Activity of God (3)
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· 8 viewsGod is not passive or remote from his creation but dynamically involved in all that he has made. In the past, this activity was seen in the history of Israel and in the ministry of Jesus Christ. In the present, God’s activity can be seen in the life of believers and of the church.
God is active by nature
God is active by nature
He actively works out his purposes
He actively works out his purposes
Mas ele lhes disse: Meu Pai trabalha até agora, e eu trabalho também.
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His names reflect his activity and involvement in his people’s lives
His names reflect his activity and involvement in his people’s lives
“The Lord Will Provide”; “The Lord, who heals you”; “The Lord is my Banner”: this title emphasises that God is like a warrior who champions his people’s cause; “The Lord our Maker”: the Hebrew word used does not refer to original creation but to the way in which God is fashioning a people for himself.
His word is active
His word is active
The Hebrew for “word” can also be translated “deed” or “action”. God’s word is not merely a communication of abstract truth but a powerful force active in the world.
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God is active in the creation
God is active in the creation
In making the universe
In making the universe
Só tu és Senhor, tu fizeste o céu, o céu dos céus e todo o seu exército, a terra e tudo quanto nela há, os mares e tudo quanto há neles; e tu os preservas a todos com vida, e o exército dos céus te adora.
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In sustaining the created order
In sustaining the created order
Nos céus, estabeleceu o Senhor o seu trono,
e o seu reino domina sobre tudo.
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In bringing about changes in the weather
In bringing about changes in the weather
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In the stars and other heavenly bodies
In the stars and other heavenly bodies
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In the animal creation
In the animal creation
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God is active in Israel’s history
God is active in Israel’s history
In the calling and creation of Israel as a people
In the calling and creation of Israel as a people
Portanto, dize aos filhos de Israel: eu sou o Senhor, e vos tirarei de debaixo das cargas do Egito, e vos livrarei da sua servidão, e vos resgatarei com braço estendido e com grandes manifestações de julgamento. Tomar-vos-ei por meu povo e serei vosso Deus; e sabereis que eu sou o Senhor, vosso Deus, que vos tiro de debaixo das cargas do Egito. E vos levarei à terra a qual jurei dar a Abraão, a Isaque e a Jacó; e vo-la darei como possessão. Eu sou o Senhor.
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In saving and delivering his people
In saving and delivering his people
This verse introduces a psalm which recounts the history of God’s dealings with his people.
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In judgment
In judgment
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In bringing victory in battle
In bringing victory in battle
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In raising up and sending leaders to the people
In raising up and sending leaders to the people
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God is active in the nations of the world
God is active in the nations of the world
His rule over the nations
His rule over the nations
Pois do Senhor é o reino,
é ele quem governa as nações.
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Examples of nations through which God acts
Examples of nations through which God acts
God is active in human life
God is active in human life
He determines the course of human lives
He determines the course of human lives
pois nele vivemos, e nos movemos, e existimos, como alguns dos vossos poetas têm dito: Porque dele também somos geração.
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Examples of God’s intervention in human lives
Examples of God’s intervention in human lives
Balaam; Hannah; Naaman; Jonah
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God is active in Jesus Christ’s ministry
God is active in Jesus Christ’s ministry
como Deus ungiu a Jesus de Nazaré com o Espírito Santo e com poder, o qual andou por toda parte, fazendo o bem e curando a todos os oprimidos do diabo, porque Deus era com ele;
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God is active through the Holy Spirit
God is active through the Holy Spirit
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God is active in the church
God is active in the church
This verse comes in the context of teaching about the body of Christ and the gifts which the Spirit gives to the church.
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