Psalm 119 (4)

Psalm 119   •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  53:41
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What causes my greatest sorrow?

Transition: Today we are going to discover from Psalm 119:25-32 how God’s Awesome word will sustain us through seasons of great sorrow.
Read the passage
Notice a few observations.
Repetition of of “ways.” (vs. 26,27,29,30,32) The Hebrew word for way is “Derek”. It is the first word in 5 of the 8 verses in this stanza. It means pathway, road, journey, or doorway. This is significant because the Hebrew letter that titles this song is Daleth, which basically means door. We can conclude that this song is going to teach us something about … the way. the door. or the pathway.
Secondly, we should notice the repetition of the adjectives that David uses for God’s word.
Vs 25- Word= verbal Commands
V 26- Statutes= Prescriptions, authoritative rules
Vs. 27- Precepts= instructions, direct orders
Vs. 28- Again uses “your word”
Vs. 29- Law = whole body of rules, most usually found in the Torah, moses writings.
Vs. 30- Rules= God’s decisions or authoritative judgments.
Vs. 31 Testimonies = a covenant witness under oath. God bearing witness of Himself.
Vs. 32 Commandments = God’s set of instructions about how to love Him and one another.
Therefore, with this kind of repetition we can conclude that Daleth is going to reveal something to us about God’s awesome word.
Thirdly, we should also be aware that the confession and request of verses 25 & 28 are very much the same. The word for soul that is used in these two verse is the same word that was used in Vs 20, when the psalmist said, “my soul is consumed with longing for your rules.” It has the connotation of the very nucleolus of our being. The soul is that eternal inward and unseen part of a person. It has to do with the passions , desires, and very essence of a person’s life. Notice that in verse 25 his soul … is clinging to the dust. Basically, he saying that he is near death. He recognizes it was the dust from which God has made him, and he deeply burdened to the point of returning to the dust. However, in verse 28 he says that my soul melts away with sorrow. This means that he is weary with deep emotional grief. The word for “melts away” can be translated sleeplessness. What we discover is that this song is not only showing us something about the doorway of life, and the awesome word of God, but also is picturing a person who’s soul is gravely consumed with deep sorrow.
Before we seek to make application of this text let me point out one other observation. Notice the progression and change in tone from the first half of the song to the second. In the first half he is requesting life, teaching, understanding, strength, and the removal of falsehood. All of these requests are according to the awesome word of God. However, in verse 30-32 we see the expression change from request to commitment. From drudgery to delight. from a soul that is cast down to a soul that is running with courage! Notice the phrases, “I have chosen, I cling, I will run”
As a result of noticing these observation we can conclude that the Big point of Daleth is this:

God’s Awesome Word is the doorway out of sorrow.

Transition: Now, by way of application I want to investigate this truth a little further by asking the question.

Causes of deep sorrow?

Transition: As we have already noticed this morning, there are certainly several answers to this question. And in all of those causes I do believe that the Word of God is the ultimate answer for bringing us out of sorrow. However, I want to draw attention to one cause of sorrow that we perhaps overlook, or even too quickly dismiss. That is, God causes deep sorrow. I do not mean that He is the only reason people experience grief, sorrow, weariness of soul, depression, or despondency. I hope that is obvious. However, God is one great cause of sorrow that I think we can have the tendency to misdiagnose.
Before ya’ll get too resistant to the idea of God causing sorrow let me explain. The way, or reason that God causes sorrow is most usually in response to our sin. Said another way, God is showing great grace by causining us great sorrow in order to deal with our great problem of sin.
Illustration: To help us begin to get a handle on this let me read to you a portion from the book, “Pilgrims Progress.” After explaining a bit of the story line and situation of Pilgrims progress read pages 28-29.
How is it that the word of God is the doorway out of sorrow? Turn with me to Isiah 53 where we see God’s provision for sorrow.
What does all this mean. Right now, the Holy Spirit is using the Word of God to produce sorrow in souls for sin. However, His intention is that you would not just be sorrowful, but that as He awakens you to your need of the Savior who is well acquainted with your sorrow, the Savior who paid the debt of your sinful separation from God, the savior who made it possible by His death and Resurrection for you to be in right relationship with God.. as he awakens you with the gospel of Christ he is awakening you to life. He is enlarging your heart to believe. He is setting your heart free from sin and replacing that heart of stone with a heart of faith. Therefore, God’s awesome word is doorway for you to walk out of sorrow into the light of life!
Listen to the words of Jesus from John 10:1-10
Have you experienced the sorrow over sin that brings new life? If not, please hear the word of the Lord and be saved today!
One reason God causes sorrow for in is in order to awaken us to true life. However, He will also cause those sons and daughters that are born again to experience deep sorrow because of the sin that breaks fellowship with Himself. The gracious teaching of God’s laws are to help us walk in the pathway of communion with our King. God is being kind to use His word to confront our sin in order that we might repent and walk in fellowship with Him. God’s word is the doorway out of sorrow… especially the sorrow that He causes us in response to our sin.
Compare I John 1:9 with 119:26
Look at II Corinthians 7:8-10
2 Corinthians 7:8–10 ESV
For even if I made you grieve with my letter, I do not regret it—though I did regret it, for I see that that letter grieved you, though only for a while. As it is, I rejoice, not because you were grieved, but because you were grieved into repenting. For you felt a godly grief, so that you suffered no loss through us. For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.
Point: God’s awesome word is the doorway out of sorrow. This is true for every kind of sorrow and certainly does not negate the need we have to encourage one another and have good and Biblical advice during rough seasons of the soul. However, there is nothing that produces peace, joy, life, understanding, strength, truth, repentance, and an revived heart like the Word of God.

Will the awesome word of God be the satisfaction for my weary soul?

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