Procrastination...The Danger of Delay
“Procrastination…The Danger of Delay”
Luke 17:26-36 - Gen. 19:16 – PPHC – 3/26/06 A.M.
I. Introduction
A. Three to Remember in View of the Times
1. Noah built an ark to save the race – (Those that move in FAITH) (Lk. 17:27)
2. Lot - Caught between two opinions – (LINGERING) (Lk. 17:28)
3. Lot’s wife - Turned her back on what she knew was right – (SINNER) (17:32)
B. Remembering Lot in Doomed Sodom
1. The fire and brimstone were preparing…the 2 angels were making their way to Sodom.
2. Lot lingered in Sodom during the countdown.
II. Body
A. WHEN Lot Lingered
1. Lot lingered…When It was Time for Decisive Action.
· Illustration: The Missed Opportunity (D.L. Moody).
a. 2 Cor. 6:2 - “ [is] the accepted (favorable) time (well-timed season); behold, now
[is] the day of salvation.”
b. Prov. 27:1 The Message Bible - “Don't brashly announce what you're going to do tomorrow; you don't know the first thing about tomorrow.”
· Illustration: “A Little Too Late” (Colonel Rahl, British commander – American Rev.)
2. Lot lingered…When His Godly Uncle was Praying for Him - (Chpt. 18)
a. You might be there now, or remember the time when out in sin and a godly parent was
interceding in your behalf…Abraham was pleading for Lot’s life!!!!
1. Paga – to light upon a thing…to feel the heaviness / burden of a thing.
3. Lot lingered…When Heavenly Messengers Were Urging Him To Go.
a. Ministers stand before millions each week urging them for decisions…and many linger.
· Illustration: “Even When It Rains”
4. Lot lingered…When Judgment was Imminent.
a. Heb. 9:27 “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”
1. Not Bema (rewards), but Krisis (Critic) A sentence of condemnation, damnatory judgment.
b. 2 Cor. 5:10 “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.”
5. Lot lingered…When He Knew Better Than to Linger
a. He had heard of the true God of which Abraham spoke.
B. WHY Lot Lingered
1. He lingered because of…A Wrong Choice Early In Life (Gen. 13:5-11).
a. The attraction of fertile fields tempted him to leave Abram and spiral downwards.
2. He lingered because of…His Companionship With Sinners (Gen. 13:11-13) - pitched his tent toward, and eventually in, Sodom.
3. He lingered because…He Found Status In Sodom.
a. In desiring the status of society, he lost the respect of his own family - they mocked him.
· Illustration:
b. His sons-in-law did not take him serious when the message of destruction was given.
4. He lingered because…All of His Treasures Were in Sodom.
a. Matt. 19:24 - it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into heaven.
b. Matt. 6:21 “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
5. He lingered because…Sodom was Home.
a. When the hurricanes come, some refuse to leave in spite of the imminent danger.
b. Before Mt. St. Helens erupted, a warning was given to the residents. Some refused to leave….they died a most agonizing death.
C. Applying the Lesson: Today, Many Are Lingering Like Lot
1. They know more truth than they live - many believe the Bible but won’t adhere to it.
2. They know time is short but live as if it were long.
3. They build their lives around things below.
a. Their lives revolve around their possessions or the striving to attain earthly possessions
b. Solomon’s voice heard in Eccl. (“...All is vanity.”)
4. They say they love Christ but don’t live for Him.
III. Conclusion
A. God Does His Part to Keep Us from Destruction
1. The Gospel: Christ died and rose again
2. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin
3. God’s servants plead with people to believe - Acts 24:25 - Felix trembled before Paul
B. Stop Lingering
1. Neither time, nor death, nor judgment linger
2. Decide for Christ before it is too late
a. Isai 55:6 Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: