2018.10.31 GodFYdence -Maturity of your Roar...Humility
The terminology for humility appears nearly a hundred times in the Bible, referencing multiple meanings. Humility reflects godly character (Ps 45:4)—even Jesus was humble (Mt 11:29). It is also associated with wisdom (Prov 11:2; Jas 3:13) and meekness (Job 8:7; Zeph 3:12). Paradoxically, the humble deserve honor (Prov 15:33; 18:12) and the humbled will be exalted (Mt 23:12; also Lk 14:11).
Humility can refer to a state of being—generally lowness in status rank or economic means. In this sense, humility is the opposite of importance or wealth. It can also refer to a virtue that involves a modest self-perception. In this sense, it is the opposite of pride and arrogance.
Humility can refer to a state of being—generally lowness in status rank or economic means. In this sense, humility is the opposite of importance or wealth. It can also refer to a virtue that involves a modest self-perception. In this sense, it is the opposite of pride and arrogance.
The terminology for humility appears nearly a hundred times in the Bible, referencing multiple meanings. Humility reflects godly character (Ps 45:4)—even Jesus was humble (Mt 11:29). It is also associated with wisdom (Prov 11:2; Jas 3:13) and meekness (Job 8:7; Zeph 3:12). Paradoxically, the humble deserve honor (Prov 15:33; 18:12) and the humbled will be exalted (Mt 23:12; also Lk 14:11).