tool / weapon
We are not sinless but we must sin less!
Because we are free we must fight
The Message of Romans (vi) We Must Count Ourselves Dead to Sin but Alive to God (11)

Can a married woman live as though she were still single? Well, yes, I suppose she could. It is not impossible. But let her remember who she is. Let her feel her wedding ring, the symbol of her new life of union with her husband, and she will want to live accordingly. Can born-again Christians live as though they were still in their sins? Well, yes, I suppose they could, at least for a while. It is not impossible. But let them remember who they are. Let them recall their baptism, the symbol of their new life of union-with Christ, and they will want to live accordingly.

The Gospel of God: Romans Dedication to Christ

Imagine God coming to a cemetery and raising people from their graves, and then the people walking out of the graves refusing to acknowledge him as God. That’s what it would be like if a person who is justified, buried with Christ and then made alive, disregards the one who has raised him from the dead.

The Gospel of God: Romans Dedication to Christ

He is not just talking about the body, but includes the mind, the heart, and everything else. Nothing of what makes up a human being is to be yielded as a tool or an instrument of sin.

1 Cor 10.13
1 Corinthians 10:13 ESV
13 No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.
Similarly …
Romans 6:16–19 ESV
16 Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin, which leads to death, or of obedience, which leads to righteousness? 17 But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, 18 and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness. 19 I am speaking in human terms, because of your natural limitations. For just as you once presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness leading to more lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness leading to sanctification.
fight because of the command
fight because of the promise
do not use grace as an excuse
grace is the weapon!
Sin shall not be our master, because our position has radically changed from being ‘under law’ to being ‘under grace’. Grace does not encourage sin; it outlaws it (14).
Romans 6:14 ESV
14 For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.
Why serve God, Why offer ourselves to Him?
Sin because = no law / grace increase
Promise = Sin will not dominate us! | Freedom!!
let grace reign in your mortal bodies
kingdom / king
Legalism = Our king is a tyrant who must be appeased
Antinomianism = Our king is a kitten that has been declawed
The Gospel of God: Romans Christians are Dead to Sin (6:1–23)

Antinomianism says, ‘I am saved by faith, therefore I never have to be concerned in the slightest about obeying the law.’ Antinomianism says that the commandments of God have no binding influence on my conscience. That is not just a distortion of Christianity, it is a fundamental denial of Christianity. Yet this notion is commonplace in Christian circles.

Good works that follow from your conversion will not count for your justification, but if they are not there, it proves that faith is not there either. Your works don’t give you salvation; the work of Jesus gives you salvation. But if you do not have works in your Christian life, you are not a Christian; you have never been redeemed; you have never trusted in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Antinomianism is the very thing Paul says is utterly unthinkable for a true believer

Romans 6:20–23 ESV
20 For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. 21 But what fruit were you getting at that time from the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death. 22 But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life. 23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Freedom = slavery
works = wages
Subjugation = freedom
gift = grace
joy = obedience!
Those who are truly converted are no longer enslaved to sin and no longer live in sin. Instead, they increasingly grow in loving God and loving others. In other words, the fruit of conversion is freedom from the habitual practice of sin. [freedom from that which brings shame and death]
From 9Marks Healthy Church Study Guides [Real Change: Conversion] - Bobby Jamieson & Mark Dever - Crossway Publishers


Have you ever experienced that kind of change? That conversion? Where you reckoned yourself dead to sin and alive to Christ! If you have not I beg you to come to Christ even now asking for forgiveness and accepting his gift of grace. Cutting ties with the old man and reckoning yourself to God as the new man you can be thought Christ, committing yourself to become an instrument in the redeemers hands.
If for you beloved believer the old is dead and the new has come, LIVE LIKE IT!


Grant [us], we beseech thee, Almighty God, that the words, which we have heard this day with our outward ears, may through thy grace be so grafted [into] our hearts, that they may bring forth in us the fruit of good living, to the honour and praise of [your holy] name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Hughes, R. Kent. The Pastor's Book: A Comprehensive and Practical Guide to Pastoral Ministry (p. 309). Crossway. Kindle Edition.
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