Acts 26

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Almost saved

Paul, the great Apostle to the Gentiles, was on trial once again. This old warhorse for the Kingdom of God had faced many trials and tests to this point in his life, but this one was going to be his final exam to prove once and for all, his faithfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ.
How can we not admire Paul and all he went through and remained faithful
• Shipwrecked
• Stoned and left for dead
• Imprisoned multiple times
Ridiculed and belittled by Those who did not believe everywhere he went
• beaten
Through all this he remained faithful
My excuses in the past
• Summer Heat
• Rain and Wind
• Cold of Winter
• Traffic
• Complaints of Others
• misunderstandings
. To busy
We let so many factors influence our Faithfulness or lack thereof
Great saying: Half measures availed us nothing. We stood at the turning point. I have to be willing to come to a turning point daily if needed
Biblical examples
Five of the ten virgins were almost persuaded to keep their lamps trimmed and burning bright, but they did not bring oil and let them go out.
Lot’s wife escaped the fire and brimstone as it destroyed the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, but because she was only almost persuaded to not look back upon its ruins and destruction, she looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt.
If you want to make Heaven your home, you have to be Altogether on Board
Judas, who betrayed Christ, almost changed his minded, but instead he betrayed Him for 30 pieces of silver.
Pilate confessed that Jesus was innocent and he almost set Him free, but instead he turn Him over to the angry mob to be crucified.
Its not if Jesus came. It is that he did come and pay the price for all our sins
Plug Case For Christ study Tuesdays
At the end of King Agrippa was more interested in his own influence than God reaching out through Paul to save him. He resisted paying attention to what was right in front of him.
 The next day Agrippa and Bernice came with great pomp and entered the audience room with the high-ranking military officers and the prominent men of the city. At the command of Festus, Paul was brought in.
King Agrippa was willing to hear Paul but not willing to listen
King Agrippa was willing to hear Paul but not willing to listen
At the command of Festus, Paul was brought in.
The New International Version. (2011). (). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
1. Does God have your attention?
He did get Paul’s and Paul was all in for what God had for him to do
 “So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven. 20 First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and then to the Gentiles, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds. 21 That is why some Jews seized me in the temple courts and tried to kill me. 22 But God has helped me to this very day; so I stand here and testify to small and great alike. I am saying nothing beyond what the prophets and Moses said would happen—23 that the Messiah would suffer and, as the first to rise from the dead, would bring the message of light to his own people and to the Gentiles.”
2.Do you know what your part is?
You cannot be Almost Ready For Heaven
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“So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven. 20 First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and then to the Gentiles, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds.
 “So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven. 20 First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and then to the Gentiles, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and demonstrate their repentance by their deeds.
This means because of my being fully commited to Jesus, my deeds will make this undeniable.
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
3. Are your are your actions speaking as loud as your baptism?
Are you All IN with all you heart and mind today?
That means being fully commited to increasing in HIM, activities that help you to find out who you are in Christ!
Second that means being fully commited to increasing in HIM
First and foremost that means being saved.
If you’re not saved come to Jesus Altogether Today. Seek Him while he can be found.
If you’re not saved come to Jesus Altogether Today. Seek Him while he can be found.
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