Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Introduction-General Observations
Even the non-christian may know something about the Sermon on the Mount or even the Beatitudes, but they are more than something to know.
As we look at them these graces, qualities, are traits that the Christian should have as a kingdom dweller.
Just a few general observations first.
Beatitude means “supreme blessedness or happiness”
Blessedness is for those who have these character traits, qualities
There are some questions we may ask of the Beatitudes as we look at them.
Who are the people described in them?
The people described are those who have these eight qualities.
The people described are Christians!
These are qualities that each and every Christian should have
Kingdom citizens will bear these qualities much like the fruit of the Spirit (Gal5:22-23)
What are the qualities commended
Those who are poor and broken are commended qualities.
This is much more than physically, it is spiritually.
Brokenness and poverty look for help, they hunger and thirst and those are good qualities commended in the Beatitudes.
What are the blessings promised?
Happiness, These are Jesus theory of happiness.
They are not ethical duties in as much as a series of eight fundamental emotional attitudes.
This should not be considered a subjective state of happiness, but an objective view of the character traits of a Christian.
To those who have these traits here are some of the blessings
Mourners are comforted
Hungry are satisfied
Merciful shall see God
Great reward in heaven
I mentioned shall see God; while it is future; it is also present; future in our heavenly home; present we see these qualities in the person of Christ and in the Christian who has the Spirit of Christ and is being transformed into the likeness of Christ.
While we see the first-fruits now, the full harvest is yet to come.
One more thought as we look at the Beatitudes
The first four seem to point to character traits as related to God
The last four show character traits in our dealing with others
So now let’s look at the passage and the character required to be kingdom dwellers.
Inter-related character qualities
Inter-related meaning they all work together, not in part, but in whole.
The citizens of the kingdom will have these qualities.
They are not lofty ideas we work for, strive for, like any other grace, they are given.
These graces, these qualities work in conjunction with one another
This list, this passage is similar to list in 2Pt1:5-11
It is when you have these graces that entrance into heaven is abundantly provided for you.
When we look at the Beatitudes in detail you will see that they are not only inter-related they are progressive and each kingdom dweller possesses them.
They are eight qualities of a kingdom dweller.
Poor in Spirit - humble opinion of ourselves with understanding of our sinfulness and God’s righteousness
Spiritually afflicted unable to save self (Zeph3:12; Psm34:6; Lk18:13)
God accepts and will bless the poor in Spirit (Isa57:15; Isa66:1-2)
Don’t become rich in your eyes; be poor in Spirit (Rev3:17-18)
They mourn - mourning over ones own spiritual poverty and sinfulness
Mourn because of spiritual poverty, sinfulness (Mt5:4; Ps51:3-4)
They are meek (gentle) - easily entreated, willing to suffer injury rather than cause injury
They hunger/thirst for righteousness - they look for, long for the righteousness that comes from God.
Poor in Spirit - humble opinion of ourselves with understanding of our sinfulness and God’s righteousness (Mt5:3; Zeph3:12; Psm34:6)
Poor in Spirit being couched in what poor was in the O.T. a literal poor but Jesus is speaking of a spiritual poor, though literally poor made people more susceptible to the message.
Look at what David said in his humility
The poor man is the one who is both afflicted and unable to save himself so he looks to God for salvation.
He is the one who is convicted of his own spiritual poverty
Such people like that God will accept, God will bless, they will be happy because they are poor in the Spirit.
and Isaiah spoke more on this subject
“To be poor in spirit is to acknowledge our spiritual poverty, indeed our spiritual bankruptcy before God.” - John Stott
There is a lyric from song “Rock of Ages” look at it, for it a picture of being poor in spirit.
Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to the cross I cling; Naked, come to thee for dress; Helpless, look to thee for grace; Foul, I to the fountain fly; Wash me, Saviour, or I die.
John Calvin wrote “He only who is reduced to nothing in himself, an relies on the mercy of God, is poor in spirit.”
May we like the publican in Lk4:18 with down cast eyes cry out “be merciful on me a sinner!”
Contrary to the world and the their view of the kingdom.
The kingdom belongs to the poor not the rich, the feeble not the mighty, the little children not the soldiers, not the Pharisees or the Zealots, but the publicans, the prostitutes, the rejects who knew their broken state.
May we not have the view like the Laodicean’s
So, the kingdom dwellers need to have the acknowledgment of their own spiritual poverty.
Poor in Spirit - humble opinion of ourselves with understanding of our sinfulness and God’s righteousness
They mourn - mourning over ones own spiritual poverty and sinfulness
Kingdom dwellers mourn because they know they are poor in spirit, they have spiritual poverty because of their sin.
One commentator said you could translate this second beatitude to say “happy are the unhappy” in other words from a place of sorrow can bring happiness.
They mourn the loss of their innocence, their own righteousness, self-respect.
This is godly sorrow that brings about salvation.
It is one thing to know you are spiritually poor, but it is another to grieve, mourn over it.
It is the difference between confession and contrition.
Confession is admitting; contrition is being remorseful, penitent, and repenting
Look at David’s example.
Poor in Spirit - humble opinion of ourselves with understanding of our sinfulness and God’s righteousness
They mourn - mourning over ones own spiritual poverty and sinfulness
They are meek (gentle) - easily entreated, willing to suffer injury rather than cause injury
The Greek adjective “Praus” means, gentle, humble, considerate, courteous.
Does this remind you of one who exercises self-control?
Jesus was one who was gentle, or meek, So this meek was not out of weakness but out of humility.
Jesus has the authority, the power to do whatever but He put it aside for our sake.
We, the kingdom dwellers are able to come humbly realizing our own poverty and our own sinfulness.
On a quick side note here before going into being meek, gentle, easily entreated.
Notice where this comes in the passage, let me give it so you so you can see the context
Meekness is understanding who we are, mournful of our sinful state, and because of that we then can hunger and thirst for righteousness
Dr. Lloyd Jones summed up this verse, this beatitude as:
“Meekness is essentially a true view of oneself, expressing itself in attitude and conduct with respect to others.”
This is the kingdom dweller who gentle, humble, sensitive, patient in all his interactions, dealings with others as exemplified by Christ.
Now that brings us to our next four graces that kingdom dwellers display
They hunger and thirst for righteousness (Mt5:6; php42:1-2; Ps19:12-14 and Php3:7-15)
They are merciful (Mt5:7; Lk23:34; Act7:60)
They are pure in heart (Mt5:8; Psm24:3-4)
They are peacemakers (Mt5:9; Rom12:18-21; Rom5:1; Eph6:15)
There is at least 3 kinds of righteousness that are found in the bible.
Legal righteousness: Also know as justification; a right relationship with God.
Moral righteousness: Our morals, character, conduct we do, pleasing God
Social righteousness: seeking to liberate the captives, the oppressed.
Spiritual hunger for righteousness is a characteristic of all God’s people whose ambition is not material but spiritual.
The one who is spiritually hungry and thirsty is the one whom the Lord will fill and satisfy.
Satisfy with His righteousness.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9