That some idea may be formed concerning the magnitude of this camp-meeting business, President Anderson remarks:
“Dr. Hall says, “The number of wagons which came to the ground, was about 180; the number of persons who attended on Sabbath was about 4,000. As an evidence of the intensity of the excitement it is stated that ‘on Saturday a heavy sleet began to fall about nine o’clock, then snow, which turned into rain; this lasted till four in the afternoon; and the day was, without exception, the most unpleasant of any during the whole winter. Notwithstanding this, the people collected at ten, in two assemblies and all ages and sexes stood there exposed until sunset. The work went on, gradually increasing, until Tuesday morning, except a few hours before day on Monday morning, when the camp was chiefly silent.”
Larimore and His Boys, Srygley, page 295