Disciples of Jesus bear His Name & Revelation to their World!
Sermon Tone Analysis
Dear Congregation of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Richard Wurmbrand, Romanian pastor, beautiful fellowship, outlasted, even among prison guards eager to sell watches. Even in prison itself. used chains as instruments of praise. But one observation as they began their underground work. A Russian solider recently turned to Christ, taking Bibles into he Soviet Union - never came back, imprisoned, - We should never stop at having won a soul for Christ. By this we have done only half the work. Every soul won for Christ must be a soul-winner! Next week will consider our God-empowered response to Christian persecution in this world; and we will take-up an offering for the persecuted church. But this week God’s Word and Spirit is calling us not merely Christians in name, but disciples of Jesus Christ, who bear His name and revelation and carry it others. You have been won by Christ, how is it going carrying His name to those around you, sharing His great revelation? Get to heaven, apart from those died in infancy, always
Discipleship: Carry the Name and Revelation of Jesus to your world in the power of the Spirit.
The growth of the church isn’t about superstar evangelists and preachers, remember how much team work, hospitality - Christian friendship, how much witnessing in every day life. See it here in Paul taking Priscilla and Aquila and even leaving them willingness to delegate share, empower. See in Paul as distrust of his own strengths - like Jesus saying only come out with prayer and fasting, recognizes - need takes vow, Nazarite - purity to serve ; Third Missionary visit under way - up to Jersualem, return to home church after 2 years - regroup.
And then very different 3rd missionary journey. Not the same pattern of uncharted territory - breaking new ground - work of strengthening what all the disicples! Remember that was our call - not just get as many into church or even into heaven, but make disciples - baptize into the name teach all - participate in the salvation and in the life of Christ - part of new coming spiritual ikingdom, this thrid missionary journey aso see like at end of 2nd, stay in key city of province of Asia (Western Turkey), Ephesus remember prevented before . But going to be centre of Christian mission and church life - others would take it to neighbouring iallages, but invests in discipeship
A. Offer Your Strengths & Weaknesses to Christ with Each Other: The Example of Apollos & Priscilla & Aquila
Now Prisiclla & Aquilla working in Ephesus tent makers, but in synagogue where there’s openness to hear of Messiah, basically over whole winter of AD 52/53. Then in God’s providence, not only they are there, but so too also a remarkable man named Apollos. Greek name but he is thoroughly Jewish. invited to speak a synagogue week to week- why? eloquent (trained in greatest Jewish school), own temple even, highest learning -dialectical philophy - Philo , Alexandria libraries
But what else does it say, competent in Scriptures - some of you know such teachers -listen forever fascinatingdetals of history cutlure, finer points of theolgocal or philosophsical reflection . Like TED Talks - but with God’s very word - LXX
Now if such a man came here, be satisfied - is this what Christinaity is about - no there must be more. Look at v.25a
He had been instructed in the way of the Lord. And being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, though he knew only the baptism of John.
He had been instructed in the way of the Lord. And being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, though he knew only the baptism of John.
He wasn’t only a faithful Jew using his talents for the LORD, but in the news that filtered down to Alexandria that Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ, announced by John - picked up THE WAY of the LORD, what John the Baptist prepared, not just OT moral vision, but what Jesus came to show as He was hismelf the way the tuth and tlife. Saying of Jesus - and from OT prophesies. Taught this accurately (though not completely) But not teaching about Messiah just like rabbis - next description> 26 Being fervent in spirit.
b Actually The Spirit.
And you see and hear that not only in Ephesus but in almost all of Asia this Paul has persuaded and turned away a great many people, saying that gods made with hands are not gods.
He began to speak boldly in the synagogue, but when Priscilla and Aquila heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately.
And you see and hear that not only in Ephesus but in almost all of Asia this Paul has persuaded and turned away a great many people, saying that gods made with hands are not gods.
Conclusion: Here is a man, like disciples of Jesus while he was on earth, before the Cross - believed even born-again of the Spirit - but there is something missing. LIke living in the twilight of the OT, and the just breaking light of dawn of Jesus Son of God, Messiah, but not yet energized and transformed by the full gift of Christ!
He had been instructed in the way of the Lord. And being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, though he knew only the baptism of John.
He had been instructed in the way of the Lord. And being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, though he knew only the baptism of John.
He had been instructed in the way of the Lord. And being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, though he knew only the baptism of John.
He had been instructed in the way of the Lord. And being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, though he knew only the baptism of John.
Conclusion: Here is a man, like disciples of Jesus while he was on earth, before the Cross - believed even born-again of the Spirit - but there is something missing. LIke living in the twilight of the OT, and the just breaking light of dawn of Jesus Son of God, Messiah, but not yet energized and transformed by the full gift of Christ!
He had been instructed in the way of the Lord. And being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, though he knew only the baptism of John.
Now would you be excited about that - if newcomer - using gifts for Lord, and teaching others all about Jesus being Messiah, and about how we should live? and this is Luke’s point in this passage - Accurate and good about Jesus, but so far incomplete - He had a weakness:
He had been instructed in the way of the Lord. And being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus, though he knew only the baptism of John.
I wonder if we recognize that there are such people here -Like John Wesley,a missionary to the American Indians in Georgia, where he utterly failed. Forced to return to England he wrote, "I went to America to convert the Indians; but, oh, who shall convert me?"
Not all was lost, however, because in his earlier travels to America he had encountered some Moravians whose living faith deeply impressed him. So upon his return to London he sought out one of the leaders and, to use Wesley's words, was "clearly convinced of unbelief, of the want of that faith whereby alone we are saved." On the evening of May 24, 1738, Wesley wrote in his journal:
In the evening I went very unwillingly to a society in Aldersgate Street where one was reading Luther's preface to the Epistle to the Romans. About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone, for salvation; and an assurance was given me, that he had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.
Like Abraham Kuyper. Little different because not just incomplete but believing, but unconverted, even though knew so much, Widow lady visit - Pietje Baltus “That rascal may as well stay a way, I don’t care for him… Asked about pile of potatoes, not come to talk about that eternity, made, for…comfort. such joy peace, spiritual insight - becomes born again - goes onto powerfully serve the church in compromising time. Powerfully even forges -political consensus becomes PM - but now converted why? Not evangelism or even direct witness, but life of discipleship shared with that lady!
Like Abraham Kuyper. Little different because not just incomplete but beliveing, but uncoverted, even though knew so much, Widow lady visit - such joy peace, spiritual insight - becomes born again - goes onto powerfully sreve the church in compromiing time. Pwefully even forges -political consensus becomes PM - but now converted why? Not evangelism or even direct wtiness, but life of discipleship shared with that lady!
What does Luke mean, only the knew the baptism of John. That was enough for baptism for apostles, it was enough for Apollos didn’t have to be baptized again and already had the Spirit. But as we’ll see John baptism like the baptism into Jesus was all about the Messiah, but Apollos knowledge and experience of Jesus Christ, was primarily of his persona and teaching before the Cross. The reality of Christ’ death, of atonement of his resurrection, and of his ascension into heaven, to receive the Holy Spirit - and then shower it down on his disciples on earth with gifts - Apollos didn’t know anything of this.
He didn’t know what a disciples of Jesus must hold dearly too, no church yet in Alexandria - didn’t know when Jesus rose after making atonement - to go and baptize the nations in the name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, didn’t know about Pentecost - about Jesus reigning from heaven and sending His Spirit!
But now here is the drama in the story, who did? There is remarkable woman Priscilla taking lead in private teaching, but as a team Aquila - but like Paul no gifts of oratory - If a seminar or weekend conference, everyone would raving a Apollos, not tentmakers who work with hands, but charismatic speaker with so much learning. But watch now, what A& P do - don’t publically rebuke him in the synagogue, don’t say hot shot - wish I had his privileged education, - They rejoice in young disciples progress, amazed at God’s work, but they also take him into their home, privately explain what he had’t yet learned about Jesus as sacrificial lamb, the worth of the Cross blood f Christ as sacrifice makes new and adopt by God, spoke of Christ resurrection and the promise of his return, of Him sending us out but not with our own learning or power, but with the Spirit and His gift.
I wonder if with one and another here, we are satisfied with religious talk, moral and emotional support, or whether as disciples of living Christ we - press on to have gospel of Jesus applied to our lives. How we deal with our sin, what strength and peace and guidance to get through struggle and trial, what esteem and worth find in Christ not in others. This is what it means to grow as disciples!
But what would you do if you were Apollos, and these friends wanted to disciple you in the truth and gospel of Jesus? who are you to teach me, no what a mark of humility let me learn the way of Christ more accurately from you. Scary to open yourself up to others, ie. teenager camp shalom. Prayer partner here, Bible study group. Even family devotions around our tables, stop to pray and discuss!
This is the what’s more of discipleship - Apollos as learned as he was - never thought he arrived, A& Pr eager to share in their humble way and not be in the lime light. Even the new Christians in that synagogue in Ephesus, eager to play part in some one like this helping others! Networking going on. Priscilla and Aquila just came from Corinth in province across Aegean Sea Achai. Now Apollos heads there but with others commending and writing letter of introduction; hey get to know welcome this guy, let him teach , let him live the Christian life, serve together with him. He gets there and what do we read - just teaching in powerful way? No. Something has changed compared to how he came to Ephesus.
And when he wished to cross to Achaia, the brothers encouraged him and wrote to the disciples to welcome him. When he arrived, he greatly helped those who through grace had believed,
Luke is empahsizing - no longer in twighlight of follwoing Jesus as some OT prophet, spiritual guru, or moral teacher; but all about Grace in Jesus - Living Jesus - faith in HIs Work of Atonementa nd REsurrection and Rising to establish new kingdom! And well placed to go to those who don’t yet belive and from the Scriptures to show them Christ!
And when he wished to cross to Achaia, the brothers encouraged him and wrote to the disciples to welcome him. When he arrived, he greatly helped those who through grace had believed,
Luke is emphasizing - no longer in twilight of following Jesus as some OT prophet, spiritual guru, or moral teacher; but all about Grace in Jesus - Living Jesus - faith in His Work of Atonement and Resurrection and Rising to establish new kingdom! And well placed to go to those who don’t yet believe and from the Scriptures to show them Christ!
And when he wished to cross to Achaia, the brothers encouraged him and wrote to the disciples to welcome him. When he arrived, he greatly helped those who through grace had believed,
Well congregation, the church is made up of disciplining relationships, in your are you content with just religio and morals, or are we growing together in how grace and Jesus Himself, the lamb of God, working radical forgiveness and acceptance, conquering death and victory over temptations, risen to guide and direct Spirit filled life, build His church, even His kingdom ! A new holiness, a new full revelation direction - with that kind of faith, grace witness, and discuss - are we strengthening each other in that grace? Do you have people in your life at different points in their relationships with God. Do you seek to discern and not judge, but discern and walk beside?
We must be faithful in giving witness as we ca, seek opportunities to share with those who haven't heard, and those who haven’t understood! but that has to flow out of the main business of our lives following Jesus as disciples and growing in the grace he really works among us here in his church! Overflow to world we live in through relationships! I am thinking about you in young peoples unique temptations and opportunities face, thinking of you growing families. Thinking of you those here with Christian friendship, of widows That’s what will happen if vulnerable to offer your strengths and weaknesses here in discipleship!
But Luke wants to underscore that you will only be able to do this being disciple and discipling others, if you have been baptized into Christ and are living in the power of His Spirit!
B. Disciples bear the Name and Revelation of Christ to Others, being indwelt, empowered and gifted by the Holy Spirit! The example of the Disciples of John the Baptist
Here is a sharpened focus on what it means to truly be a disicple of Christ and not just a Christian in name. And if that sounds snobby to you. That some are “believers” only in name consider the experience of these disicples of John the Baptist and how Paul discipled them.
Notice unlike a snob, Paul welcomes them as disciples. We don’t know how much about Jesus they knew nor how little, but they are in synagogue or in the fellowship of P & A with other bleievers and Paul loves that they are there.
As we approach Christmas and other holidays this should be a lesosn to us. NOt look with disdain on those who are “Christams and Easter Christians”, think of your family and there are some not walking with the Lord, ot in regular wroship, fellowship or service with Jesus - yet interested whetehr midlly o intestley. Nieghbours that are ignorant of the Scriptures, didn’t grow up with them. It is so easy to look down o nthese and soncisder ourselves better.
But look waht Paul does, he first questions asks something we should ask of each other - We could call it a discerning question. YOur spiritual your rleigious, your insterested , your a disicple of something - tell me about it. He assumes they are follower s of Jesus and so the question Paul asks is:
And he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” And they said, “No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.”
Notice Paul didn’t ask did you get the Holy Spirit when you were baptized. False teaching of Roman Catholicism on one side - say ex opero operatus ; and false teaching of certain charismatic teachings on the other that assume, after beliving their is a separate baptism of the holy SPirit that makesyou spiritual and morally perfect. NO look agian what Paul says:
The teaching of Scripture is that when someone belives they have received the Holy Spirit. Faith in Christ flows out of being born again, and the gifts() of and the graces () the Spirit are for those who have faith in Christ!
And look at there answer answer, we haven’t even heard that there is a Holy Spirit. Maybe that’s you this morning, no experience yet oft he Holy Spirit awakening you, showing you Jesus, working new gift, working new graces , fruit of the Spirit i in you. This is the big hint that Apollos had received true baptism with repentance and faith in Christ - receiving John’s Baptism that pointed to Christ and the Spirit - he had received that with understanding and was truly converted; but this was also the big hint that this was not the case with these “disciples of John” . John had taught about the Holy Spirit. That his baptism was unto the Messiah, and that the Messiah would baptize with the Spirit! From the beginning Jesus taught that even to see the Kingdom of God, you had to be born again,
The Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hand.
Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?”
Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Nicodemus said to him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?” Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
To truly receive John’s bpatism was to be baptized into the same realities as Christian baptism, but just looking ahead only repentance as have faith in this comiong One. John said beyond water bpatism (whetehr John’s or Christian bpatism later) th water baptism was a sign and seal of spirit baptism that the Messiah would give
To truly receive John’s bpatism was to be baptized into the same realities as Christian baptism, but just looking ahead only repentance as have faith in this comiong One. John said beyond water bpatism (whetehr John’s or Christian bpatism later) th water baptism was a sign and seal of spirit baptism that the Messiah would give
Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
To truly receive John’s baptism was to be baptized into the same realities as Christian baptism. It was to just look ahead to this Coming One. His baptism of repentance was to put your faith in the Messiah. John said beyond water baptism (whether John’s or Christian baptism later) the water baptism was a sign and seal of spirit baptism that the Messiah would give. It is clear to Paul they had not understood John’s baptism, and just ritual for moral teaching that didn’t really centre on the Messiah or his Spirit!
To truly receive John’s bpatism was to be baptized into the same realities as Christian baptism, but just looking ahead only repentance as have faith in this comiong One. John said beyond water bpatism (whetehr John’s or Christian bpatism later) th water baptism was a sign and seal of spirit baptism that the Messiah would give
So Paul asks them a second question that reveals -whether we are truly disciples of Jesus Christ -
And he said, “Into what then were you baptized?” They said, “Into John’s baptism.”
These were just followers of some scattered disciples of John the Baptist, who taught a baptism a religious way of life, that didn't have the Christ as the focus, that were still waiting for a Messiah and venerated John and serious moral living - later in this very area - Ebionites, Jewish form of Christianity - without Jesus as the Son of God and the Hly Spirit!
Paul is not disdaining them, but he is uncovering that they were not yet equipped to be disciples of Jesus!
And Paul said, “John baptized with the baptism of repentance, telling the people to believe in the one who was to come after him, that is, Jesus.”
Those who just follow a party spirit but have not had an encounter with Jesus as Christ - have just undergone an empty ritual not real baptism. Paul explains the true intent and meaning of baptism. It all refers to Christ. John’s baptism was a porch to get into a greater reality, not a home to rest in - leads to Messiah and His Spirit. It is a mistake if just in religious party’s name but not into the reality of Christ Why later Paul says
Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?
And these religious people who haven’t yet experienced Christ or His Spirit they are thankful for the discovery of the Lord Jesus. Lok at v.5 And don’t miss what is being said here in teh Roman Empire there is only one Lord and that is Caesar, but the Jews couldn’t abide by that, had special permission - as long as they prayed for ad made sacrfices for Casear - would have to say Cassar is LORD, could live with Jehvah, YAHWEH one true invisbile God . But here is the radical discovery Paul shared and they accepted:
On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
And don’t miss what is being said here in teh Roman Empire there is only one Lord and that is Caesar, but the Jews couldn’t abide by that, had special permission - as long as they prayed for ad made sacrfices for Casear - would have to say Cassar is LORD, could live with Jehvah, YAHWEH one true invisbile God . But here is the radical discovery Paul shared and they accepted:
On hearing this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Jesus is sthe image of th invisible God, The Word of God was with God and is God. The prupose that Jesus was wsent into the world - was to make God known, - to be baptized into the NAME OF something - means to be baptized ito the revealtion. What real repetnance means, to turn from sin, turn from idol gods, turn to living LORD.
Jesus is sthe image of th invisible God, The Word of God was with God and is God. The prupose that Jesus was wsent into the world - was to make God known, - to be baptized into the ANEM OF something - means to be baptized ito the revealtion. What real repetnance means, to turn from sin, turn from idol gods, turn to living LORD.
Jesus is the image of th invisible God, The Word of God was with God and is God. The purpose that Jesus was sent into the world - was to make God known, - to be baptized into the NAME OF something - means to be baptized into the revelation. What real repentance means, to turn from sin, turn from idol gods, turn to living LORD.
That is the discovery we must seek to make with those around us, Jesus is Lord, he is truly God, he is also Master - his revelation is the key to everything. His Cross, His power, His Love. When someone was baptized into (eis) into a new sphere! The sphere of Christ and His Spirit.
Paul says, you need this sign and seal of repentance and faith in Jesus as Lord. You need to be marked with this picture and promise of how regeneration and renovation happens. That’s the force of what baptism its a picture and promise of how we lay hold of Christ by faith and take to ourselves everything is and has done for us.
Children of believers receive that sign and seal in the OT and in the NT baptism. Those who newly came to embrace Christ - given the sign as thy become members of his Church. So interesting that Christ never re-baptized those apostles, their water baptism served the purpose for which it was given. So too anyone baptized in the Triune name.
Martin Luther says a question we should ask every day - for those of you already baptized for those who have not yet been, Unto what was I baptized, Unto what would I like to be baptized - whole life with Christ, that we are to strive towards - is what we are baptized into:
all the promises : victory over sin and death, forgiveness, grace of God, fullness in Christ, Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Holy Spirit. I was baptized into those promises in Christ and I live towards them!
If we have received a water baptism but it was not to receive the Spirit and all these gifts and promises, this new life, revealed in Christ, so far our baptism has been nullified. Doesn’t need to be repeated, but by faith in Christ claimed.
That’s the big issue in our text: You can only share the grace of Jesus with others, you can only do discipleship together, if you yourself are experiencing and living in Christ. You only take up the name Christian in truth, if you have taken Christ and then you will share Him. And that is the conclusion of our text that came with an exclamation point!
And when Paul had laid his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they began speaking in tongues and prophesying.
There were about twelve men in all.
Acts 19:
It was no surprise that the Holy Spirit came on those who newly believed in Jesus. Jesus taught this in ,
Paul explained it in his epistles - no one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Spirit. All who believe born of the Spirit.
he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit,
What happened each time someone believes on Christ - 3000 at Pentecost. Holy Spirit given to each believer as promised. Ascended Jesus receive gift of the Spirit, and distributes it as prophesied - each one a telnet from the Lord. So Paul laid his hands on them, symbolic gesture that the Holy Spirit would empower these 12 - perhaps to go to be light to others in the area only so-called disciples of John, hadn't yet come to know Jesus as Lord and Christ and all his blessing from the Cross Resurrection, his new kingdom growing! Perhaps nucleus of believers in area of Ephesus - launch pad to all those church , were John would. centre of Christianity.
Understand, that you too if you have the reality that baptism points to - not at baptism but when you believed given the Spirit of Christ to serve.
But here comes the exclamation point. Not only received the Spirit, but like the three other times, when the gospel goes from Jerusalem, then to Samaria, then to Gentiles. A special gift of the Holy Spirit is given as a signal that Pentecost is being repeated. At Pentecost before the 3000 were saved and received the Holy Spirit, 120 Galilean Jesus first disciples, endowed with the spirit and what did they do?
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
They spoke in foreign languages of the people there - and they spoke of the prophesies, utterances of ho Jesus is marvelous wonders and works of the LORD!
Then in Phillip sharing gospel, and reception, so Apostles go down - and lay hands and they are filled with the Holy Spirit. Samaria Then Cornelius Gentile centurion of Italian cohort, they believe receive the word, the Holy Spirit comes on them and then they are baptized, order is different each time, but as it goes from Jerusalem, to Samaria, to Gentiles, the event of Pentecost repeated with exclamation mark, And Now to the Gentiles what happens:
And the believers from among the circumcised who had come with Peter were amazed, because the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out even on the Gentiles. For they were hearing them speaking in tongues and extolling God. Then Peter declared,
Same thing speaking in tongues and proclaiming, prophesying about God and His wonders in Jesus. Not routine for all Spirit-filled believers but special rare event given in addition to the normal indwelling of the Spirit, during the early stages of outreach of the gospel and why? The tongues where a sign to unbelievers and the prophesy for believers Paul would later explain:
Thus tongues are a sign not for believers but for unbelievers, while prophecy is a sign not for unbelievers but for believers.
The charismatic gift of tongues during this early life of the chruch was a fulfillment of
For by people of strange lips and with a foreign tongue the Lord will speak to this people, to whom he has said, “This is rest; give rest to the weary; and this is repose”; yet they would not hear.
But the big deal, the enduring deal, was that all who believe on Christ would receive the gifts and fruits of Christ’s Spirit, and filled with His Spirit, would go on to carry on His mission work in His love and in His power. That ultimately is the mark of genuine discipleship - the presence of the Holy Spirit in the heart of those who profess the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Dear friends, Have you heard of the Holy Spirit? Any Jew with a basic knowledge of the OT would have! From , to the endowment of wisdom on those who made the Tabernacle, to Moses desire that all God’s people and not a few would have Spirit upon them to prophesy, to endowment of strength to lead on judges like Sampson, to Kings even temporarily like Saul.
But they all would have heard the promises that Ezra, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi at the end of the OT - that the Holy Spirit would depart from Israel. And these disciples of John, had not heard of the Spirit’s return. They half expected it, and they did come to welcome it. The receiving of the Spirit is not a later second blessing - -gift to all who turn to Jesus, can be signed and sealed in baptism - but it is fulfillment of Jesus Promise . The Spirit in you is how Jesus takes what His and makes it yours. His Spirit is how he gives you new life and renovates your life. It is how disciples are indwelt by Christ, empowered and gifted to to share in the work of making disciples with those around you! Made whole heatedly willing and ready to serve Him!
It is possible for us to grieve the Spirit, to not walk in step, but if we have been saved, you are indwelt by the Spirit, and God urges you to walk in Step with his Spirit, to fan into flame . Jesus says, in Luke only gives His Spirit to those who ask. We are to pray for His presence more manifest in our lives and friendships and church! We may not have Paul laying hands on us, but Jesus does send His Spirit here, and all he calls he will equip. And that equipping is for the work of following Jesus with each other, and even with those who don't yet know him! So let’s be like Apollos use our gift whatever it is for the Lord, Let’s be like Aq&Pr humbly welcome others into our homes, lives, our church family, and walk beside them. Let’s be like these disciples of John, discover the fulness of Christ and seek what baptism into Jesus name means!