Sermon Tone Analysis
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< .5
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.8 - .9
> .9
We Would See Jesus Part 2 Reasons People Don't See
Place - Open Word Fellowship (Community Church of Myrtle Point)
Date - November 18, 2018
Time - Sunday Morning
Scripture -
Text - (NIV84) “They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request.
“Sir,” they said, “we would like to see Jesus.”
21 They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request.
“Sir,” they said, “we would like to see Jesus.”
Topic - We Would See Jesus Part 2 Why people Don’t See
Part 2 Reasons People don't See Jesus
This twelfth chapter is built around verse 21 (NIV84) "They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request.
“Sir,” they said, “we would like to see Jesus.”
This request has lead us to ask why they wanted to see Jesus and why is it people do not see Him.
Last week we discovered several things that were going on around Jesus that would make it hard to see Him clearly.
This twelfth chapter is built around verse 21 (NIV84) "They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request.
“Sir,” they said, “we would like to see Jesus.”
This request has lead us to ask why they wanted to see Jesus and why is it people do not see Him.
Last week we discovered several things that were going on around Jesus that would make it hard to see Him clearly.
First there was Greed and Selfishness, Then there was fear and Jealousy, and Last, there was a wrong standard being used to evaluate the success they thought they were having.
In this next section of verses, 20-36 we see others problems First, will be the problem of truth, Second, there is Lack of Discernment, Third, there is Misapplied Truth.
The last two verse of this section tells us how to see Jesus.
But the story is not complete the last section of this chapter tells tells of the last reason for not seeing Jesus Blindness and Judgment.
V. 20- 36 Misunderstood Success
V. 20- 36 Misunderstood Success
A. V. 20-27 The Problem With Truth
12:20 Arrival - Now there were some Greeks
Act - among those who went up
Purpose - to the Feast.
:21 Act - They came to Philip,
Specific - who was from Bethsaida in
with a request.
Quote - "Sir," they said, "we would like to see Jesus."
Very simple setting some Greeks have come to see Jesus.
They came first to Philip.
That is what the world wants to see as well.
Not our fine music, preaching, marketing, buildings or any other human substance, Jesus.
These other things are fine if the make the view clearer but be careful they do not obscure or block the Jesus.
:22 Act - Philip went to tell Andrew;
Andrew and Philip in turn told Jesus
Philip goes to Andrew and the both of them go to Jesus.
:23 Response - Jesus replied,
Teaching - "The hour has come for the Son of Man to
be glorified.
Up to this point Jesus has said or it was said by John that Jesus hour had not come.
This coming of the hour has to do with the death, resurrection, ascension and intercession for all people in all times past and present.
Out of suffering glory.
Out of glory suffering.
They go together until we suffer no more in the presence of Jesus
V. 24- 27 The Cost of Discipleship
:24 Teaching - I tell you the truth unless a kernel of
wheat fall to the ground and dies, it
remains only a single seed.
if it dies it produces many seeds.
This analogy becomes a principle or Law as it is developed in the following verses.
Here it is general and applies to Jesus and His coming death.
In the following verses it becomes personal and applies to all who would follow Christ.
It is all a call to fellowship as the grain becomes many so Christ by His death provided for many to come to Him, be saved and find fellowship.
:25 Fact - The man who loves his life will lose it,
while the man who hates his life in this
world will keep it for eternal life.
Now the principle is spread out to all of us.
If want to have real life you must give up your life.
To try and hold on to life is to end up loosing it.
Jim Elliot is recorded as saying, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
So Jesus calls us to surrender all for fellowship with Him.
This is discipleship.
Jim Elliot went to Ecuador in 1952 to evangelize the Quechua Indians.
In an attempt to expand their mission Jim and four other missionaries went to the Huaorani people.
After about a month a group of men from the tribe came to their came and killed them that was 1958.
To this day several books and movies have been written about this event.
Later the very man that killed James Elliot became a christian and went back to teach his own people.
:26 Condition - Whoever serves me must follow me:
where I am My servant also will be.
Promise - My Father will honor the one who serves
A disciple is a follower.
To be obedient to the Master and follow Him in all things may mean separation, loss and even pain.
It may also mean staying where you are and being faithful to His work where you are.
"serve and keep on serving""let him keep on following"
:27 Time - "Now My Heart
Act - is troubled,
what shall I say?
Request - 'Father save me from this hour'?
Contrast - No it was
Reason - for this very reason
I came to this hour.
Jesus opens to us the situation that faces Him.
It is not a joyful experience to know that it will take death to bring many to the Father.
The reality is Jesus knows that this is why He came.
Not just take me out of this crisis but take me safely through it and bring me safely out the other side.
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