An Introduction to the
“Four Spiritual Secrets”
Introduction - Welcome
A. Review
1. Spiritual Compass
a. Past
1) Where are you?
2) Who told you?
3) Have you been eating from the wrong trees?
4) What have you done?
b. Future
1) Where have you come from and where are you going?
2) Who are you?
3) What are you?
4) What do you want?
2. Spiritual Secrets
a. I’m not but He is. And I am in Him, and He is in me
b. I can’t, but He can. And I am in Him, and He is in me.
c. I don’t want to, but He wants to. And I am in Him, and He is in me.
d. I didn’t, but He did because I was in Him and He was in me
B. Today – Moses
1. Historical Setting
a. Slavery
b. Moses
1) Born a slave
2) Became a prince
3) Tried to be a deliverer
4) Banished to the desert
2. Reading – Exodus 3:11 - 4:17
I. The Story (what does it say?)
A. Moses is tending his Father-in-law’s sheep – 3:1
B. God gets his attention – 3:2, 3
C. God introduces Himself – 3:4-6
D. God reveals His intentions – 3:7-10
E. Moses responds to God’s call – 3:11-
1. Moses objects and God responds
a. Who am I? – 3:11, 12
b. Who are you? – 3:13-23
c. What if the people won’t listen? – 4:1-9
d. What if I can’t speak? – 4:10-12
e. Send someone else? – 4:13-17
2. Moses’ decision - 4:18
II. Moses and the Spiritual Secrets (what does it mean?)
A. God calls Moses
B. Moses learns the Four Spiritual Secrets
1. Who Moses is, is not important
a. Who God is, is what’s important
b. God is with Moses
2. Moses raises objections (I can’t)
a. God tells Moses who He is
b. God will do it
3. Moses asks God to send someone else (I don’t want to)
a. God gets angry
b. God sends a helper
C. Moses obeys
III. Us and the Spiritual Secrets (what does this mean to me?)
A. Is God trying to get your attention?
B. Is God trying to reveal Himself?
C. What is God trying to teach us?
D. How will we respond to God’s call?
A. Review of Truths
1. Went from Somebody to Nobody
2. Went from Nobody to Somebody
3. God can use Somebody who knows they’re Nobody
B. Assignment – John 15