Dr. Biederwolf, one of the great Christian warriors of our day, writes, "I have looked, as if in a dream, through the gates of heaven. I stood, as it were, by an angel’s side who was there to guard the way. And as I stood there, the spirit of a man came and tried to gain admission. He told the angel of his wealth and the vast treasures he had gathered on earth. But the angel pointed to his gold and said, ‘We pave our streets with that stuff. There is not enough gold to buy even a glimpse into the celestial city.’
"And then a moral man came and told the angel who he was, told him of his morality and talked of the good works he had done. But the angel said, ‘Not of works, lest any man should boast. You can't come in.’
"Then came the spirit of another man and laid before the angel his respectability, his reputation and told of the good name he had borne among his neighbors. But the angel shook his head and said, ‘There is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved but the name of Jesus.’
"And then another came saying, ‘Nothing in my hands I bring; simply to the cross I cling. The blood of Jesus Christ hath cleansed me from sin.’ And then the gates of heaven rolled back on their jeweled hinges and the angel cried, ‘Enter into the everlasting Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.’
As the gates rolled back, I saw whole armies of redeemed drunkards, and numerous legions of those saved from the vilest sinks of sin, and whole acres of redeemed men and women who once trusted in their own morality and their own good name, but gave it all up for a righteousness not their own.
"They had crowns on their heads and palms of victory in their hands. And I saw one whose face and form I could not mistake. One like unto Jesus. And he ascended the throne, and the great throngs whom no man could number, took their crowns and cast them at his feet. And they waved their palms and cried: Wonderful. Counselor. The mighty God. The everlasting father. The prince of peace! And the heavenly choir sang,
‘All hail the power of Jesus name,
Let angels prostrate fall;
Bring forth the royal diadem
And crown him Lord of all.’"
Will you crown him your Lord -- right now?