The Story of the Magi
Christmas; Honor the Lord; Honor the Father; Commitment
I. INTRODUCTION AND TEXT: Matt. 2:1-3; Luke 2:8-19
A. As Christmas approaches, we are all excited about the time of family gathering. We put up the tree; we wrap presents, prepare a special meal, and get ready for celebration of Christmas.
B. We love the season of Christmas for many reasons. But for the Christian, Christmas should hold a different place in your heart and mind.
C. Today, I want to tell the story of the Magi, the wise men the bible.
1. The Magi were searching for the one who would be king to honor him
2. The Magi were committed to the search; they were willing to do whatever it took for however long it took.
3. The Magi had sincerity of heart in their desire to find and honor the Lord.
II.First: The Magi were searching for the king to come and honor him; to worship him.
A. Who were these wise men. The actual word translated as “wise men” is the word, "magi". The Magi were a special cast of priests in Persia and in Babylon. These were men of high stature and respect.
One other interesting note about the Magi, is that they were not Jews, but Gentiles. From the very beginning, Jesus came to be the Savior of the world (John 4:42).
It was common knowledge there was a coming ruler, a king. Scripture in Micah 5:2; Numbers 24:17
B. Notice in Matt. 2:2, the scripture says the purpose of their search was to honor or worship the Lord.
1. As we get close to the Christmas events at our homes, what is the main purpose we share with our friends and families during the holiday?
2. Are we afraid to stand out and be noticed for our faith and love Jesus, our King?
3. Are we willing to demonstrate the real purpose of our celebration through prayers, praise, and thanksgiving?
C. What is the purpose of your search for the King?
III.Second, the Magi were committed to the search; they were willing to do whatever it took for however long it took.
A. When I was younger, I loved taking trips of 500-1000 miles. Now, I do not enjoy those long 10-20 hour car trips.
B. Usually, you have to stop a lot; you have to get somewhere by a certain time, and you can’t simply enjoy the trip.
C. There is also the amount of preparation you have to do to take a trip. You have to
1. go buy gas for the car,
2. check the mechanics (tires, engine, etc.)
3. Then you have to pack the kids into the car, make sure you have games and books to occupy them,
4. get your coats and clothes in the car,
5. pack up any presents you want to take for those you are visiting,
6. and then finally, make sure you have directions and a map.
D. Can you imagine riding 500-1000 miles on a camel? Not only that, all of the preparation that has to go for a camel caravan for wealthy men of the east?
E. When you think about your search for the King, what is your level of commitment?
F. How far are you willing to go to worship at the feet of Jesus, and honor your King?
IV.Main Point 3: The Magi were searching for the King from a sincere heart.
A. Many people seek the Lord for many different reasons.
1. For status in the eyes of others (Acts 8:14-21)
2. For the promises of healing or deliverance
3. For security for eternity
4. For a career
a) Many ministers and Christian organizations approach the ministry as a job, a way to earn money, and not as a ministry.
B. The Magi were wealthy men; highly honored in their own lands and considered as authorities in philosophy and religion.
1. Yet, they were humble enough to bow down and worship at the feet of a baby.
2. They offered gifts to the King, instead of receiving recognition from Herod (Matt. 12:7-12)
C. What is in your hearts as you recognize the birth of Christ during this Christmas season?
A. Just as the Magi were searching for a King, so the whole world is looking for someone to rule over them.
a) Just as the Magi followed the light of God in the form of a star, those who follow the light of God will look to worship an eternal King to reign over their hearts and lives.
b) Others, refusing to follow the light, will continuously search for one to rule over their lives. They will find darkness and the devil to rule their lives, forever worshipping this world and the things this world has to offer.
2. (Point 1) I am going to ask you a question. What are you looking for during this Christmas season? Where is your search taking you? What is the purpose of your journey of life?
3. (Point 2) Christians, when was the last time you laid it all on the line for the Lord? When was the last time you gave everything you are; all that you are and all that you have, to honor Jesus? What is your commitment to worship the Lord?
4. (Point 3) Man cannot hide from his own heart. What is in your heart when you seek the Lord?
B. The Magi were gentiles; they were not even recognized as the people of God. And yet, these wise men laid everything on the line to find the answer of the king.
C. What are you willing to do to honor the King?