Isaiah 9:8 - 12 Lives Marked by Humble Trust in the Lord
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· 5 viewsGod deserves and demands humble trust.
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Driving on Shaker Road a couple of years ago, there was construction happening near the 3-way intersection and a worker was standing with a sign that says Stop/Slow. The van in front of me was proceeded without braking at all. She continued forward, and finally the worker realized that she wasn’t stopping. He threw himself in front of her car with the sign swaying across the road. She came to a halting stop.
In similar fashion, Israel was on a journey down a road where the bridge was out, and God was sending people along the way to try to stop them. The message to them was ongoing - that they needed to repent and trust the Lord.
What is he saying?
The just wrath of God is coming to Israel (v. 8 - 12)
The just wrath of God is coming to Israel (v. 8 - 12)
The wrath of God means that He intensely hates all sin.
It is both an OT truth and a NT truth.
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
(1) It is a wrath that is certain (v. 8)
(1) It is a wrath that is certain (v. 8)
(2) It is a wrath that is just (v. 9 - 10)
(2) It is a wrath that is just (v. 9 - 10)
(3) It is a wrath that is comprehensive (v. 11 - 12a)
(3) It is a wrath that is comprehensive (v. 11 - 12a)
(4) It is a wrath that must be satisfied (v. 12b)
(4) It is a wrath that must be satisfied (v. 12b)
Have you ever pulled up to the drive through window to pick up food. Upon leaving the window, you realize that they forgot to put the fries in the bag? What you expected and paid for was not delivered.
Regarding the wrath of God, you can rest assured that what He says, He will fulfill. God will punish the unjust.
II Thessalonians 1:
And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels, In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:
The just wrath of God is coming to Israel.
Why is he saying this?
The just wrath of God is clear because of pride (v. 9 - 10)
The just wrath of God is clear because of pride (v. 9 - 10)
(1) Pride revealed by their words
(1) Pride revealed by their words
(2) Pride revealed by their activity
(2) Pride revealed by their activity
Pride cannot remain hidden for long.
Have you ever played hide and seek with a small child? Though they know how to play the game, when they are real little, if you get close to where they are, they will actually come out and reveal where they are before you get to them.
Pride is this inner sin that will manifest itself in what we say and what we do. Pride in the heart actually causes self-deception. Consider
The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, Thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; That saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground?
Pride leads us to make decisions without consulting with the Lord.
Pride leads us to press through in a wrong direction though we have suffered loss. There appears to be a fine line between perseverance and pride.
The just wrath of God is coming to Israel.
The just wrath of God is clear because of pride.
What is the principle and application?
The just wrath of God communicates what God deserves and demands.
The just wrath of God communicates what God deserves and demands.
question: what makes pride something that God cannot over look?
question: why does God expect that Israel should turn to him or be judged?
Yet we must realize that the reason pride is wrong is a theological reason: it is that we do not deserve the honor that belongs to God alone (cf. ; ). - Grudem
Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
Romans 1:
If you work, you expect to receive your wages. If you’re an employee, you expect to be treated as an employee. If you’re a wife, you expect to be treated as a wife.
In like manner, God deserves to be recognized for who He is and what He alone has done.
He rightly demands that we be humble before Him.
He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; And what doth the Lord require of thee, But to do justly, and to love mercy, And to walk humbly with thy God?
The just wrath of God is coming to Israel.
The just wrath of God is clear because of pride.
The just wrath of God makes clear what God deserves and demands.
What makes this difficult?
The just wrath of God can be contented but it is difficult for mankind.
The just wrath of God can be contented but it is difficult for mankind.
When you first buy an iPhone, and you turn it on, it asks you what language you would like to use. This is the “factory setting.” For years, the phones came a “locked” which meant that you could not use them with other carriers. Now, most of the phones, can be purchased unlocked. These are factory settings that are established by the companies.
In similar fashion, the factory setting of the human heart is pride.
Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
(1) our flesh - our sinful nature is on the factory setting of “pride”
(1) our flesh - our sinful nature is on the factory setting of “pride”
This is what we see with Israel in v. 10
(2) our world - the cultures within which we live are constantly teaching us to “believe in ourselves” -
(2) our world - the cultures within which we live are constantly teaching us to “believe in ourselves” -
(both conservative and liberal)
Consider how Israel relied on other deceptive allies.
(3) our enemy - he is an arch nemesis who blinds the minds of mankind.
(3) our enemy - he is an arch nemesis who blinds the minds of mankind.
Consider that this wrath is viewed as negative rather than an opportunity to respond to God’s patience.
Being humble is God’s requirement, but it is an impossible thing for mankind to do perfectly.
“Hurry, she’s dying. Please hurry.”
“Hurry, she’s dying. Please hurry.”
That’s what Miranda Harrell told 911 on Oct. 22 as her family’s 6-year-old pit bull attacked her 1-year-old daughter, Triniti, according to local TV station WRAL.
That’s what Miranda Harrell told 911 on Oct. 22 as her family’s 6-year-old pit bull attacked her 1-year-old daughter, Triniti, according to local TV station WRAL.
“I need some help,” Harrell reportedly told the dispatcher. “My dog is attacking my daughter.”
“I need some help,” Harrell reportedly told the dispatcher. “My dog is attacking my daughter.”
The pit bull attacked Triniti while she and her mother were playing in the yard outside their home in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, WRAL reports. Despite Harrell’s attempts, the animal would not let her go.
The pit bull attacked Triniti while she and her mother were playing in the yard outside their home in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, WRAL reports. Despite Harrell’s attempts, the animal would not let her go.
Sin, especially pride, is like this. We think that everything is ok, but we don’t realize that we are like a helpless child in the clutches of a powerful beast that won’t let go.
Some adults think that everything will be ok if they have friends they can depend upon.
Some parents think that everything will be ok if their children just have a better education.
Some parents think that if their children could just get this passing grade then everything will be ok.
Some singles thing that everything will be ok if they found acceptance in a relationship.
All of these are signs of misplaced trust, and it is an empty effort. It is ultimately our pride getting the best of us. We must humble ourselves and place our trust in the Lord, but we struggle desperately with this.
The just wrath of God is coming to Israel.
The just wrath of God is clear because of pride.
The just wrath of God makes clear what God deserves and demands.
The just wrath of God can be contented but it is difficult for mankind.
The just wrath of God can be contented but it is impossible for mankind.
The just wrath of God can be contented but it is difficult for mankind.
What is the solution?
The just wrath of God has been satisfied by one Person.
The just wrath of God has been satisfied by one Person.
Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,
What does this look like practically now, as a Christian?
Since the wrath of God has been satisfied in Christ, Christians can live distinct lives.
Since the wrath of God has been satisfied in Christ, Christians can live distinct lives.
We will not be marked by anger against one another -
We will not be marked by anger against one another -
We will take the gospel to those who are under the wrath of God. -
We will take the gospel to those who are under the wrath of God. -
We will glory in the eternal nature of Christ's payment for our sin - NOW. (not fearing a wrath to come) -
We will glory in the eternal nature of Christ's payment for our sin - NOW. (not fearing a wrath to come) -
We will glory in the eternal nature of Christ's payment for our sin - NOW. (not fearing a wrath to come)
We will glory in the eternal nature of Christ's payment for our sin - NOW. (not fearing a wrath to come)
The just wrath of God is coming to Israel.
The just wrath of God is clear because of pride.
The just wrath of God makes clear what God deserves and demands.
The just wrath of God can be contented but it is impossible for mankind.
The just wrath of God has been satisfied by one person
Since the wrath of God has been satisfied, Christians will live distinct lives.
What are you trusting in?
Are you confident in yourself or the Lord?
What do you devotions show about your trust?
There is no God — that's the conclusion of the celebrated physicist Stephen Hawking, whose final book is published Tuesday.
This is a man who, to the end, did not humble himself before God. Let me ask you, “If your words and activities were to be assessed, would we discern that you trust in the Lord?”
Who have you spoken of the Lord to?
What activities in your life reveal your steadfast trust in the Lord.
Parents, when you discipline your children, is the Lord evident?
What do you anxieties show about your trust in the Lord?
Will you look for pride that causes you to not trust in the Lord and confess it tonight?