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Nevertheless- St. Luke 22:39-46


Anointing: Set apart to be used by God. It is a dangerous thing to touch God’s anointed because that is who God is working through.

Some of us didn’t want to walk away from our sin, but because he called you, the fire burns within your bones leading you to do what God wants us to do.

2 Corinthians 8:9 “ For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich yet for your sakes he became poor that through his poverty you might become rich.


  1. An Aim; Goal
  2. A result or effect that is intended or desired
  3. To intend or resolve to perform or accomplish
  4. Determination

The Devil tries to sends distraction:


To be sidetracked

To be disturbed/upset emotionally

To be pulled away

                        It could be temptations

                        It could be kin folk

                      It could even be church folk

Faith: It’s not what’s happening right now but it looks toward the end

           In the end I know I’m going to win, in the end I’m going to perform it

           In the end I’m going to accomplish the goal because I have purpose

            It may not happen when I want it to but God will show up right on

            Time. Not only will he show up; God will show out.

All things are possible to those that believe. There is no problem too hard for God. Not either I’m going to concentrate on the problem or I’m going to focus on God. Your problem can become an idol. No man can serve two masters.

You got to tell yourself no matter how hard this is I’m coming out of this.

All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord (the a clause) and who are called according to his purpose (b. clause)

Jesus knew in spite of it all let your will be done.

Love hurts when the ones you love the most won’t help you. Love hurts when you have to keep going on when others have their own agenda. Sometimes people will become so hateful that you can see hell in them.

Look at the disciples while they celebrated “Holy Communion.” It was an absolute mess.  The obvious characters are:


             Chief Financial Officer, Chairman of the Trustee Board

Conspired to betray him to his enemies (30 pieces of silver)

The bible says in Luke 22:3 Satan entered into Judas and he sought opportunity to betray. There are people who are seeking opportunity

Eats with the disciples; he allows Jesus to wash his feet

There comes a time when doing good won’t work. No matter how nice you try to be to people ultimately sometimes you have to Fight Back and say whatever thou does; do it quickly? If you going to do it; do it quickly. The Kingdom suffers violence and the violent take it by force. This is war. You make war on your knees, when you pray, when you fast, when you worship, when you sing songs, Warring in the Spirit.


Mister Big Mouth: No Jesus don’t wash my feet. Jesus looks at him and says if I don’t wash your feet you will have no part with me. I‘ll be with you to the end. I’ll fight for you. Denies him not once but three times in the same night after being with him after 3 and half years. Never say what you won’t do; there are some things that you will do. Self-Centeredness.

Arrogance was in the Room:

            Lord who is going to sit on your right hand and who on your left hand.

I want position, I want prestige, I want titles, and it does not matter what you call me, I know that only at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is LORD. LORD means the absolute ruler, authority, he reigns. What’s the use of having a title if you are not doing anything with it anyway? 

Here is the Ultimate Decision:

Jesus my ultimate example, makes and ultimate decision.  He was whipped all night long, they spit in his face, they tore off his clothes, and they tore his beard off his face

Isaiah 53:4-5, 7 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. (7) He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so openeth not his mouth.

I don’t know why Jesus loves me; I don’t know why he cares. I don’t know why he sacrificed his life, but oh, I’m glad, I’m so glad he did.

Father if it be thy will let this cup pass from me. Father if there is any other way let that be done.

I learned how to live holy, I’ve learned how to live right, I‘ve learned how to suffer, for if I suffer, I’ll gain eternal life.

Nevertheless, not my will but thy will be done. He kept on with what his mission was.  I came to seek and to save those that were lost; I came into the world not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved. I came that you might life and life more abundantly. Ain’t no stopping me now.

Nevertheless- In spite of that; Let your will be done.


If they help me nevertheless

If they don’t help me nevertheless

If they talk about me nevertheless

If they lie on me nevertheless

If they throw me out of the church, nevertheless

If they try to kill me, nevertheless

If they even succeed in killing me, nevertheless

If they take my house, nevertheless

If they take my car, nevertheless

I have presented my body a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God which is my reasonable service:

I can’t allow myself to:

  • Doubt God and question His Word
  • Depressed and Discouraged
  • Complacent and slothful
  • Lazy and Undisciplined
  • Keep sinning and failing
  • Deny and turn away from Jesus Christ
  • Live a life not pleasing to God

In Matthew 5: God says I’m Blessed and I am also in good company because they did the same thing to the prophets of old.

David said, I have never seen the Righteous Forsaken, or their seed begging bread.

I Trust in God, wherever I may be. Out on the Land; upon the stormy sea. Oh come what may from day to day. My heavenly Father watches over me. Though billows roll, he keeps my soul. My heavenly Father watches over me. I trust in God, I know he cares for me. On the Mountain Peak, out on the stormy sea, though billows roll, he keeps my soul, My heavenly Father watches over me.


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