Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
why are so many churches doing so little for the kingdom?
few if any conversions
if they are growing it is growth by circulation
extremely difficult to run programs because of a spectator mentality
polls show that the daily lives of professing Christians are little different from that of unbelievers
watch the same TV programs and movies, have the same attitude toward dishonesty, are as sexually immoral, same divorce rates, etc.
The fact is that most churches are not operating under the control of the Spirit
applies to all churches no matter how big or how small
anyone can get people through the doors with the right budget and marketing techniques
produces carnality - they are fleshly, not spiritual
the kind of church that is so common today
on the other hand Acts provides us with a picture of healthy, growing churches
churches which are blessed by the HS, making an impact on the world
we find in these churches foundational principles
my passion that Eastwood embrace these principles and precepts which are the foundation for the success of the church
any church that wants to experience the fullness and blessing of the HS must recognize, embrace and implement these principles
Effective churches are Spirit controlled churches
all of them start with becoming solid in the Word (note the order in the Great Commission!)
this is the key to effectiveness
HS works when people are filled with the Word
Christians grew strong in the Word then fasted and prayed and the HS stepped in
this happened in the Jerusalem church
testimony of the Apostles: devoted to teaching and prayer
we now see it in the Antioch church
Antioch: A Thriving Church Led by the Spirit
1 They Were Saved
while this should be a given in every church it is not always so
many churches have turned away from the gospel
United Church minister who is an atheist and permitted to keep her job
even more Evangelical churches have embraced a view of salvation which keeps people from truly repenting of their sins
unless a person understands the gospel they cannot be saved
many make a decision without this
salvation has been reduced to a decision
A decision for Christ is worthless if it is not accompanied by a change of direction, change of desire, change of love, change of will, change of master
the degree to which a church is made up of genuine believers is the degree to which it will be fruitful
Q: how are people saved?
branches in Jn 15: some join themselves to Christ, others are joined by God
problem of unfruitful branches: have no vital connction
11:21 - believing vs actual turning to the Lord
people were continually being saved
church was boldly witnessing and they were growing through conversions
contrast to much church growth due to circulation of saints
2 They Were Marked by Grace
grace = unmerited favour
encapsulated in Jesus words,
Common grace: God’s undeserved kindness to all displayed in the provision of daily needs and all good things
another word for this is “providence”
all people people benefit from this
this is God’s love expressed to the world
instead of casting us immediately into hell as we deserve he blesses us with our needs and wants
Special grace: God’s undeserved kindness displayed to some in his saving them from sin and death
only those chosen by God benefit from special grace
NT calls them elect
the spiritual blessings believers enjoy from their union with Christ
“saw the grace of God”
True saving grace results in ongoing, visible changes
James - faith w/o works is dead (James 2:14-26)
the grace of God which Barnabas witnessed was sanctification
everything starts to change in a believer as the HS works to make them like Christ
Jerusalem church: devoted to apostles’ teaching, fellowship, prayer and breaking of bread
love for God, love of righteousness, love of worship, love of brethren, love of prayer
outworking of grace = great number added (v.24) = growth by evangelism
they were called “Christians” = proclaimed Christ and lived according to his commands
they provided relief to “the brothers” living in Judea (v.29)
implication they were doing this with one another
3 They Were Established in the Word
estimates are that the Jerusalem church took about 7 yrs from the time it was established at Pentecost to the establishment of the Antioch church
out of that ministry men of Cyprus and Cyrene went and preached in Antioch with the result that many believed (11:20)
Barnabas sent and exhorted them not to depart from the Lord (11:23)
Barnabas and Saul taught the Antioch church for a full year
this teaching was doctrinal and theological truth, not restating the way of salvation every Sunday
Many churches are ineffective because they have never been taught doctrine and theology
note the pattern of spiritual growth in 1 Jn 2:12-14
the middle stage of young adulthood is marked by “the word of God abides in you” (v.14)
through the abiding word they are able to overcome the evil one
we are either overcoming evil or it is overcoming us!
it is interesting to note that the result of their being saturated with the word was their being called Christians
the spirit inspired word had a powerful, life changing effect on those who heard
they were being transformed into the likeness of Christ
this is how the HS works: as believers are made strong in the word the HS begins to work
don’t need to invent programs, just stay in step with what the HS is doing
Churches that influence the world must first be filled with the truth of the Word and controlled by it
4 They Were Marked by Love For Christ’s Church
when the Antioch church heard there would be a famine they sent funds to Jerusalem
they didn’t wait for the Jerusalem church to send out an “SOS”!
note how they looked on the Jewish believers in Judea - “brothers”!
a mark of a Spirit-led church is a loving commitment to aleviate the needs of other churches
cultural and ethnic barriers which once separated have been torn down
the dividing wall of hostility is removed (Eph 2:14)
Practical love and sound doctrine go hand in hand
doctrine does not divide it unites!
5 They Were Led by Spirit Filled Men
Remember the requirement of the Apostles: those who waited on tables had to be full of the Spirit (Acts 6:3)
a key characteristic that must mark all church leaders if the church is to be Spirit led
The problem: churches will not rise higher than their pastors (Hos 4:9)
people will never rise higher than those who lead them
leaders of Antioch church were men filled with the Spirit
if elders are not full of spirit they are in trouble and will lead the church the lead into trouble
Spirit filled leaders led to Spirit blessed ministry
Antioch church sent funds to Jerusalem and then sent out their pastors, Barnabas and Saul
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9