Tidings of Comfort of Joy

Sermon Tone Analysis
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1)  12-16-07…..AM…..SBC

“Tidings of Comfort and Joy”

Isaiah 9:1-7

Introduction:               Israel My Glory           Nov/Dec 2007  Vol.    “Israle’s True Tikvah”

1)                  Trying to get a hold of Sarah after 2 hrs of shopping when her phone service was down and getting scared

-          I didn’t think much of it until the movie the girls were watching got over and realized it had been well over an hour

-          No phone call in this amount of time while away from us was not normal

-          I prayed that I wouldn’t freak out and tried to not think about, but instead wanted to let her have some peace and quiet away from the house

-          After a total of 3 hrs went by I started to call some family members to see if she had called them

-          I repeatedly called her phone only to be directed straight to voice mail

-          Another half hour goes by and now I’m starting to get scared – I’m looking at the girls thinking, “Please God no!  I can’t raise these girls by myself!” 

-          I called more friends and family but no one had heard from her either

-          Just as I was brainstorming about what kind of authorities of medical service I could call my phone rang and it said, “Sarah’s cell”

-          What a joy filled my heart!

2)                  Jews Today

A-    Today many Jewish people know the disappointment of a “no-show.”

B-    Their meeting was set up to by God to bring Israel and the Messiah together.

C-    From Moses to the Prophets God revealed the details of this appointment

1-      Since that time the Israelites have waited for their Messiah

2-      They looked for Him during the Roman occupation of their land in the 1st Century

3-      They looked for Him during the Crusades of the 11th Centuries

4-      They looked for Him during the pogroms in Eastern Europe in the 19th Century

5-      They looked for Him when Hitler murdered 6 million Jews during WW2

6-      They looked for Him in 1948 when 5 Arab nations attached the State of Israel with the intent of pushing them into the Mediterranean Sea

D-    Sad as it is, today they still wait

3)                  Jews, Christians and Christmas

A-    for Bible-believing Christians, Christmas is a wonderful time to be with family and celebrate the birth of the One who came 2,000 years ago just as He promised He would

B-    For orthodox Jewish people Christmas is a time to take in a movie, or take out Chinese food

1.      there is no cause to celebrate Israel’s True Hope

Transition:       Isaiah 9:6-7 is the most familiar of all the OT prophecies about Christ and gives us reason to celebrate

                        Israel’s True Hope

Proposition:   Our job this morning is to remember that His humble birth will ultimately lead to His Glorious reign

Read Isaiah 9:1-7

1)      The Retribution of God

A-    Prophet

1-      The prophets functioned as the conscience of the nation, always reminding the people of how much they themselves owed to God’s generosity and love[1]

2-      The prophet was not always aware of the meaning of his own prophecies (1 Pet. 1:11)[2]

3-      The near event, and not the distant fulfilment, was often in the mind of the prophet when he wrote.[3]

4-      The purpose of prophecy was Not to enable us to map out the details of the future; but rather (b) To give general assurance of God’s power and foreseeing wisdom, and of the certainty of his triumph; and (c) To furnish, after fulfilment, the proof that God saw the end from the beginning.[4]

B-    Bridging the Gap from Isaiah 7 to Isaiah 9

1-      Assyria is sent, as God promised, to destroy Judah because of Ahaz alliance with them against Syria and Israel (Northern Kingdom)

2-      While Assyria would do its best to destroy Judah, the nation would be spared because of the promise of God’s presence [5]  9:1          

3-      Darkness and gloom characterized Galilee in Isaiah’s day because of the Assyrian crisis[6]

4-      Isaiah announced that the Redeemer will come and bring to the world the dawning of a new day [7]

a-      We know that this prophecy refers to Christ because of the way it is quoted in Matthew 4:13–15.[8]

Transition:  It is in this OT context that we find more progressive revelation about our Savior and his humble birth and glorious reign

2)      Our only Hope

Ø      the One true hope needed today, whether Jew or Gentile is belief in Jesus Christ as the promised Messiah

Ø      be praying for the lost Sheep of Israel and be praying for the unsaved like Christ did in John 17


- Whereas 7:14 concentrates on his birth and 11:1–16 on his kingdom, vs 6–7 chiefly emphasize his person.[9]


            A- His Humble beginning       v6

1-      “Unto us a Child is born”

a-      He began life here on earth like any other human being – as an infant

b-      There could have been no genuine work of redemption apart from the fact of God becoming man and, by being both completely God and completely man, reconciling people to Himself through His substitutionary death and physical resurrection. [10]

c-      If Jesus had not been both human and divine, there would be no gospel.[11]

Application:    Christmas is a time to Praise God for the Gospel

                        Christmas is a time to embrace the Gospel

Ø      The gospel Jesus proclaimed was a call to discipleship, a call to follow him in submissive obedience, not just a plea to make a decision or pray a prayer.[12]

Ø      Jesus’ message liberated people from the bondage of their sin[13]

Ø      It was an offer of eternal life and forgiveness for repentant sinners, but at the same time it was a rebuke to outwardly religious people whose lives were devoid of true righteousness.[14]

Ø      Although Salvation is a one time event, embracing the Gospel is a life-long ambition

Ø      Will you embrace this Child that was born in a humble stable for you?  Will you embrace the Gospel and become a disciple of Christ?

2- “Unto us a Son is given”


A-    The reason for the triumph is the deliverance effected; and the reason for the deliverance, the destruction of the foe; and the reason for all the joy, all the freedom, all the peace, is the new great King.[15]

B-    to say that this Son was “given” is to recognize that Christ was already a Son before He was born

1-      Jesus existed before His birth

2-      He was already God –the 2nd person of the Trinity – before He was given to us as a Savior

3-      He came to as the Light for the lost world –

4-      Are you lost without Christ today?  (Salvation Invitation)

5-      Talk about reasons for being humble, and you will find no greater reason than that Christ humbled Himself for us.

Transition:  We are all aware of Christ’s humble beginning but let’s not especially forget…

            B- His Glorious Reign            v6b

Ø      it is a future reign of a literal, earthly, kingdom that will exceed all other kingdoms this world has ever known

Ø      it will encompass all the kingdoms and governments of the world

Ø      in the meantime his Sovereign rule is seen in the hearts of those that trust Him as their Savior

Ø      His essential characteristics will be…

1-      Wonderful Counselor

a-      The Messiah has the answers to the World’s confusion

b-      During His earthly ministry Christ knew what to say, when to reach out and when the confront.

c-      John 14:6 says that Christ is the source of truth and it is to Him that we must turn to make sense of life’s confusion


2-      Mighty God

a-      Christ can not only step into your life of chaos and give Divine Counsel about what to do, but as the “Mighty God” of the universe He can energize you to do it

b-      In Jesus we have a God who can forgive sin, defeat Satan, liberate us from evil, answer our prayers, restore our broken souls bring order to our chaotic lives

3-      Everlastings Father

a-      His reign will be forever

b-      No end of term

c-      No elections

d-     No campaigning advertisements

e-      Father signifies the paternal benevolence of the perfect Ruler over a people whom he loves as his children.[16]

4-      Prince of Peace

a-      He offers peace from being God’s enemy

b-      He makes peace with God for those that surrender in faith

c-      He brings the peace of God to those who walk with Him

d-     The only way to have peace in the midst of chaos is to have a firsthand knowledge of the prince of peace

Conclusion:     v7


1-      If the purpose of prophecy is to give assurance of God’s power and the certainty of his triumph; and prove that God saw the end from the beginning, then there are a few tings that we can learn from the prophet Isaiah and His prophecy about Christ the Messiah.

A-    We see that even though He began life as every other He was in no way like any other

Hebrews 4:15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. 16 Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. [17]

Have you come to Him for grace in your time of need?  Salvation is a relationship with Christ.

            B – The Characteristics of God

1-      God’s character is displayed for us in Isaiah 9

a-      Is He your Counselor in life bringing peace to your chaotic life?

b-      Are you trying to live life under your own power?

c-      Trust in God’s control of your life and the peace of God will come.

How will you chose to live today?


[1]John William Drane, Introducing the Old Testament, Completely rev. and updated. (Oxford: Lion Publishing plc, 2000), 30.

[2]Augustus Hopkins Strong, Systematic Theology, "The Present Work Is a Revision and Enlargement of My 'Systematic Theology,' First Published in 1886."--Pref. (Bellingham, Wa.: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2004), 139.

[3]Augustus Hopkins Strong, Systematic Theology, "The Present Work Is a Revision and Enlargement of My 'Systematic Theology,' First Published in 1886."--Pref. (Bellingham, Wa.: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2004), 139.

[4]Augustus Hopkins Strong, Systematic Theology, "The Present Work Is a Revision and Enlargement of My 'Systematic Theology,' First Published in 1886."--Pref. (Bellingham, Wa.: Logos Research Systems, Inc., 2004), 139.

[5]Robert B. Hughes and J. Carl Laney, Tyndale Concise Bible Commentary, Rev. Ed. of: New Bible Companion. 1990.; Includes Index., The Tyndale reference library (Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House Publishers, 2001), 261.

[6]Robert B. Hughes and J. Carl Laney, Tyndale Concise Bible Commentary, Rev. Ed. of: New Bible Companion. 1990.; Includes Index., The Tyndale reference library (Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House Publishers, 2001), 261.

[7]Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Comforted, An Old Testament study. (Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books, 1996, c1992), Is 9:1.

[8]Warren W. Wiersbe, Be Comforted, An Old Testament study. (Wheaton, Ill.: Victor Books, 1996, c1992), Is 9:1.

[9]D. A. Carson, New Bible Commentary : 21st Century Edition, Rev. Ed. of: The New Bible Commentary. 3rd Ed. / Edited by D. Guthrie, J.A. Motyer. 1970., 4th ed. (Leicester, England; Downers Grove, Ill., USA: Inter-Varsity Press, 1994), Is 9:1.

[10]John MacArthur, God in the Manger : The Miraculous Birth of Christ (Nashville, Tenn.: W Pub. Group, 2001), 3.

[11]John MacArthur, God in the Manger : The Miraculous Birth of Christ (Nashville, Tenn.: W Pub. Group, 2001), 3.

[12]John MacArthur, F., The Gospel According to Jesus : What Does Jesus Mean When He Says "follow Me", Includes Index., Electronic ed. (Grand Rapids, MI: Academic and Professional Books, Zondervan Pub. House, 1997, c1988).

[13]John MacArthur, F., The Gospel According to Jesus : What Does Jesus Mean When He Says "follow Me", Includes Index., Electronic ed. (Grand Rapids, MI: Academic and Professional Books, Zondervan Pub. House, 1997, c1988).

[14]John MacArthur, F., The Gospel According to Jesus : What Does Jesus Mean When He Says "follow Me", Includes Index., Electronic ed. (Grand Rapids, MI: Academic and Professional Books, Zondervan Pub. House, 1997, c1988).

[15]Carl Friedrich Keil and Franz Delitzsch, Commentary on the Old Testament. (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2002), 7:161.

[16]D. A. Carson, New Bible Commentary : 21st Century Edition, Rev. Ed. of: The New Bible Commentary. 3rd Ed. / Edited by D. Guthrie, J.A. Motyer. 1970., 4th ed. (Leicester, England; Downers Grove, Ill., USA: Inter-Varsity Press, 1994), Is 9:1.

[17]The Holy Bible : New International Version, electronic ed. (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996, c1984), Heb 4:14-16.

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