Scripture Reading
Sermonic Claim
Don’t Forget that You Were Helped
Don’t Let Your Strength Fool You
WHEN I think about the sin of pride, the greatest sin of all, it reminds me of the army colonel. He had just been promoted to colonel. He was sitting in his office when someone knocked at the door and said, “This is Private Johnson. May I see you sir?” He said, “Just a minute.” The colonel, wanting to look impressive, picked up his telephone and he said real loud, “Yes, Mr. President. I understand, Mr. President. We will take care of it right away, Mr. President.” He wasn’t talking to the president, but he wanted to make it seem like he was talking to the president. He wanted to appear bigger than he really was.
The colonel said, “Mr. President, just give me one second.” Then he said, “Come in, Private.” The private came in and the colonel asked him to talk quickly because he had the president on the other line. “What can I do for you?” “Well,” the private said, “I just came in to connect your telephone.” God has a way of making you look like a fool, because “pride cometh before the fall.”727
Don’t Be Too Proud to Accept (Help) Correction
IF YOU walk a dog on a leash and come to a post, and the dog goes to one side of the post and you go to the other side of the post, you will both be stuck. Although both of you are going in the same direction, you will not be able to move forward. So you will have to back up and pull the dog in the opposite direction in order to get him going the right way.
That’s how it is with life. God will pull us back sometimes to move us forward. He’ll jerk us back. He’s not trying to be mean. He just is the One who knows how to get us going forward in the right direction.175
ONE TIME I was trapped on an elevator. The immediate reaction of all of the people was panic. We were trapped, stuck, and couldn’t get out. Some people were crying, “Help! Help! Help!” Were we sincerely crying out? Yes! Were we begging for help? Yes! But it wasn’t working.
Other folks were banging on the door. Bam, bam, bam! No one was hearing all that noise, but those folks didn’t care. They kept right on banging. Desperate people do desperate things. They were crying out.
There was one calm man on the elevator. I simply walked to the other side, pulled out a latch, picked up the telephone, and waited.
A voice said, “Is there a problem?” I said, “We’re trapped on the elevator between this floor and this floor. Can we get some help?” They responded, “We’ll be right there.”
See, everybody forgot about the phone. We were so into being trapped that we forgot there was a phone link to the security department. Merely by picking up the phone, we were released from our hostage situation. All the human effort we put forth, banging and yelling, wouldn’t work, but picking up the phone and asking for help did. We had to seek help using the connection