How to Be an Influencer
Someone said, “It is the law of influence that we become like those whom we habitually admire. Men are mosaics of other men.”
The earliest Christians strove to live the message of Christ, to love God and to love others in unity (Phil 2:1–2; 3:10; Eph 4:1–16) by practicing self-sacrifice in a spirit of thankfulness to God (Phil 2:17–18; 2 Thess 2:13). They did this because the resurrection was real to them, as was the tangible presence of God’s kingdom. It was by the Holy Spirit’s power that they lived this message, utilizing the gifts of the Spirit that acknowledged this power (Acts 1:8;
God has given us the responsibility and privilege of entering into one another’s growth process.
Someone said, “It is the law of influence that we become like those whom we habitually admire. Men are mosaics of other men.”
Clarke, Christian Theology, 88—“Love is God’s desire to impart himself, and so all good, to other persons, and to possess them for his own spiritual fellowship
1. Stop Talking about Love and Start Loving.
A. Real Children Know love. (born again)
God’s love is considered his central attribute in that all other divine attributes are but expressions of his love
It is true that loving people are to be found outside the Christian Church as well as inside it; but, important as love is, John is well aware that by itself love is not a mark of being God’s child and knowing him
God is love because God is a Trinity, because for eternity this God has been giving out—positively bursting with—love for his Son.
Love is the event in which God spoke for Himself in human history by His Son. This sentence and its parallel sentence are at the theological core of John’s definition of love: “Not that we loved God but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the one who takes our place… .” Love, for John, is what God has done in our behalf. Love is the person Jesus Christ alongside humanity on the road as Savior of the world.
2. Turn off the Distractions and Turn on Knowing God.
the Holy Spirit loves (Rom. 15:30), is vexed (Is. 63:10), and is grieved (Eph. 4:30). (3) The Holy Spirit possesses a will: “But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to ever man severally as He will” (1 Cor. 12:11).
John emphasizes the biblical truth that the divine initiative is central to the plan of salvation (as it is to the activity of creation). God loved us enough to save us; and our love (for him and for others) can only be an answer to that love (see
The solution is to enjoy God's love for you. Enjoy might not be a word you are comfortable using to describe how you experience God's love. We tend to think how unworthy we are, how gracious God is, and therefore how stingy we need to be with God's love. In other words, we like it but we need to use it in small doses so as not to exhaust the supply.
God's love is unlimited. Enjoy it. Revel in it. Drink deeply from the well. Let God's love immerse you. God's love is perfect, and perfect love—enjoyed thoroughly—will drive out fear. It really will. As you rest securely in God's love, condemnation ceases, self-punishment stops, and fear diminishes.
Love is a dynamic word, not a static word. We must then decide to live in its living presence and grow in its full implications or else we will grow cold and go adrift. When we lose a living relationship with God’s love it is not that God leaves us; it is that we leave Him
3. Stop Making Excuses and Start Influencing.
A little boy had a part in the school play that read, “It is I; be not afraid.” He came out on stage and said, “It’s me and I’m scared.
“There is love in many places, like wandering beams of light; but as for the sun, it is in one part of the heavens, and we look at it, and we say, ‘Herein is light.’ … He did not look at the Church of God, and say of all the myriads who counted not their lives dear unto them, ‘Herein is love,’ for their love was only the reflected brightness of the great sun of love.” (Spurgeon
We must love the real people in the real places where we live. There is not one ounce of escapism here, but, instead, a fully involved, definite lifestyle in daily companionship with Jesus Christ
If you had a pipe that was clogged—water kept going into it, but never came out, that pipe would be useless. You would replace it. Just so, God puts His love into our lives that it might flow out. We want the Lord to clear us and fill us so that His love can flow through us.
It boils down to this. We will not be able to imitate God in our love for others unless we know that we are blessed, valuable, and significant—that we are loved. Our sense of being loved must not depend on this person liking us or that person coming through for us. You and I are not just “okay.” In Christ, we are wonderful, significant, valuable, dearly loved, and the objects of God’s infinite and unconditional affection.