Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Where will you be 20 years from now based upon the choices your are making today?
That is a somewhat scary thought because we know that there are poor decisions that we are making.
Our decisions today are on a trajectory toward a destination.
So what decisions are we talking about?
What is going to distract me?
What is involved in staying the course?
Is there any assurance of this happening with my frailty?
What is an example of what this looks like?
They were not a little sorry; yet they did not dare go out of the way.
Now the way from the river was rough, and their feet tender, by reason of their travels; “so the souls of the pilgrims were much discouraged because of the way”.
Wherefore, still as they went on, they wished for better way.
Now, a little before them, there was on the left hand of the road a meadow, and a stile to go over into it; and that meadow is called By-path Meadow.
Then said Christian to his fellow, If this meadow lieth along by our way-side, let us go over into it.
Then he went to the stile to see, and behold, a path lay along by the way, on the other side of the fence.
It is according to my wish, said Christian.
Here is the easiest going; come, good Hopeful, and let us go over.
HOPEFUL But how, if this path should lead us out of the way?
CHRISTIAN That is not likely, said the other.
Look, does it not go along by the way-side?
So Hopeful, being persuaded by his fellow, went after him over the stile.
When they were gone over, and were got into the path, they found it very easy for their feet; and withal, they, looking before them, espied a man walking as they did (and his name was Vain-confidence); so they called after him, and asked him whither that way led.
He said, to the Celestial Gate.
Look, said Christian, did not I tell you so?
By this you may see we are right.
So they followed, and he went before them.
But, behold, the night came on, and it grew very dark; so that they that were behind, lost the sight of him that went before.
He, therefore, that went before (Vain-confidence by name), not seeing the way before him, fell into a deep pit, which was on purpose there made, by the Prince of those grounds, to catch vain-glorious fools withal, and was dashed in pieces with his fall.
Now Christian and his fellow heard him fall.
So they called to know the matter, but there was none to answer; only they heard a groaning.
Then said Hopeful, Where are we now?
Then was his fellow silent, as mistrusting that he had led him out of the way; and now it began to rain, and thunder, and lighten in a very dreadful manner; and the water rose amain.
Then Hopeful groaned in himself, saying, O that I had kept on my way!
Who could have thought that this path should have led us out of the way?
HOPEFUL I was afraid on it at the very first, and there fore gave you that gentle caution.
I would have spoke plainer, but that you are older than I.
CHRISTIAN Good brother, be not offended; I am sorry I have brought you out of the way, and that I have put you into such imminent danger; pray, my brother, forgive me; I did not do it of an evil intent
One step over the fence was one step toward a destination
What Choices are were referring to?
Choices that deal with sound teaching- will you pay the cost to get it, declare it, and defend it.
Words that are going to defend against my apettite calling the shots
Words that aid me toward the goal of what God made me.
Words that are “pass-on-able”
Choices that deal with sound living- will you make choices base on pleasure and convenience or in harmony with truth?
My spouse, co-worker, sibling, or child is not doing what I want, but sound words call me to live for something beyond my desires.
A child, employee, or spouse submits to Christ.
Choices are little, cumulative, and destination oriented.
This affects all the little decisions of life
Let’s clean up from dinner.
The requests and little detours that follow are destination-oriented.
What are the distractions from the path and destination of sound teaching and living?
Suffering- the path of the trajectory has resistance
Shame- the cause of the trajectory doesn’t seem very honorable.
When will you feel shame
When you are abandoned
When there is no apparent success
When things aren’t happening on your timetable
What is involved in staying the course?
Share in the suffering/ Don’t be ashamed (v.
Follow the pattern of healthy teaching (v.
Guard the deposit of healthy teaching entrusted to you (v.
How is that possible?
God’s ability
God gives power, love, and sound thinking (v.
God’s power (v.
God guards the message and the messenger in the day and until THE day.
(Path reaches destination, cost is consumed in glory) (v.
Through relational interaction with Christ (V.
Through the Holy Spirit who lives within me (v.
God’s saving purpose (v.v.
Your prior trajectory was destruction.
God saved you from that.
He changed this to holiness.
You are not just the same person who arrives at a different location
This saving purpose happened by God’s planning
Called- effective.
nothing can stop his plan
Care- it was done long ago (before ages began)
Favor- a choice to show kindness
This saving work was executed by God
The stored up plan was executed by the very appearance of God.
His execution totally abolishes death
Pictured in light coming out of darkness
Picture of someone writing the play and giving stage directions
God’s job placement (v.
You were placed in this role.
(v.11; “entrusted” in v. 12-13)
The role is not a producer, but one of proclaiming and teaching what you have been given.
Can you give me an example of what this looks like?
Backdrop- people are making choices based on what is pleasurable and convenient.
Give the possible feelings of Paul.
Action- Onesiphorus is an example of one empowered by God to not be ashamed.
There is a cost.
He is away from his family and goes on a diligent search to find Paul.
We are not even told what Onesiphorus said, but we see that circumstances did not dictate his loyalty to Christ and His servant.
How does God respond - we see it in the form of Paul’s prayer
Note on the verb mood- * The use of the voluntative optative mood- "Prayers offered to the semi-gods of ancient Athens could expect to be haggled over, rebuffed, and left unanswered.
But the God of the NT was bigger than that.
The prayers offered to him depend on his sovereignty and goodness.
Thus, although the form of much prayer language in the NT has the tinge of remote possibility, when it is offered to the God who raised Jesus Christ from the dead, its meaning often moves into the realm of expectation.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9