Fear(What are you scared of)
Sermon Tone Analysis
18 There is no fear in love [dread does not exist], but full-grown (complete, perfect) love [a]turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror! For fear [b]brings with it the thought of punishment, and [so] he who is afraid has not reached the full maturity of love [is not yet grown into love’s complete perfection].
1. 1. an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat
Fear of punishment
New King James Version (NKJV)
Amplified Bible (AMPC)
The Tower of Babel
18 There is no fear in love [dread does not exist], but full-grown (complete, perfect) love [a]turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror! For fear [b]brings with it the thought of punishment, and [so] he who is afraid has not reached the full maturity of love [is not yet grown into love’s complete perfection].
11 Now the whole earth had one language and one [a]speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. 3 Then they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and [b]bake them thoroughly.” They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. 4 And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.”
Fear of punishment
Fear of what people think
New King James Version (NKJV)
New King James Version (NKJV)
New King James Version (NKJV)
New King James Version (NKJV)
The Tower of Babel
24 Then Saul said to Samuel, “I have sinned, for I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and your words, because I feared the people and obeyed their voice.
11 Now the whole earth had one language and one [a]speech. 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. 3 Then they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and [b]bake them thoroughly.” They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. 4 And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.”
New King James Version (NKJV)
8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city.
New King James Version (NKJV)
New King James Version (NKJV)
38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
9 For God has not appointed us to [incur His] wrath [He did not select us to condemn us], but [that we might] obtain [His] salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah)
The tower of babel was built out of fear of punishment. They recieved the very thing they feared! In verse 4 it says “lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth,”
Fear of what people think
New King James Version (NKJV)
24 Then Saul said to Samuel, “I have sinned, for I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord and your words, because I feared the people and obeyed their voice. In the NLT it says “for I was afraid of the people and did what they demanded.”
New Living Translation (NLT)
10 Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.
God doesn’t give us fear!
There is a difference between fear and fearing God. Fearing God is a reverential fear. It’s that awe of respect.
New King James Version (NKJV)
7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. The AMPC says it this way “7 For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.
Nothing can separate us from the love of God.
New King James Version (NKJV)
38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
18 And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is.
God takes care of us!
New King James Version (NKJV)
32 “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
New King James Version (NKJV)
29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand.
The key to overcoming fear is total and complete trust in God. Trusting God is how Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego faced the fiery furnace without fear (). Trusting God is how Stephen stood before his killers fearlessly (). To trust God is to refuse to give in to fear. Even in the darkest times, we can trust in God to make things right. This trust comes from knowing God and knowing that He is good. Once we have learned to put our trust in God, we will no longer be afraid of the things that come against us. We will be like the psalmist who said with confidence, “Let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you” ().