God is Good
2sovereign also sovran adjective
[Middle English soverain, from Anglo-French soverein, from Vulgar Latin *superanus, from Latin super over, above—more at OVER] 14th century
1 a: superlative in quality: EXCELLENT
b: of the most exalted kind: SUPREME 〈sovereign virtue〉
c: having generalized curative powers 〈a sovereign remedy〉
d: of an unqualified nature: UNMITIGATED 〈sovereign contempt〉
e: having undisputed ascendancy: PARAMOUNT
2 a: possessed of supreme power 〈a sovereign ruler〉
b: unlimited in extent: ABSOLUTE
c: enjoying autonomy: INDEPENDENT 〈sovereign states〉
3: relating to, characteristic of, or befitting a sovereign synonym see FREE—sov•er•eign•ly adverb
sov•er•eign•ty also sov•ran•ty \-tē\ noun
plural -ties [Middle English soverainte, from Anglo-French sovereinté, from soverein] 14th century
1 obsolete: supreme excellence or an example of it
2 a: supreme power especially over a body politic
b: freedom from external control: AUTONOMY
c: controlling influence
3: one that is sovereign especially: an autonomous state