Take God At His Word
A little girl was given two dollars by her father. He told her that she could do anything she wanted with one and that the other was to be given to God on Sunday at church. The girl nodded in agreement and asked if she could go to the candy store. With visions of all that she could buy with her dollar, she happily skipped toward the store, holding tightly to the two dollars in her hand. As she was skipping along, she tripped and fell and the wind blew one of the dollars into a storm drain at the curb. Picking herself up, the little girl looked at the dollar still in her hand and then at the storm drain and said, “Well, Lord, there goes your dollar.”
Sadly, many of us Christians have the same attitude toward giving. First me, then God.
Your Part In Giving
What Giving Produces
A family sat down at the dinner table following church one Sunday.
“The sermon was boring today,” said the teenage son.
“Yeah, could you believe how the pastor stumbled over the reading of the Scripture?” his sister chimed in.
“I’ve got to admit it was an uninspiring day,” said Mother. “The choir was terrible.”
Finally, father, showing his leadership, said, “Hush, you guys. Quit complaining. What did you expect for a quarter?”