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6 Dijo también esta parábola: «Un hombre tenía una higuera plantada en su viña, y vino a buscar fruto en ella y no lo halló. 7 Y dijo al viñador: “Ya hace tres años que vengo a buscar fruto en esta higuera y no lo hallo. ¡Córtala! ¿Para qué inutilizar también la tierra?”. 8 Él entonces, respondiendo, le dijo: “Señor, déjala todavía este año, hasta que yo cave alrededor de ella y la abone. 9 Si da fruto, bien; y si no, la cortarás después”».
luke 13
Context: Jesus was speaking here about repentance and judgement, see verses 1-12.
Then, on verses 6 to 9 He talks about the Parable of the barren fig tree.
Fig tree photo
Fig trees were mentioned about 60 times in Scriptures. The first time in . They were very common by the Mediterranean and important for the economy in Israel.
Very common by the Mediterranean and important for the economy in Israel.
Jesus Himself enjoyed its fruit.
This is just one more of the several parables about accountability (Talents, Unfaithful Servant, Ten Virgins, etc.) That’s because our God is a God of accountability.
God is a God of accountability.
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16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
From Pr. Joe Mckeever:
A fellow I was reading enjoys telling something that he and his brothers did as children
When they misbehaved and were sent to their room, they were secretly pleased. Just outside their window stood an old fruit tree. The boys would softly raise the window, climb down the tree, and play in the field behind the house. After a bit, they would climb the tree, slip inside and close the window. Then, they’d call downstairs to mom and dad, asking if they hadn’t suffered enough.
One day they heard Dad tell Mom he planned to cut the tree down. “It hasn’t borne any fruit in years.” The boys panicked and went into action.
Pooling their money, they ran to the village market and bought a sack of apples and a spool of black thread. That evening, they slipped out the window and tied the apples onto the tree.
Next morning, they waited eagerly for Dad’s reaction.
Soon they were pleased to hear him call out, “Mary! Come see! It’s a miracle! That tree is covered with apples.”
The boys were congratulating themselves. Then they heard Dad say, “It really is a miracle…because that’s a pear tree!”
(The parents had the wisdom and good humor to allow the tree to survive.)
Therefore, there are three principles we can learn with this parable:
Therefore, there are three principles we can learn with this parable:
1. Fruitfulness is a divine expectation
1. Fruitfulness is a divine expectation
It’s God’s right - Garden of Eden/Canaan
It’s an order, as well. When Noah left the ark the Lord said: “Multiply!”
In this parable, there was no excuse, because the fig tree was planted separately from the others (it was planted in a vineyard, a fertile soil.
Luke: An Introduction and Commentary 2. The Man Seeking Fruit (13:6–9)
6–7. Jesus sets the scene with a fig tree in a vineyard (and thus in fertile soil). The owner has been looking for fruit for three years, which seems to indicate a well-established tree.
Even with all the care and investments, there was no fruit.
Another example is given i n Isaiah:
1 Ahora cantaré por mi amado el cantar de mi amado a su viña. Tenía mi amado una viña en una ladera fértil. 2 La había cercado y despedregado y plantado de vides escogidas; había edificado en medio de ella una torre y había hecho también en ella un lagar; y esperaba que diera uvas buenas, pero dio uvas silvestres. 3 Ahora, pues, vecinos de Jerusalén y varones de Judá, juzgad entre mí y mi viña. 4 ¿Qué más se podía hacer a mi viña, que yo no haya hecho en ella? ¿Cómo, esperando yo que diera uvas buenas, ha dado uvas silvestres? 5 Os mostraré, pues, ahora lo que haré yo a mi viña: Le quitaré su vallado y será consumida; derribaré su cerca y será pisoteada. 6 Haré que quede desierta; no será podada ni cavada, y crecerán el cardo y los espinos; y aun a las nubes mandaré que no derramen lluvia sobre ella. 7 Ciertamente la viña de Jehová de los ejércitos es la casa de Israel, y los hombres de Judá, planta deliciosa suya. Esperaba juicio, y hubo vileza; justicia, y hubo clamor.
God actually counts time! 3 years was the usual time, and the mercy of the Lord is so great that He warns us, before we are out of time. The same way Jesus came for 3 years, and did not find fruit in Israel.
2. There can be no fruit separated from the Source
2. There can be no fruit separated from the Source
1 »Yo soy la vid verdadera y mi Padre es el labrador. 2 Todo pámpano que en mí no lleva fruto, lo quitará; y todo aquel que lleva fruto, lo limpiará, para que lleve más fruto. 3 Ya vosotros estáis limpios por la palabra que os he hablado. 4 Permaneced en mí, y yo en vosotros. Como el pámpano no puede llevar fruto por sí mismo, si no permanece en la vid, así tampoco vosotros, si no permanecéis en mí. 5 »Yo soy la vid, vosotros los pámpanos; el que permanece en mí y yo en él, este lleva mucho fruto, porque separados de mí nada podéis hacer.
1 »Yo soy la vid verdadera y mi Padre es el labrador.
john 15.1-5
The same way the farmer asked for a chance, we can rely on our lawyer Jesus to intercede for us.
The advices from the owner:
The advices from the owner:
The advices from the owner:
DIG - to work the structures and root of the plant. That would be evaluating your values, your integrity, relationships and the way you see life. It’s like David requested the Lord.
24 And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting.
23 Examíname, oh Dios, y conoce mi corazón; Pruébame y conoce mis pensamientos; 24 Y ve si hay en mí camino de perversidad, Y guíame en el camino eterno.
FERTILIZE - to put new ingredients in our life that would increase growth and spiritual health
Does your marriage needs fertilizing? Perhaps your devotional life?
3. How to be fruitful
3. How to be fruitful
Using our natural and spiritual talents
Using our natural and spiritual talents
There is nobody in this world without a talent.
Improve at what you’re good at.
By fruits of justice
By fruits of justice
By Fruits of Righteousness
By Fruits of Righteousness
11 llenos de frutos de justicia que son por medio de Jesucristo, para gloria y alabanza de Dios.
Good testimony
12 Hermanos míos, ¿puede acaso la higuera producir aceitunas, o la vid higos? Del mismo modo, ninguna fuente puede dar agua salada y dulce.
Fruit of the Spirit
22 Pero el fruto del Espíritu es amor, gozo, paz, paciencia, benignidad, bondad, fe, 23 mansedumbre, templanza; contra tales cosas no hay ley.
16 I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.
gal 5.16-17
Making Disciples
Making Disciples
19 Por tanto, id y haced discípulos a todas las naciones, bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo,
Making disciples is the only thing Jesus requested before He left, He didn’t say anything about systems, temples or denominations, He is interested in disciples!
We have the greatest message someone can tell: Preach it, make disciples!!
16 No me elegisteis vosotros a mí, sino que yo os elegí a vosotros y os he puesto para que vayáis y llevéis fruto, y vuestro fruto permanezca; para que todo lo que pidáis al Padre en mi nombre, él os lo dé.
Final Applications
Final Applications
Work your soil, prepare your land, fertilize it!
Don’t worry with the results, God Himself will grant it. The apostle Paul talks about that:
The apostle Paul talks about that: “I planted, Apollos watered, but the growth comes from the Lord”.
6 Yo planté, Apolos regó; pero el crecimiento lo ha dado Dios.
This week, pay attention to details, and see if there is something dying that needs your attention.
Illustration (when Liza cut the tree from Pr. Daniel’s yard, and we were able to save it.)
Remember, do your part, that the growth will come from the Lord.
To be a christian involves responsibilities, and there is some serious warnings in the Scriptures about mocking God’s chances. King Solomon warns us:
24 Yo os llamé, pero no quisisteis escuchar; tendí mi mano, pero no hubo quien atendiera, 25 sino que desechasteis todos mis consejos y rechazasteis mi reprensión; 26 por eso, también yo me reiré en vuestra calamidad, me burlaré cuando os venga lo que teméis, 27 cuando venga como una destrucción lo que teméis y vuestra calamidad llegue como un torbellino; cuando sobre vosotros venga tribulación y angustia. 28 »Entonces me llamarán, pero no responderé; me buscarán de mañana, pero no me hallarán. 29 Por cuanto aborrecieron la sabiduría y no escogieron el temor de Jehová, 30 sino que rechazaron mi consejo y menospreciaron todas mis reprensiones, 31 comerán del fruto de su camino y se hastiarán de sus propios consejos.
One day, our time will expire!! For the fig tree, there was time, but not for the 18 who were killed with the fall of the tower of Siloam on verse 3. We really don’t know what will happen to us next.
You may like it or not, if you bear fruit, you are safe, if not... the choice is yours, but your clock is ticking!! Meanwhile, the Lord keeps waiting patiently, because He wants the best for us.
9 El Señor no retarda su promesa, según algunos la tienen por tardanza, sino que es paciente para con nosotros, no queriendo que ninguno perezca, sino que todos procedan al arrepentimiento.
2 peter
10 Así podréis andar como es digno del Señor, agradándolo en todo, llevando fruto en toda buena obra y creciendo en el conocimiento de Dios.
10 that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;
Look at your own life today, and be fruitful!!
Look at your own life today, and be fruitful!!
Be fruitful!!
Be fruitful!!
10 Así podréis andar como es digno del Señor, agradándolo en todo, llevando fruto en toda buena obra y creciendo en el conocimiento de Dios.