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yesterday years • Sermon • Submitted
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Yesterdays Memories
Yesterdays Memories
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Of a child of the sixties Saturdays would be a morning full of tv
dt 6 :4-7
The morning could start of with silent movies the likes of charlie chaplin and laurel and hardy
then we would move on to Joe 90 captain scarlet and then Thunderbirds followed by aqua mariea the lone ranger and marine boy.
many others like skippy and scooby do would be added to the list.
Our lunch would be some thing cheap like fish and chips
afternoon tele really was for the grown ups with grandstand or world of sport
Mum would be in the kitchen baking cakes for the week ahead
3pm if dad wasn’t watching the tele he would be at the footdall match which was priced in pence not pounds to watch
4 oclock was always great to watch and this was wresting on the tv
Teatime was a simple afare in our house of cheese sadwiches or cheese and onion with some of moms fresh baked cakes.
after tea would be more tele with Dr who and something like seaside special, val doonigan, dads army, match of the day and then bed.
But after all these programmes mon and dad would then have there time of prayer
we as children would have gone of to bed long before but we knew that mom and dad would be praying for us at this time every day.
This is a pocket look at my saturdays as a child you might say there was a lot of tv all though i never thought so.
but if you look closely at all the programmes they all had a simple truth that was bisplayed in them it was that Good will overcome evil.
from the charactor of charlie chaplin right though to the wrestling a sence of good triuphing over evil was seen
Why do i share this brief look into my childhood.
we as Parents have an orsume responsibility when it come to our children
If we dont bring them up right then someone else will bring them up wrong.
in the bible in
Run now, I pray thee, to meet her, and say unto her, Is it well with thee? is it well with thy husband? is it well with the child? And she answered, It is well.
2 kings 4;26
In this bible reading we see how a man and women had blessed the man of God with a room to stay in when he was near.
they had asked for nothing in return for this jesture of love towards the man of God
The man of God asked his servant how best he could bless them
they have no children was his reply
So the nam of God prayed that God would in fact give them a child.
the man and women where delighted and cared for that child so faithfully
however the child died and the woman without telly her husband that this was the case came to see the man of God haveing travelled with this child in her arms
the verse we have seen is when the man of God seeing them in the distance coming sends servant to ask is all well with the family
and here answer we see here before us
No matter what life throws at me it is well why? because i have a God that can do all things.
God healed the child and the wife and child went back to the husdand to tell what God Had done.
We as parents should show to our children that there is a God and he is able to do great thing in there lives as we prepare our children for life dont neglet the spiritual side of there growth.
Our parents and God Parents and the whole congregation has made promises to undertake to bring them up in the fear and admonnision of God.
This word fear is not to be frightened of God but to know how arwsome he is In some ways we might fear the queen she is of high esteem in our minds.
And how to act in the presence of God.
Jesus had time for the children when his disciples would have sent them away.
Children are a gift from God and should be treated as such
do your children know that you set a time to pray for them
in prayer you are setting an example and starting the road for there spiritual journey.
By our actions they see what kind of path to follow.
story of the man and the snow.
Let our example this day be an example of good and not evil.