November 4th, AM

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The Gospel of Luke  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  24:33
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Jesus calls us to humility in order to help others towards him.

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Very silly example for falling into into a pit. Last week we talked a bit about what it means to love our enemies, right? If you love your enemies you try to do what you you do good to them, right you do good to them. And so when you love others you you seek to help others and I wants to keep that in mind as we we read the text today. So we have Susan come up and she's going to read me Luke chapter 6 37 of what page is this on? 1034 if you have one of those Bible so Luke 6:37.

judging others do not judge and you will not be judged do not condemn and you will not be condemned forgive and you will be forgiven give and it will be given to you A good measure pressed down shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap for with the measure you use it will be measured to you. He also told them this Parable can the blind lead the blind Willie not both fall into a pit. The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye. How can you say to your brother brother? Let me take the speck out of your eye. When you yourself feel to see the plank in your own eye you hypocrite first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

Thank you.

It's about 10 years ago Barna, which does Research sent out surveys to get the state's serving non-christians and asking the question what comes to mind when you think Christians are most known for what you guys think the top three were any ideas? Hypocrisy is extra number to apocracy was number two. I mean, I guess number one.

I heard it over here. Judgmental judgmental is another one was judgemental number to was hip ocracy in numbers 3 was anti-gay. So all three of these have to do with the idea of of judging or being judgmental. So so what is the answer when the world around us perceives Christians as judgmental hypocrites? Is the answer perhaps to adopt a a bumper sticker Christianity of Judge? Not that she not be not judged swoopy the KJV of Matthew 7:1 the parallel passage, but we see we see that here in in in in Luke 6:37 judge not and you will not be judged, right? How should we understand that is that saying if if I'm walking down the street and I see Matt take a dog. I just got to throw up my hands and be like, who am I to judge? No Force, I should I should say something right? Of course. I should judge in think that's wrong. Now. It was a cat. I probably can let it go.

Just just kidding. There's any cat lovers in here. I'm allergic to have an excuse. But no, no, obviously we need to be Discerning and it is kind of difficult as the Greek word for judgmental mean so many different things that can we meet to decide something. So are we supposed to be indecisive to never decide anything never say no. No. No, this is wrong. This is right. I mean that would seem odd. But at the same time this is a command Jesus giving so there's some kind of judging he has in View and what she saying we need to stop doing. this explore a little bit of that question in about what our response should be to it because even Jesus and John 7 says don't judge by mere appearance, but judge rightly. We see Paul teaching in in 1st Timothy. It says preach the word in season out of season reprove correct exhort. So in some sense, we should be deciding we should be judging right if this was a full command to never decide. Or torture talk about what's right and wrong. I probably should just sit down right because I I be judging. And even if you have a bumper sticker that says judge not aren't you making the judgement yourself? Are you not judging the Hypocrites? Are you not judging those who are judging? So Jesus must have something particular in mind when he sang judge not. Because it's what we would call the greek a present imperative which you don't need to understand that but it's it's saying whatever you're doing right now stop doing it. So there's something Jesus have and has in mind that people are doing.

So as we do this, I want to start off by saying we need to beware of bumper sticker Christianity. Things aren't that simple? I mean, we can't simply respond to the worried that people find Christians to be judgmental Hypocrites and saying we shouldn't decide We Shouldn't Judge whatsoever.

So what do we need to do? Well, I think we need to be careful not to. What will happens often times it bumper sticker Christianity as we turned outward, right? We weaponize judge not we use it as a club to beat others growing up. I I was fasting with any of those of teaching the word right? And so when I hear people preach I'd be like, oh I know who could use that. Do you guys ever do that when you sent me a message only if only Jack was here to hear this message? Yeah, he really needs it. So it's only chain was here for this man. Her life would be so much better. We need to be careful not to turn this outward. It's meant to be turned inward Wilson to be careful not to use it selectively often times. We pick our preference at the judge right and we pick our preferred sins to condemn. But what do we say when we say earlier? This is coming from the passage of love your enemies and do good to them. So we need to interpret the judge not within the lens of Luke 6:35 and Luke. 6:37. Luke. 6:37 says be merciful even as your father is merciful and we need to be merciful as he is merciful. So when you love others you seek To help others. So let's keep that in mind as we look at the text today. So there's two things we need to stop doing whatever is meant by judge in this sense. And I want you to unpack all the nuances of what could be right judging and what's wrong judging but I think as we work through the text today one thing that's clearly wrong to do it wrong to pridefully judge people and leave no room for mercy. Prideful merciless judgement fixates on what you think other people deserve rather than acknowledge what you yourself should deserve once again, prideful merciless judgement fixates on what you think other people deserve very likely. deserve we just think what a person can imagine people to get a live stream of your life 24/7 food be her horrified.

I'm included how would that affect the way in which we treated other people do you think would be more merciful? I think we would. If people can see all the flaws in your life all the flaws and sinful thoughts you fart. We want to be merciful to other people why. Timothy show Mercy to us So two things were meant to stop doing remote to stop judging is released in a prideful way that leaves no room for mercy. Remember stop condemning. These These are synonyms condemn is is a legal term in the Greek like to decide what someone actually deserves to get for punishment for what they're doing.

Sweet to stop fixating on judgment and condemnation. But instead we should replace it with two positives Were Meant to forgive. You were meant to give No, perhaps, we can look at at James as s James chapter chapter 2 12 to 3. So James the half brother of Jesus. He he speaks a lot about the relationship between mercy and judgment and he's thinking back to the words of his his half-brother when he would. He he teaches that she says in James 2:12 speak and act as those were going to be judged by the law that gives freedom because judgement without Mercy will be shown to anyone was not been merciful and I love this this last part hair Mercy triumphs over judgement Mercy triumphs. Over judgement. So why should we stop judging? Why should we stop condemning? Why should we go forgive? Why should we go give to others? Well, first of all, it's in your own interest. Secondly, it's in the interest of others.

It's like a boomerang. a Mario fan chair and we go we got I heard it. Incredible. Dad joke the other day. What what are Mario's favorite? What's Mario's favorite clothing to wear? denim denim denim

Sorry, I would like to see her that like last night and I had to throw that in there. So the whole point of the boomerang is why I put this in and out are the things you invite back into your life. So why should we be cautious judging? Why should we be cautious condemning because we're putting up a neon sign that says judge me condemned me examine my life. I mean, it could be in big things. You could be in Trivial things. I mean, I don't know how many you guys have ever seen online when someone correct? Someone else's grammar and then spell something wrong doing it there be ever encountered that a little Part of Me Part of Me this like Smiles, but I'm sure I've done in the past two, so I can't judge that person too. Harshly. It's in our own interests to stop doing this. It's in our own interest to stop sending out these negative things because we're inviting these negative things back into our lives were inviting judgment into our lives. You can hurt ourselves. We should send out forgiveness if we want to invite forgiveness into our lives. We should be merciful and give freely if you want to be able to receive and then Jesus emphasize this so Mario standing only a bag of grain. That's what that's supposed to be. And this is the picture we see in and Lucas 6:38 when it says good measure pressed down shaken together running over will be put into your laps get evil laugh will be the kind of where these roads and it's likely the baggy part of the role in which kind of operates is a pocket. And the idea of a good measure something simply something fierce. What's not like a bag of grain that you know, just to the top and skimmed off. What is filling it with crane pressing it down shaking it to the grain feels all the empty spaces pressing it down again and then filling it, so it's overflowing. Should ideas with things we send out we're inviting abundance of that same kind of thing back into our lives were inviting abundant judgment abundant condemnation is a rather tragic thing that happened recently when you guys I'm sure are familiar with the me-too movement by movement meant to the highlights issues around sexual harassment. There's a particular case in which one of the leaders within the me-too movement. Ended up being the target of allegations of sexual assault of themselves.

When we judge others, we invite that same judgment upon ourselves and sometimes tenfold. It's in your own interest to be patient and cautious. When you think you should judge or condemn others. It's also in your interest to forgive freely, right if you want to be forgiven freely. It's in your interest to give freely if you want to be able to receive freely. So there's two examples. We we we we see weird pictures that Cheese's use the first one in am at wonderful in graciously acted out for us. So so firstly it's in your own interest to do these things, but it's also in the the interest of others because obviously when the blind lead the blind you both get her when the blind lead the blind you're not fit to can't see you're not fit to help lead someone. To where they need to go you're going to end up not only hurting them but hurting yourself.

Jesus using this word picture after saying judge not seems to be indicating that goes who are Hasty to judge are the ones that are blind. Why because prideful judging is evidence of an unhealthy heart those who judge from a posture of Pride are unfit to judge others. Because they fail to see and acknowledge that which has the power to save and transform. What is it the mercy of God? When you're pridefully judging others you are blind to the grace of God you are blind to that which can actually help someone and transform their lives.

We don't want to be the blind leading the blind. What does that mean? Just kind of hold up your hands and say well well, sorry, you know Christian, but I'm sorry Matt. You're on your own. I'm sure it's a sorry Dad. You're on your own. I want to give me the option to take off the blindfold because the goal is often leads to still be able to help right, but you just need to address your own blindness before you can help someone else and I think the point is the point that Jesus is getting at and Luke 6:40 reset a disciple is not above his teacher but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher. The goal isn't simply the throw up your hands and say okay. I can't judge if you know, I'm recognizing my own blindness. Good luck. Have fun with no cuz we started with the statement that when you love others you what you seek to. Hope others. George written by love. We are driven to help which event turns inward to address our own blindness and we see this the second word picture that uses use a rather. I rather humorous prep sarcastic one and what you see you see Ninjago coming out and say hey, hey brother. You have a speck in your eye while having a a plank a log in his own eyes. So we see see the parallel passage. I would go to the store as well. Matthew 7. What are you are you aware? How ridiculous you look with that Speck in your eye. Let me get that out for you. When you guys want to go to a blind optician? Can I use the right word for that optician optometrist to be an optician, right? I'll send you the answer to correct me a patient. What's the one who can see to be able to to help you?

When we don't address our own problems first, we have a tendency to sabotage our own mission our own mission to help others to end up hurting others only that we hurt we hurt our opportunity to help others. Could you look like Hypocrites, right? Android known as Hypocrites who is going to go to a hypocrite for help. I don't wanna go to heaven or hell. Knowing some since we're all Hypocrites, of course, so pretty much the only hope we can get is from hypocrites. But no you don't want to go to an outfit to a clear outspoken arrogant, hypocrite for help. She hurt your opportunity to help people you risk hurting them. Don't tell me you hurt yourself by ignoring the pride in your heart would begin to Decay your own character to we said the goal is ultimately in loving others. It's to seek to to help others. So perhaps we should we should address this this a bit and say one when you love others you seek to become the kind of person who can help others. I think so many people are well-intentioned when they become judgemental.

When they're when they're standing on the streets and just just just yelling at people turn from your sin and repent in their hearts think they might have the right intentions, but they're hurting people in ruining the opportunity. They have to come alongside and show mercy and Dupree bring the the grace of God, which can transform someone's life and help them and change them. Can we love others we seek the first address ourselves to become the kind of person who can help others. It was it look like well humility. You Begin by Looking In Should we see a picture here of a mirror in Scripture that the the Bible the word of God is often described up as as a mirror. And so I think we need to if you want to start up a humble. I think we need to ask ourselves some key questions and then to look at her own reflection.

Super sleep. We treat the word of God itself as a mirror weary God's word. And what does it show me when you sit and you hear a talk from the Bible read then ask me go. Oh, you know Jack could you use this? Could Jane uses you first asked, how can I use this? What is the saying to me? You treat the word of God is a mirror you fix the things it shows the wrong in your lives. We can also treat the flaws of others as a reminder to check yourself. So perhaps the next time you have an inclination to judge someone for something stop yourself and ask does this say anything about me? Do I have that flaw in my own life? I think some of the flaws we see are the flaws. We have some of our biggest pet peeves are the things we struggle with ourselves. Tomorrow we treat the word of God as a mirror into our lives to see your own reflection in to use it to become the kind of people who are equipped and capable of helping others, but when you see flaws in others treated as a mirror as well. Ask yourself. If I in a position to help in what ways do I sell what has when what ways has God been patient and merciful to me. How do I hope others would respond if I had the same flaws? Who can I ask for a second opinion notice? Perhaps maybe a rather important when we Overlook we often forget our own blindness to ourselves in your life. Can you go to an ask and expect to be honest with you about the flaws in your life? Porsche says in Proverbs ready says the places I wasn't fit.

Oh. When you try to quote it kissing a friend Windsor Woods with her friend are better than kisses of an enemy paraphrase. I forget exactly what it says shame on me that just popped into my head better are the wounds of a friend than the kisses of an enemy.

So humility in humility We Begin by looking in who can you ask for a second opinion in a case? You were blind to your own flaws and lastly spend some time in confession. Spend some time in prayer. Morning. Your own flaws morning your own sin. We need to internalized how bad our own sin is. It's easy to get angry about the sending you another. But do we get upset about the stand in our own lives spend time in confession Spend Time Warner your own sin. Next does isn't the end of the book humility and love drives us. It compels us to look out then try to serve and help others in this picture. You see some first century Roman surgery tools. I think it's the one I think it's the third one over from the left is actually an instrument used North 4th went over for cataract surgery. So just imagine that

Love compels us to Lookout.

We need to. Not lose focus that our mission in the end is a Mission of Mercy. It sets aside the desire to make a points while committing to make a difference. I think that's the apart change that needs to happen. If you want to help others ask yourself the next time you get riled up. I want to point out a flaw and someone actually am I simply making a point or my actually making a difference in their life, by the way I go about it.

I know we can we can we can talk about this a bit in the Q&A. But but there's a lot more nuanced we can get into on on. What is Right judgement what is wrong judgement? You know, I think if you are driven by beginning with humility. And I'm becoming the kind of person who is position to help others. You are likely to be the right more than the wrong but it's if you start in the right place because humility is the road to helping humility is the road. To helping me to hold up the mirror to our own lives. We need to see our flaws. We need to Humble our hearts morning around sin. repenting of it asking for forgiveness and only at that point will even begin to be capable of looking out to help others need to approach this with a heart overflowing with mercy and heart responding to God's mercy itself. a couple of

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