The Paralytic Healed
That salvation is by grace alone, through faith aone, for the forgiveness of sins.
Division 1: Jesus has a waiting crowd
[]When He had come back TO >>Capernaum<< several days AFTERWARD, it was heard [that] He was AT home.
2 [And] many were gathered together, [so] that there was no longer room, [not] even NEAR the door; [and] He was speaking the word to them.
[]When He had come back TO >>Capernaum<< several days AFTERWARD, it was heard [that] He was AT home.
2 [And] many were gathered together, [so] that there was no longer room, [not] even NEAR the door; [and] He was speaking the word to them.
Division 2: The paralytic man finds his way to Jesus
[And] they *came, bringing TO Him a paralytic, carried BY four men.
4 []Being [unable] to get to Him BECAUSE of the crowd, they removed the roof [above] Him; [and] when they had dug an opening, they let down the pallet [on] which the paralytic was lying.
[]When He had come back TO >>Capernaum<< several days AFTERWARD, it was heard [that] He was AT home.
2 [And] many were gathered together, [so] that there was no longer room, [not] even NEAR the door; [and] He was speaking the word to them.