Provisions for the Sanctuary

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Exodus 25:1-9

Provisions for the Sanctuary

The Lord said to Moses, “Speak to the people of Israel, that they take for me a contribution.  From every man whose heart moves him you shall receive the contribution for me.  And this is the contribution that you shall receive from them: gold, silver, and bronze, blue and purple and scarlet yarns and fine twined linen, goats’ hair, tanned rams’ skins, goatskins, acacia wood, oil for the lamps, spices for the anointing oil and for the fragrant incense, onyx stones, and stones for setting, for the ephod and for the breast piece.  And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst.  Exactly as I show you concerning the pattern of the tabernacle, and of all its furniture, so you shall make it.[1]


t is easy to think that when we present our offerings we are supporting our church.  The needs of a congregation are great, and at any given moment, the membership is generally aware that the congregation is facing substantial needs.  To be certain, the contributions of the people do underwrite the ministries of the church.  The congregation determines, through the budget adopted, how they will distribute moneys entrusted to the church, and then the leadership must administer those funds to enable the congregation to carry out the ministries God has assigned through His people.

Within any congregation, a large portion of the moneys received is used to provide pastoral support, ensuring that those who labour full-time in service to the congregation are free to fulfill the tasks that God has assigned.  Some of the moneys go to maintenance of the properties and a portion is used to provide relief to the needy.  Some of the funds are transferred to various missionary causes to assist in the advance of the work of the Kingdom.  Therefore, those giving are, in fact, supporting the church.

However, when Moses was directed by God to receive the offerings of the People of God for the Sanctuary, God emphasised that the contributions were offered to Him.  Moreover, God stressed the operation of His Spirit in concert with the heart of the people so that participation was voluntary and not coerced.  Additionally, it was vital that the people remember that what they gave was for a great purpose.  Giving, according to the Word of God, was to God and not in support of His work.

This is the message today.  It is a challenge to review our worship through giving.  Why do we give?  What motivates us to give and what do we hope to see accomplished through the act of giving?  Far too often, we slip into the fallacy of taking offerings because we “need” money, and not because we seek to glorify God.  I want to change that.  I want us to find what pleases God and then courageously do that thing.

Contributions are to be Made to the Lord.  I find the wording of this divine command to be revealing.  Speak to the people of Israel, that they take for Me a contribution.  God called the people to take a contribution for Him.  The Holman Christian Standard Bible records God as saying, take My offering from everyone whose heart stirs him to give.[2]

One point is so obvious that it may be easily overlooked.  Throughout the Word of God the emphasis on giving is always that one’s giving is to be presented to the Lord.  We perhaps build a building, support the labourers, or minister to the needy, but always we are giving to the Lord.  One hundred eighty-one times the Bible speaks of an offering presented to the Lord, and eleven times it stresses that offerings are to be presented to God.  To be certain, many of those offerings are sacrifices, but we must not forget that our gifts represent a sacrifice to honour God.  Once, the Bible speaks of a contribution made to God, and eleven times it refers to a contribution made to the Lord.

When the people presented their peace offerings before the Lord at the Tabernacle, even though the presentations were utilised by the priests and Levites, those same presentations were treated as their contribution to the Lord [see Exodus 29:28].  Repeatedly, God treats these offerings as a contribution to the Lord [see Leviticus 22:15].  God plainly speaks of the tithe as a contribution to the Lord [Numbers 18:24-29].

I suspect that the concept that the people were contributing to the Lord rather than contributing to support the Tabernacle was initially novel to the people.  The reason I say this was likely unusual was that Moses was so frequently compelled to remind the people that they were contributing to the Lord.  Though the patriarchs had deliberately made contributions to honour God, the Israelites at the time of the Exodus had never in conscious history made a contribution to the Lord.

Evidence supporting this assertion is seen in the way in which Pharaoh and Moses interacted during the judgements of God.  Pharaoh is incredulous that the people would actually worship and increased the burden of the slaves following Moses’ initial requests.  After the plagues began, Pharaoh attempted to negotiate the manner in which the people would worship.  At each stage, it is apparent that worship as Moses anticipated was novel since Pharaoh was unfamiliar with the actions of the worshippers.  Near the conclusion of the negotiations, Pharaoh is displeased that the people would need their goods in order to worship.  However, it was not merely that the people would need the animals to make sacrifice, but they were giving of their wealth to God.  Similarly, I suspect that we do not always understand the distinction between contributing to the Lord and supporting the church.  There is, however, a significant difference in the two concepts.

Moses was careful in the choice of his words and he was careful to repeatedly emphasise that the contributions of the people were to the Lord.  I am not suggesting that Moses was neglecting the need for a Tabernacle or the need for the various accoutrements required to carry out the service God commanded.  He simply realised that it was not possible to separate building the Tabernacle from serving God.

Just so, though it is possible for one to worship, and even to serve God, without a church building and without supporting those whom God appoints to serve Him full-time, providing buildings and supporting preachers cannot ultimately be separated from giving in order to honour God.  This connection is clearly witnessed in Paul’s instructions to Timothy.  “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, “The labourer deserves his wages” [1 Timothy 5:18].

Words matter.  What is said reveals what lies hidden in the heart.  Nouns and verbs are important as we define and describe what is being performed in the work of our Lord.  Precision in speech is not merely an issue of importance to an English teacher, but it is also vital to fulfilling the work of Christ in a manner pleasing to the Lord.  I do not want to overstress this issue, but neither do I wish to neglect the point.

When we present a gift, the congregation does benefit; however, our gifts are offered to the Lord.  Notice that this is a constant theme throughout the Word of God.  Vow offerings and freewill offerings were to be offered to the Lord [e.g. Leviticus 23:38].  Firstfruits, when they were offered, were contributed to the Lord [e.g. Numbers 18:12].  Colossians 3:17 should guide Christians in this matter.  Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

When a plea is made for support of various ministries, do you focus solely on the need, or do you see that your giving is an act of worship presented to the Son of God?  If all you hear is a request for more money, you are missing a wonderful opportunity to honour God.  We have before us a great opportunity to expand our outreach and ministry to the surrounding communities through televising our services.

Some among us are asking, “How much will it cost?”  That is the wrong question.  What we should ask is, “Who will this reach?” or even, “How will God be glorified?”  Through this outreach, we will expand the outreach of the congregation, minister to a larger congregation, comfort the sick, strengthen fellow believers, win the lost to faith in Christ, and extend the Kingdom of God.  We have an opportunity that will permit us to honour God and expand His work in a manner that is, for us, unprecedented.

God has blessed us as a congregation.  I reviewed the outreach of this church during the past four and one-half years.  Here is what I observed.  In 2000, God added thirty-two people to the church, twelve of whom came on profession of faith and baptism.  In 2001, we witnessed the addition of twenty-two people to membership, fourteen of whom professed Christ in baptism.  In 2002, we added nine people, all on profession of faith and baptism.  2003 was a hard year for us as we only added seven people, of whom four came on profession of faith and baptism.  This past year was a marvellous year as twenty fellow believers united with us, eight of them coming by baptism.

Some who joined with us have moved on.  That fact does not, however, detract from the truth that almost fifty people have openly professed Christ during that time.  Some have moved from the community; we should rejoice when they unite with other congregations.  Some have chosen to attend another congregation within our community, and we should rejoice that such opportunity exists in our area.  Some have fallen by the wayside, just as Jesus warned would happen.  However, the core constituency of the congregation, despite turmoil and transition, has grown and we have prospered.

Now, we have an opportunity to extend our outreach and to bring more people into the Kingdom of God and into active service for Christ and His cause.  At the time we were discovering that we are unable to accommodate all who wish to share in the service each week, through the medium of television we are presented with the opportunity to reach more than if we held ten services each week.

I watch our web ministry each week, and I am witnessing a growing number of people visiting the web site each week.  Many are returning to take a second look.  Some are communicating that they are encouraged through the messages posted.  Above all else, God is glorified and we each share in the advance of His Kingdom.  Such growth demands that we continue to invest in the work that Christ is doing among us.

When finances grow tight, those who take their eyes off Christ are prone to say, “We must cut back our expenditures.  Trim what is spent on outreach and pay the bills.  Now is not the time to expand the ministries of the church.  Wait until we have enough money, and then add new ministries.”  Such thinking is the death knell of a church.

If there is a “money” problem, it is because we have lost our vision.  We have the opportunity to invest in a cause that is greater than anything we could ever have imagined.  We have opportunity to invest in the Kingdom of God that will undoubtedly result in the salvation of many souls.  We have the opportunity to witness God at work in a way we could never have imagined in years past.  We can either listen to the voices of fear and “play it safe,” or we can honour God and reach beyond ourselves to glorify His Name.  Whether we live or whether we die, whether we advance or whether we retreat, will be determined by the decisions we make and implement as a congregation.

If we will honour God, it will require faith; and faith will challenge each individual to review his or her offerings to ensure that what is given is offered to the Lord and that we seek to honour Him.  Our giving reflects whether we honour God, or whether we are merely trying to “pay expenses.”  Either we believe that we have opportunity to glorify God through bringing our gifts as an offering to Him, or we are simply paying the bills.  The issue is determined by whether we see ourselves as giving “to the church,” or whether we realise that we are giving to the Lord.  There are no “small” gifts if each gift represents a determination to honour God and if each gift is prayerfully presented with a willingness to glorify His Name.

Contributions are to be Voluntary.  From every man whose heart moves him you shall receive the contribution for Me.  Recently, some among us have registered concern that there is not enough money to pay for the dreams of the congregation.  Is it not more accurate to say that there is not a great enough vision for the congregation?  When we dream small, we see small gifts.  If we have a nickel and dime vision, we receive nickel and dime gifts.  However, if we envision a great cause in the service of a great God, God’s people will respond in a great way.  We serve a great God, and He has assigned us a great work.  Therefore, as the vision is articulated and clarified, you may be assured that God’s people will respond in a great way.  What must not be attempted is to compel God’s people to do what God Himself does not move them to do.

I always believed that a pledge system for financing God’s work of is coercive and unscriptural.  I was a member in a church that sought a pledge from the people each year in order to determine what plans the church would formulate for the coming year.  I have always believed that we should first pray and then follow where God leads.  While in membership there I was approached annually and asked to sign a pledge card.  My response never varied during those years: “Methodists pledge; Baptists give.”  Maybe here in Canada I would have to say that “Anglicans pledge; Baptists give.”  I am not against individuals planning how they will give during the year.  There is a degree of wisdom in determining what will be given during the coming year.  However, I have difficulty in signing a pledge since the giving is to the Lord to fulfil a corporate vision.

When the congregation has determined a course of action, prayerfully considering the will of God and determining that God has led in a given direction, it becomes the responsibility of the leaders to foster the divine vision so that the congregation will see the progress toward the goal.  This is the reason I insist that the finance committee must tell the people every week what is needed and what has been contributed.  The money is given to the Lord, but the people must be fully informed what God is doing among them.  The contributions do not belong to the elders, or to the deacons, or to the finance committee, or to the treasurer.  The moneys given are given to God.

I have served far too many churches during the years of my pilgrimage.  It was always my intent to remain in one congregation for the duration of my service to the Lord.  However, God directed me to a series of churches in conflict, one after another.  I made an observation in many of those churches concerning the handling of the gifts given by God’s people.  Frequently, the treasurers, of the finance committees or the deacons had forgotten why churches receive contributions.  They were focused on getting money and not on God or the ministry He had assigned the churches.

One treasurer came to me week-after-week, almost chortling as he proclaimed, “We’re broke.  There’s no money.”  He thought he would punish me for my pointed preaching by informing me that there was not enough money to provide support for me that week.  That continued for almost two years, until one day I dismissed him from the church as result of an egregious violation of church polity.  Following his dismissal, offerings trebled within one month.  I can only imagine that this man’s refusal to be open with the people disheartened the people.  The congregation was actually quite generous.

Another congregation had a treasurer and board of deacons that felt it was no one’s business to know what the finances of the church were.  It has been my custom in each congregation to request that the church be fully informed of the financial condition.  In that church, I asked for a weekly accounting to the congregation of receipts and expenditures.  The lady promised, “You shall have this, sir.”

After a month, I again asked if we could please receive a regular accounting of the finances of the church.  I was again promised, “You shall have it, sir.”

In two more weeks, I spoke with this woman and said that it was obvious that she was uncomfortable telling the congregation what was happening, so would it be possible to even give to the chair of the deacons a monthly report.  Again, the promise was made, “You shall have it, sir.”

After another month, I attempted once again to get an accounting of the finances.  I never finished my request, as this woman bluntly informed me that it was none of my business what the church received.  Moreover, she informed me, “When we need money, I’ll tell you and you can get it from the people.”  It is no surprise that this congregation, though clinging to existence, struggles to gather even a handful of people today.  To my knowledge, they still do not provide an accounting of what the people give, and they receive progressively smaller amounts to perform increasingly less significant tasks.

One other wealthy congregation I served had a treasurer who attempted to literally steal thousands of dollars from my support moneys.  This is a serious charge, but this man insisted that I was to receive neither a housing allowance nor a travel allowance as prescribed in law.  I really wasn’t concerned since I anticipated that I would receive the deductions when I filed my taxes.  However, when I received my T4, the amount withheld did not match my records.  I discovered that this man applied to Revenue Canada for a refund to the church of over $9,000—all stolen from me—claiming an overpayment of funds.

When I confronted this man, he at first denied that this had occurred and then stated that he only intended to obtain these moneys so that he could refund my over contributions.  When I brought this before the Church Council, the members chose not to confront this man because they feared that the confrontation might embarrass him.  The leadership concluded that it was likely an honest mistake.  Yet, this same treasurer was the comptroller of a major charity in one of Canada’s largest cities.

In each of these situations, a church leader, or a group of leaders appears to have decided that their role was to obtain money—much as the perceived role of government is to extract our moneys through imposition of taxes.  These treasurers had lost sight of the purpose of receiving gifts.  They spoke of “paying tithes” and of “making money,” but they forgot about “worship” and “advancing the Kingdom of Heaven.”

According to the Word that God gave to Moses, the people were responsible to make contributions voluntarily.  It is not an easy task to transform years of poor theology.  It seems always easier to treat the church as a business and plan for ministry on “sound” business principles.  However, there is a difference between faith and sight, and though we are responsible to be honest and careful, we still walk by faith and not by sight.

I have long contended, and I again state the case, that when the Deacons inform the people of the needs and clearly state how the people are responding, there will be sufficient moneys—and more—to accomplish all that God desires of His church.  The rule is transparency and communication.  When the people have spoken, clearly determining the direction they wish the work to go, then it becomes the responsibility of the Deacons to tell the people what has been given, to tell the people what the needs are, and to remind the people of anticipated expenses that will yet be encountered.

Contributions are Given to a Vision.  Let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst.  I notice a most interesting fact that may be overlooked in our haste to get through the message.  At the time God issued this command, there was no sanctuary.  The people were not giving to support what was then in existence, but rather they were being challenged to give to support a vision of God in their midst.  The offering Moses was to receive was to be designated to provide for the Tabernacle and its furnishings.  The vision they received was that God would dwell in their midst!

People do not give to support “needs.”  If that were true, there would be no homeless people of Canadian streets.  If people gave to support “needs,” we would have a new piano for our worship team.  People give to advance a vision.  Just so, Moses called the people to advance a vision of God in their midst.

Chapters twenty-five through thirty-one provide an account of the building of the Tabernacle.  The account begins with God’s command to accept donations and continues with specific details for the building.  Emphasised throughout is that all this is done for one great purpose—to honour God and to make His Name known!  Finally, in chapter thirty-five, the offering is received.  Focus on a brief account of those offerings.

Moses said to all the congregation of the people of Israel, “This is the thing that the Lord has commanded.  Take from among you a contribution to the Lord.  Whoever is of a generous heart, let him bring the Lord’s contribution: gold, silver, and bronze; blue and purple and scarlet yarns and fine twined linen; goats’ hair, tanned rams’ skins, and goatskins; acacia wood, oil for the light, spices for the anointing oil and for the fragrant incense, and onyx stones and stones for setting, for the ephod and for the breast piece” [Exodus 35:4-9].

And they came, everyone whose heart stirred him, and everyone whose spirit moved him, and brought the Lord’s contribution to be used for the tent of meeting, and for all its service, and for the holy garments.  So they came, both men and women.  All who were of a willing heart brought brooches and earrings and signet rings and armlets, all sorts of gold objects, every man dedicating an offering of gold to the Lord.  And every one who possessed blue or purple or scarlet yarns or fine linen or goats’ hair or tanned rams’ skins or goatskins brought them.  Everyone who could make a contribution of silver or bronze brought it as the Lord’s contribution.  And every one who possessed acacia wood of any use in the work brought it.  And every skilful woman spun with her hands, and they all brought what they had spun in blue and purple and scarlet yarns and fine twined linen.  All the women whose hearts stirred them to use their skill spun the goats’ hair.  And the leaders brought onyx stones and stones to be set, for the ephod and for the breast piece, and spices and oil for the light, and for the anointing oil, and for the fragrant incense.  All the men and women, the people of Israel, whose heart moved them to bring anything for the work that the Lord had commanded by Moses to be done brought it as a freewill offering to the Lord [Exodus 35:21-29].

Notice the vital point that the contributions the people brought represented items deemed precious—costly metals, dyed cloth (dying was an extremely expensive process), tanned skins, costly woods and spices.  The gifts represented the people’s best, and all were given voluntarily.  Your best, given with a willing heart, will bring glory to God.  What is important for our consideration now is not what was given, but why it was given.  God is very much concerned with why we give and whether we have given our best!

Far too many Christians seem to think they can in some unfathomable manner honour God while being penurious in their giving.  They remind me of the story told of three religious leaders talking with one another about how they determined what to give to honour God.  The first, a Pentecostal, said that he drew a circle and stood in the middle of the circle.  Then, he took all the money that he had earned in that week and threw it up into the air.  Whatever fell into the circle, he gave to God.

The second man, a Presbyterian, said that he also drew a circle.  Then, standing in the middle of the circle, he threw all the money he had made during that week into the air.  Whatever fell outside the circle, he gave to God.

The third man, a Baptist, was silent.  Finally, with prodding from the other two, he confessed that he also drew a circle.  Then he threw all the money he had earned in that week into the air.  Whatever God let fall to the ground, the man kept.

I have often weighed the strong words of the Prophets.  Among those Prophets of God that have shaped my thinking to a great degree is the Prophet Malachi.  Perhaps you recall one portion of his brief message to a people who were content with ritual and failed to consider the reason for their actions.

A son honours his father, and a servant his master.  If then I am a father, where is my honour?  And if I am a master, where is my fear? says the Lord of hosts to you, O priests, who despise my name.  But you say, “How have we despised your name?”  By offering polluted food upon my altar.  But you say, “How have we polluted you?”  By saying that the Lord’s table may be despised.  When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that not evil?  And when you offer those that are lame or sick, is that not evil?  Present that to your governor; will he accept you or show you favour? says the Lord of hosts.  And now entreat the favour of God, that he may be gracious to us.  With such a gift from your hand, will he show favour to any of you? says the Lord of hosts [Malachi 1:6-9].

I want to be pointed and personal for the remainder of my time.  Are you giving “to the church”?  Or are you giving to God?  Are you giving to support what is?  Or are you giving to support a vision of what can be?  The church perhaps needs to die if all we are is a collection agency.  If, however, you are giving to God, you must ask yourself the following question, does your giving honour God?

To determine whether your gift honours God, ask whether you give with a willing heart, or whether you simply go through the motion of giving what you always give?  Does your gift demonstrate esteem for God and does it honour Him?  The size of a gift is less important than is the question of whether you spend more on toiletries, or whether you spend more on hobbies, than is invested in advancing the cause of Christ.

When you bring a gift to Christ, you are investing in something that has eternal consequences?  When you bring your contribution for the cause of Christ, are you giving with the intention of seeing people redeemed from death and eternally saved?  We have some great opportunities to make an impact for eternity.  We reach out week-by-week through the message preached, through posting it on the Church Web Site, through disseminating the truths taught as those in attendance share the teaching through godly lives and through inviting others to share in the worship of Christ the Lord.

Now we lack just a small amount to initiate a television ministry.  This opportunity can either dither and debate as we wait and wait for the final contributions to begin this great outreach, or the people of God can provide the gifts to begin the outreach now.  We have the possibility of reaching into many homes here in our own community, and entering with the message of life into homes in other nearby communities.  We can do this as the message of life is beamed into homes willing to receive that message.

There lies beyond our immediate communities a vast congregation that may never be able to participate in our services.  They are in homes in Grande Prairie, Fox Creek, Chetwynd, Tumbler Ridge, and even in Edmonton.  People there may also be brought to faith because God’s people here determined that they would honour Him.  If you are willing to go stretch yourself for a newer automobile, shouldn’t you be willing to stretch yourself as much to bring souls to Christ and to honour God?  If you are willing to spend more than is wise in order to “take a holiday,” should you be willing to spend more than is wise in order to honour God through expanding His work?

Haggai is another of the Minor Prophets whose major message I have pondered.  Haggai was deeply concerned because the House of the Lord lay in ruins.  Therefore, the prophet admonished the people to think about their personal condition, considering whether it was the result of neglect for God’s House.  Thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways.  Go up to the hills and bring wood and build the house, that I may take pleasure in it and that I may be glorified, says the Lord.  You looked for much, and behold, it came to little.  And when you brought it home, I blew it away.  Why? declares the Lord of hosts.  Because of my house that lies in ruins, while each of you busies himself with his own house [Haggai 1:7-9].

Is it possible that we are plodding as a congregation instead of sprinting toward the goal of the upward call of God in Christ?  We should have a full-time Co-ordinator of Youth Ministries now!  We should be advertising weekly on area television and radio!  We should be televising every service and bringing people into fellowship with Christ and with His church now!  We should be even now considering where to build and what sort of building best meets the needs for future outreach and growth!

It is possible that in our personal finances we just meet bills and plod along because we fail to understand that through giving and worship we have an opportunity either to honour God or merely to pay the bills.  All that can change, however.  With one decision, we can transform our worship.  Each individual Christian can determine that she or he will honour God.  Each of us can give something.  There is not one of us that is so destitute that we have nothing to give to the cause of Christ.  It is a matter of priorities.

We can prayerfully consider the investment of our time and of our moneys into the cause of Christ, and when we do so, we likely will discover that God stands ready to entrust to us even more of this world’s goods so that we can be generous on every occasion.  This is the promise of God recorded in 2 Corinthians 9:6-11.

Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.  Each one must give as he has made up his mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.  And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that having all contentment in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.  As it is written, “He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever.”  He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.  You will be enriched in every way for all your generosity, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.

I have spoken to Christians.  To any who share our service who have yet to be born from above, this message has no application.  This final word is the application outsiders must receive.  It is a citation of the Word of God as recorded in Romans 10:9-13.  The Word of God calls each of us to believe the message of life that Christ has died because of our sin and raised from the dead to declare us free of all condemnation.

Thus, the call of God is that, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.  For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.”  For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him.  For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

That is our call to you.  Believe the message of life and be saved today.  Amen.

The Holman Christian Standard Bible records God as saying, take My offering from everyone whose heart stirs him to give.[3]

One hundred eighty-one times the Bible speaks of an offering presented to the Lord,

Eleven times it stresses that offerings are to be presented to God. 

Once, the Bible speaks of a contribution made to God.

Eleven times it refers to a contribution made to the Lord.

When the people presented their peace offerings before the Lord at the Tabernacle, even though the presentations were utilised by the priests and Levites, those same presentations were treated as their contribution to the Lord [see Exodus 29:28].  Repeatedly, God treats these offerings as a contribution to the Lord [see Leviticus 22:15].  God plainly speaks of the tithe as a contribution to the Lord [Numbers 18:24-29].

When we present a gift, the congregation does benefit; however, our gifts are offered to the Lord.  Notice that this is a constant theme throughout the Word of God.  Vow offerings and freewill offerings were to be offered to the Lord [e.g. Leviticus 23:38].  Firstfruits, when they were offered, were contributed to the Lord [e.g. Numbers 18:12].  Colossians 3:17 should guide Christians in this matter.  Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

In 2000, God added thirty-two people to the church, twelve of whom came on profession of faith and baptism.

In 2001, we witnessed the addition of twenty-two people to membership, fourteen of whom professed Christ in baptism.

In 2002, we added nine people, all on profession of faith and baptism.

2003 was a year of consolidation as we added seven people, of whom four came on profession of faith and baptism.

2004 was a marvellous year as twenty fellow believers united with us, eight of them coming by baptism.


[1] Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible: English Standard Version.  Wheaton: Good News Publishers, 2001.  Used by permission.  All rights reserved.

[2] Holman Christian Standard Bible, Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2003.  Used by permission.  All rights reserved.

[3] Holman Christian Standard Bible, Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2003.  Used by permission.  All rights reserved.

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