4SpiritualSecrets - John 15;1-11
The Secret to Spiritual Power
John 15:1-11
Introduction –
A. Attention
1. Example – Israel at the Red Sea
2. Jesus previous commands in John 14
a. Keep my word
b. Do not be troubled or afraid at His death
c. Believe
B. Need
1. Textual Idea – Jesus told disciples how to do impossible
2. Sermon Idea – Method we can use to do the impossible
3. Interrogative – How can we live the Christian life?
C. Transition
1. 4 things we must know – Review of Four Spiritual Truths
a. I’m not but He is
b. I can’t but He can
c. I don’t want to, but He wants to
d. I didn’t but he did
2. The secret to the Secrets is found in John 15:1-11
a. Responsibility - Who does what?
b. Provision – How will the work be accomplished?
c. Results – What results can be expected?
I. Roles of the relationship (John 15:1-4)
A. Explanation – Responsibilities are outlined
1. Christ is the vine
2. The Father is the gardener (farmer) – good and bad branches
a. Takes away bad branches
b. Prunes good ones - Purifies
3. Disciples are the branches
a. They are already pruned (cleansed)
b. They must remain attached to the vine
B. Illustration – Church Roles
1. Teaching
2. Singing
3. Upkeep
4. Caring for those in need
5. Children
C. Argumentation
1. Taking on wrong roles
2. Neglecting right roles
D. Application
1. We take the role of God and Christ
2. We neglect our own role
3. The result – Jn 15:4
a. We must abide
b. We cannot bear fruit apart from Christ
E. Transition – how do we produce fruit?
II. Power of the Relationship (Jn 15:5-8)
A. Explanation
1. Fruit comes from remaining (Jn 15:5)
2. Results of not remaining (Jn 15:6)
3. Results of remaining (Jn 15:7, 8)
a. Answered prayer
b. God glorified
c. Much fruit
B. Illustration - Door prize
C. Argumentation
1. Fruit is not produced by our struggle
2. Fruit is produced by God
3. Fruit is produced through Christ
D. Application
1. We cannot live the Christian Life
2. God can live it through us
E. Transition
1. What happens when we stay connected to Christ?
2. What is the fruit?
III. Results of the relationship (Jn 15:9-11)
A. Explanation
1. What do they remain in? – Christ’s love
2. How do they remain?
a. Obey Christ’s commands
b. As He obeyed His Father’s commands
3. Result – Joy
a. Christ’s joy in us
b. Our joy complete
B. Illustration – True love
C. Argumentation
1. Our relationship with Christ is strengthened by obedience
2. Christ’s joy will become our joy
3. Our joy will be made complete
D. Application
1. We all seek joy
2. Joy can only be found in keeping Christ’s commands
a. Abide in Him
b. Accept that He loves us – Incarnation, death, resurrection
c. Love one another
E. Transition
1. The result of the Christian life is joy in Christ
2. How do we get this Joy?
Conclusion - Visualization
A. Reiteration - The Four Spiritual Secrets bring joy
1. I’m not but He is and I’m in Him and He’s in me
2. I can’t but He can and I’m in Him and He’s in me
3. I don’t want to but He wants to and I’m in Him and He’s in me
4. I didn’t but He did, because I was in Him and He was in me
B. Action
1. Stop trying to be acceptable - Accept God’s grace
2. Ask Him to use you – Let Him use you
3. Be realistic - Give Him the credit
C. Appeal
1. Revel in your position
a. Already clean
1) The disciples fell away at crucifixion
2) Peter denied Christ
b. You can have answered prayer
c. You are loved by God almighty maker of heaven and earth
2. Just hang in there
a. Examples – holding hands
b. Clinging to a life raft
3. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us
4. Benediction – Romans 11:33-36