The Death of the King
Sermon Tone Analysis
Your greatest loss? How painful? Staci suffering two miscarriages - painful, but watching my wife suffer even more painful.
Journey through the last hours of Jesus’ life - the heavenly Father watching as His Son suffered at the hands of sinful people.
If you didn’t know better, expect God to step in and save His Son, but this was the plan from the beginning () - the only way to save humanity was the death of the King of the Universe.
This is the moment that all of human history waited for. This was the reason the Father sent His Son - to die for us - to pay the debt we could not pay.
Two life changing realities that you need to consider as we talk about the death of the King.
Shame. Jesus has been beaten mercilessly. He has been mocked relentlessly. He has been rejected by the people He came to save. He has been sentenced to death.
On His way to Golgotha - place of crucifixion - right outside the city walls - a known execution site - on a public road for all to see. A punishment reserved for non-Romans. A reminder to all who passed by - this is what awaits you if you cross Rome.
Common to carry the crossbeam of the cross to your crucifixion. Jesus so weak can’t carry His own cross. Simone of Cyrene (Africa) forced to carry Jesus’ cross. ( - Don’t forget your dad carried Jesus’ cross.)
So weak from the
Offered Him wine to dull the pain, but He refused. (Fulfillment of prophecy) . Jesus would face crucifixion fully conscious and aware of the pain.
They crucified Him. Mark doesn’t give us many details about the nature of crucifixion. His readers knew the horror of crucifixion. They knew that many would hang on the cross for hours, sometimes days, literally suffocating to death.
Our Lord, nailed to a cross - common for criminals to be stripped of clothes and hung naked on the cross. (vs. 24) Soldiers cast lots for his garments.
Crucified in third hour - 9 a.m. - Inscription above His head: “The King of the Jews.” Robber on right and robber on left. James and John asked to be at his right and left - but if they had known it would have looked like this…
People pass by and mock. “You saved others and you cannot save yourself! You said you would rebuild the temple! If so, come down!”
Nothing more humiliating and shameful than Roman execution on a cross. Yet, sinful people who failed to see Jesus as God’s Promised Savior willingly subjected the Savior of the world to this humiliating death. But, as sinful people subjected Jesus to a humiliating death, in the unseen spiritual realm, God was making a way for sinful people to have a relationship with Him.
Jesus suffered infinitely so you could know infinite love.
Jesus suffered infinitely so you could know infinite love.
Horror and humiliation of cross - but something even more horrifying than the physical torture and humiliation of the cross. Even more horrid was what Jesus experienced at the hands of His Father. (move from natural to supernatural)
Sixth hour - 3 hours after Jesus nailed to cross - Sky goes dark - God said this would happen: “And on that day, declares the Lord, I will make the sun go down at noon and darken the earth in broad daylight.” - Sign of judgment. Think plague of darkness Egypt experienced. Jesus being judged not by people but by the Eternal Father.
Each Gospel focuses on something different that Jesus said from the Cross - we’re focusing just on what Mark records. Cry – could be translated scream or screech – “God, you have failed me. Where are you? Last words: unheroic, hopeless words from the one who is our Hero. This seems unlike Jesus. Up to this point He has been in charge – reserved and resolute.
Jesus teaching us from the cross. – Jesus knew what He was saying. describes an execution. David never experienced execution. Execution is a punishment. Jesus saying, “This Psalm points to me. I’m the one executed. I’m the one punished.”
· This seems unlike Jesus. Up to this point He has been in charge – reserved and resolute.
· “My God, my God…” Not, “My head, my head, my hands my hands,” Or, “My friends, my friends…” His suffering is not physical or relational, it’s much deeper. All of earthly suffering is like a mosquito bite compared to the suffering He is experiencing from the hand of the Father. Perfect fellowship – eternal fellowship – experienced at the cross. Have you ever lost a loved one? Have you ever been forsaken or rejected by someone you love with all your heart? Multiply that pain by infinity. The Father and Son existing as one for all eternity, and Jesus loses this at the cross.
“My God, my God…” Not, “My head, my head, my hands my hands,” Or, “My friends, my friends…” His suffering is not physical or relational, it’s much deeper.
All of earthly suffering is like a mosquito bite compared to the suffering He is experiencing from the hand of the Father. Perfect fellowship – eternal fellowship – experienced at the cross. Have you ever been forsaken or rejected by someone you love with all your heart? Multiply that pain by infinity. This is what the Son is experiencing.
· He experiences separation from God so we can experience reconciliation to God. He experienced eternal suffering so we can experience eternal peace. He experiences hell on the cross – Hell is separation from God and there is nothing you can do to escape. That’s hell. Maybe not the fires of hell – but our hell is laid on Him at the cross. He’s suffering your hell and my hell.
He experiences rejection and punishment so we can experience reconciliation. He experienced infinite suffering so we can experience infinite peace. He experiences hell on the cross – Hell is inability to escape God’s wrath. It’s to cry out and receive no mercy. That’s hell. Maybe not the fires of hell – but our hell is laid on Him at the cross. He’s suffering your hell and my hell.
It is infinite suffering. In that moment, all of our sin placed on Jesus. ()
Through faith, we know infinite love. (, ) How much does God love you? Go to the cross.
Jesus obeyed perfectly so you could be perfectly righteous.
Jesus obeyed perfectly so you could be perfectly righteous.
When you obey God you are blessed. When Jesus obeys He is abandoned and cursed, yet He obeys anyway. He knew this was coming. He knew He would be cursed. He knew the wrath was coming, but He obeys perfectly.
When you obey God you are blessed. When Jesus obeys He is abandoned and cursed, yet He obeys anyway. He knew this was coming. He knew He would be cursed. He knew the wrath was coming, but He obeys perfectly.
When you obey God you are blessed. When Jesus obeys He is abandoned and cursed, yet He obeys anyway. He knew this was coming. He knew He would be cursed. He knew the wrath was coming, but He obeys perfectly.
· When you obey God you are blessed. When Jesus obeys He is abandoned and cursed, yet He obeys anyway. He knew this was coming. He knew He would be cursed. He knew the wrath was coming, but He obeys perfectly.
He obeys perfectly and His perfect obedience is applied to our lives. We are not only pardoned for our sins, but we are also given what Christ has – the Father! The riches of glory! On the cross Jesus is being treated as if He has done everything we did, so we might be treated as if we had done everything He did. He did this for you and for me! (, )
· He obeys perfectly and His perfect obedience is applied to our lives. We are not only pardoned for our sins, but we are also given what Christ has – the Father! The riches of glory! On the cross Jesus is being treated as if He has done everything we did, so we might be treated as if we had done everything He did. He did this for you and for me!
Through faith in Christ you are justified - declared righteous - not that you are but you are treated as if you have never sin.
Victory in the death of Jesus because His death is not the end of the movement He started but just the beginning. From the cross, Jesus is telling us that this is not the end. - Great ingathering of people from every tribe and nation - that’s what’s happened! Two thousand years later, we, non-Jewish people, are rejoicing in what happened at Golgotha. Many of us celebrate the reality that our lives have changed because of Jesus’ death - and ultimately His resurrection that proved He was not simply a good teacher or a prophet, but God in the flesh who came to do for us what we could not do for ourselves.
Because of this event at the cross:
You never have to question if you are loved. (Veil in temple torn in two - Because of love, God has given you complete access to Himself. - Every barrier removed - Western Wall) You might feel as if everyone else in this world is against you, but God is not.
You never have to wonder about Jesus’ identity. (Roman soldier’s response - vs. 39) You have to settle once and for all who Jesus is. Is He God or not? If not, you owe Him nothing. If He is, you owe Him everything. Some of us claim He is God yet live as if He is not. Mark and the other Gospel writers want us to know that we do not have to question who Jesus is - He is the King of the world who is worthy of everything you have.
You never have to wonder why you are here. Four Gospels - Two by apostles, Mark an associate of Peter, and Luke an associate of Paul. The disciples forever changed by what they witnessed - a perfect man dying unjustly, then rising from the dead, and then ascending to heaven. If you witness a perfect man die and then pulling off His own resurrection, you do whatever He says. The Gospel writers did just that even when it meant it would cost them their lives. They spent their lives proclaiming the Gospel story. God doesn’t save you just to get you out of hell. He saves you for a purposeful relationship with Him - So that you might know Him and go for Him. How would this world be different if believers lived out our purpose?
This morning - place your faith in Jesus. Believers - this morning, be renewed in your calling to know Him and go for Him.