Ever since the Fall relationships have been work. That is to say, that ever since Adam and Eve’s failure in the Garden, the easy of relationships has been difficult to navigate. Because in relationships there is ego, there is power dynamics. This is also true of the relationship between Parent and Child. The bible tells us that children are a blessing from the Lord. In scripture they are described as: a heritage and reward, a gift, arrows in a quiver, and a crown to the aged. But, we live in a world were children are seen as a burden, an extra mouth to feed, and things that are disposable before and after birth. But Jesus loves the little Children all the little… We also know that children are vulnerable. They need protection and guidance. And not only as small children, but also when they grow up, they still need their parents. And loving parents are always there trying to do their best to be carry the blessed responsibility God has given them and entrusted to them.