How to read the bible

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How should we read the Bible? (cf. ).
First off the Bible completely trusts itself.
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?
Here is the first principle in Bible interpretation . Peter appeals to David to confirm this bold claim .
Here is the first principle in Bible interpretation . Peter appeals to David to confirm this bold claim . Death has no power over Jesus Christ. Why was it impossible for death to hold Jesus? Peter says, “Because the Bible tells me so.” Peter trust what the Bible reveals. The first principle of Bible interpretation is faith. We must trust all that the Bible reveals as true. The Bible is inspired and without error. We must trust it as Peter trusted ().
Death no power?
Peter trust what the Bible reveals. The first principle of Bible interpretation is faith. We must trust all that the Bible reveals as true. The Bible is inspired… We must trust it as Peter trusted ().
David looked beyond this present world, beyond its adversity and beyond its prosperity to God. This is the eye of faith. God’s Word teaches us to find God at our right hand .
Gospel truth: present help (presently bad)
He cannot deny his Word that has promised to never leave or forsake us.
His Word never fails .
We fail. Shaken, bent, destroyed… more than…
Fear Falling?
Grace greater than your sin.
Love that overcomes all things
. David was a man vexed with many sorrows, yet in the Valley… He always came back to God.
Sin and Misery (saving grace)
Blessings Prosperity (common grace)
This is hope, faith in God’s Word that he will provide all we need for body and soul in life and in death.
This hope is found in the Word and because God ordains the means as well as the ends, we cannot simply read… We must trust it and read it accurately.
But how?
Hades (Sheol)
Corruption (rot)
Hebrew poetry
We need grammar but also the history of the Bible . This is are cold facts. David’s tomb is mentioned in . It was entered and robbed during the siege of Jerusalem in 135/4 B.C.; over a century later Herod built a monument of white marble at the entrance to the tomb.
Like David, Jesus died and was buried. When Peter preached… This is history.
So is a problem. David died, was buried, and like all in Adam returned to dust. Is the Bible wrong? No, we just need more than history and grammar. We need Christ .
Because Prophet
This is God’s Word (cf. ). He foresaw the resurrection through the Word. The Holy Spirit gave him a right understanding of the Bible.
Grammatically, historically, and most importantly Christologically.
Fail Trouble ()
Road to Emmaus
Christ is life and this life is poured out in every page. This is why we are born again by “the word of truth” and grow in Christ likeness through “the sincere milk of the Word.”
What specifically is the oath God swore.
It is 2 Samual 7— The Davidic Covenant
This however is no random oath… oath maker. This promise of a throne was first promised… command “to fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion.”
Adam was to conquer the earth as king… extended… signed… further elaborated… King would face the full threat of circumcision, Isaac would not face the full threat of the knife, but Christ would. On the cross he defeated the enemy and in the resurrection he received the Kingdom of Grace.
to Adam in the Garden. He was given the command “to fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion.” Adam was to conquer the earth as king. Yet instead of striking the enemy with the vengeance of the Lord, he submitted with the pride of the fall. Yet, here God made a different oath that Adam’s offspring would conquer the kingdom of the serpent. That promise was then extended to Abraham and signed and sealed with circumcision. It was further elaborated with David that this King would face the full threat of circumcision, Isaac would not face the full threat of the knife, but Christ would. On the cross he defeated the enemy and in the resurrection he received the Kingdom of Grace.
This oath stands behind all of Scripture. The gospel therefore foreshadows… Christ binds the whole bible with all its oaths and promises together. The key to understanding Scripture is Christ .
Witness Every Page (Yes and Amen)
So Christ directs our reading. The gospel leads our theology. If you do not see Christ through all you do… For example, if baptism… The prophets had one job…
Reformed Christians use Covenant Theology to center our understanding of Scripture on Christ. Where does Covenant Theology come from? The Bible look . Do you see it. The Bible helps.
The right hand of God is the place of power (eternal life)
Sabbath Glory promised (oath-ed)
Failed Ascend ().
ascend the mountain of the Lord and plunged humanity into death (). God republished this Covenant of Works with Israel and they too allowed the serpent to lie in the land (). This works principle, “Do this and live” is the reason for Christ’s exhalation.
God republished… lie in the land (). This works principle, “Do this and live” is the reason for Christ’s exhalation.
And being found in human form (Adam form), he humbled himself (what got Adam? Pride) by becoming obedient (works principle) to the point of death, even death on a cross. 9 Therefore (merit) God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name,
This therefore was promised in .
Kingly language: the gift of the Holy Spirit.
How does the Bible end?
Christ earned heaven and gifts it to all who simply believe.
Jesus is the true King of Scripture . David did not ascend the mountain of the Lord but only he who has clean hands and pure heart . This is the Covenant of Redemption, where in… . David is not the Lord of . How do I know that? All God’s commandments. David did not earn this place of glory. Like Adam in the Garden who did not destroy his enemy, like Israel who allowed… . Christ will leave no enemy behind. He is now filling and subduing… kingdom of glory…
the earth through his dominion of Word and Sacrament for his Kingdom is now not of this world. Yet one day he will return in the Kingdom of glory to wipe the world clean of sin.
This is exaltation theology, which begins with a call to worship and obedience . Exaltation theology leads to certainty . Exaltation theology is a work of God. It is the crowning of Jesus Christ as Lord and King .
Lord and Servant
He is the Oath taker who answers back to God perfectly. You see the Garden scene leaves work unfinished. It leaves a question unanswered, “Where are you.”
Christ finished the work with his last words on the cross, “It is finished.”
Covenantal words (merit)
Resurrection he answered…
Lift up your hearts to Christ and know for certain that you are the Israel of God. Christ has earned for you a kingdom, and glory now and forevermore. He is the author and finisher of our faith the Alpha and Omega of Scripture.
So turn every page of his Word and find his life, death, and resurrection and we come to church to here nothing less or more. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.
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