Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The Mission
Please open your Bibles to
Read .
Begin with a story.
I heard a story once about a dangerous seacoast where shipwrecks would often occur.
There was a crude little life saving station on the coast.
The building was just a hut.
They had one boat, and a few devoted members, who would keep constant watch over the sea, and gave no thought for their own safety.
They worked tirelessly, day and night, rescuing the lost.
Many lives saved by this wonderful little lifesaving station.
Lives continued to be saved, and the lifesaving station became famous.
Overtime, those who were saved and people from the surrounding areas, wanted to become associated with the station.
They gave their time, money and effort to support the work of the little station.
They were able to buy new boats, and more crews were trained.
And so the little lifesaving station grew.
Some of the members of the lifesaving station were unhappy with the hut they called their base.
It was shabby and poorly equpped.
They felt a more comfortable place should be provided, to be a refuge for those saved from the sea.
They replaced the emergency cots and beds with better furniture.
The lifesaving station became a popular gathering place for its members.
They decorated it beautifully, and furnished it with the best.
It became a club and a hangout.
Fewer members were interested in going to sea on lifesaving missions.
Instead they hired lifeboat crews to do the work.
Lifesaving remained a theme for the club.
Lifesaving was clear in the decorations.
They had life rings and rope hung on the walls as part of the motif.
There was even a practice boat in the main room, where people being initiated to the club could symbolically be saved and save others.
It was about this time that a large boat was wrecked off the coast, and the hired crews brought in loads of cold, wet, and half-drowned people.
They were dirty and sick.
The beautiful new club was messed up.
So the property committee immediately had a shower house built outside the club where victims of shipwrecks could be cleaned up before coming inside.
At the next meeting there was a split in the club membership.
Most of the members wanted to stop the lifesaving activity, because it was a hindrance and unpleasant to the normal social life of the club.
Some members insisted lifesaving was the primary purpose of the club, after all that’s what the station was?
They were voted down, and told that if they wanted to get dirty saving lives, they could build their own lifesaving station down the coast … which they did.
As the years went by, the new station went down the same path as the old station.
It grew and became a club.
It too had a split, and a new station was built.
History continued to repeat itself, and if you visit that coast today, you’ll find a number of exclusive clubs along the shoreline.
Shipwrecks are still frequent, but most of the people drown.
It’s so easy to lose sight of what’s important.
It’s easy to lose sight of your mission.
I don’t want to be like the lifesaving stations that lost their way.
Their mission should have been to save lives.
What is ours?
Please open your Bibles to
Read .
This is our mission.
It’s been called The Great Commission.
It’s not called the Great Suggestion.
This is the church’s mission.
Jesus isn’t saying, “I’d really, really like it if some of you went and made disciples ...”
It’s a mission.
These are your marching orders.
And these orders come from someone in command.
During Jesus’ earthly ministry, He restrained Himself.
He was humble.
He was obedient to the Father.
He obeyed the Law.
He even submitted to earthly governments.
But in His resurrected state … things are different.
The Father has raised Him to a seat of power.
And now Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth.
And what is His command?
In this entire passage, there’s only one command.
There are many verbs.
There are many things that we are to do.
But these verbs are describing or related to only one main verb.
The main verb, the main idea, the command is found in verse 19.
It’s not “Go therefore ...”
It’s make disciples.
We make disciples.
A disciples is a learner.
It’s someone who follows Christ.
It’s someone who is becoming Christlike.
So our goal is to take someone who is not like Christ, and make them like Christ.
This is a command
The command is to make disciples.
That is what we do.
That is what the church does.
Discipleship is the mission of the church.
It’s the mission for all of us.
It’s the mission of:
Sunday school teachers
Youth workers
Married couples
Single people
College students
High school students.
This is our mission.
Notice who gives the command:
That covers a few things, but the overall gist of it is we make disciples.
It’s Jesus.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9