KEEP ON KEEPING-ON, by the Sustaining Grace through God's Servants
Sermon Tone Analysis
Dear Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Today we close the second of three parts of the Book of Acts, in Peter and Paul’s ministry outside of Judea, catch a glimpse at how Christ from heaven, by the working of his spirit , through the apostles, through even you and me - establishes His church. I hope you have been challenged in what it means for us to witness, I hope as the content of what Peter and Paul was sharing - messages to unbelievers - comforted and confirmed in the promises of the gospel; Hope you witness to power and grace of Christ, not only to outsiders but to each other.
Then we saw in his third missionary journey, how central work not only of sharing the good news is, but patient work of correcting, training, encouraging, warning, picking each other up - the work of discipleship is. But today, as Luke concludes part II, we get a needed word of confidence for how you and I, like the Ephesians churches, can keep-on-keeping on. When we don’t have the miracles the new revelation and teaching of the Apostles. Unique word from the Lord, in here, for us. This is the only speech recorded in Acts (lots to unbelievers, lots to both Roman and Jewish officials), but this is the only speech recorded to Christians!
Paul looks a this church, grown large. Probably why didn’t stop there. Custom of day dear friends would visit too long to make it to Jerusalem for Pentecost. So they stop 30 miles south, send for the church leaders to meet at Miletus. And Paul has a message for this new centre of Christianity. He knows the 2nd law of thermodynamics - things tend to fall apart. Garden, celan house with kids, like shoveling snow in a blizzard. Remarkable progress in the gospel - do you feel that here - But Paul says, not simply going to keep on growing -
going to be great challenge! Kingdom of heaven being established in this world, but not of this world, heaven isn’t here, and only enter the kingdom through trial.
Troubles when Paul was there - these plots, riots; trouble has been here in you doing church -here too! Be honest we have conflict, moral failures, conflicts and struggles without. We are in a relatively happy time, of growth, of unity, of service! But there are many people here in devastating times - cancer attacks, work unstable, family situation hard. Paul is pained to leave, but he knows called now to go to world capitals of Jewish and Gentile world. And he has to leave them knowing false teaching of Judaizers already hijacking church in Galatia, knowing even among leadership - not perfect and false teachers arise within. Trouble is going to come again. He worked his hands to the bone - 3 years - richest fellowship - real service together - but now he’s leaving and he’s upset, their upset. Like MacArthur at the Philippines - moved whole family, stayed last possible moment, but pained to leave
Have you experienced that got to leave someone - imagine it a mom, dad, a child, and don’t know if it will be the last time -what would you say. Paul like Jesus in his farewell knows can’t stay with them the way it was, and like Jesus, Paul instructs them on what they will need to keep-on-keeping on.
Key Truth: The LORD provides sustaining-grace to press on through difficulties & to finish the service He’s called to in this world, through the ministry of elders!
Now if that sounds shocking to you it should! Do you know your elders, I was an elder - tell you those called ordained wonder who is worthy, able to do what called to. Impression administrative bureaucratic. What do you really expect from elders. Both from those who oversee and those who teach! This is shocking. And again you may be wondering how is Christ from heaven, through the Holy Spirit at work with this Word. How is He going to give me sustaining grace to serve and make through this life with all its difficulties to heaven?
Through the ministry of elders? Paul you must be mistaken, leaving us with high expectations of incredible gospel ministry that’s turning Mediterranean upside down, Word of God coming in power, and hard times are coming and you’re plan is to leaving us with these mere fallible men.
Well to understand how first let’s get a lay of the land in this situation who does Paul say the main actors are? Actor #1 This people, most precious in entire universe that God gave his blood to make his own - there is what Paul calls the flock -the disciples that’s you and me. But who else is there? #2 There, like in ANE when flock of sheep around - there are the wolves, sometimes in pack, sometimes one by one, sometimes a pack, sometimes even in sheep clothing sneek into the midst threatening from within. And #3 the leaders of the church - Paul calls them presbyters/elders, calls them overseers (episkopus) and he calls them shepherds, caring shepherds! Now you are God’s precious flock here , in the midst of world and a church that still have wolves, things may be going well, but in this world you and I need the servants God calls and equips and promises to work through. How is that supposed to work?
Well first Paul takes a look back into the past to underline what kind of leadership God provided and the flock needed.
To Keep On Keeping-On as Disciple of Christ A. Find Servant-Leaders who are Humble in MANNER yet Bold in the Word (17-20)
A. Find Humble Servant-Leaders who are Bold in Leading You to Repentance & to Faith in Jesus
In v.17 Paul gathers the elders/presbyters. Community structured like the synagogues from - men who would serve by reading God’s word, overseeing worship, with one presiding as teacher, but with always a plurality of leadership, not a one man show. And Paul, who some were attacking , lays before them from his own example of his own service for those 3 years - what kind of leaders God provides for us!
Jesus had told the apostles, not going to have leadership in his kingdom -not bosses telling people what to do. they would have real authority, but it would be with an authority that wasn’t from their position or their personality, In fact the word Paul uses to introduce what they need is diakonis - the other office - but root meaning - is service. That’s the manner serving in humility. Jesus corrects apostles asking for power, honour, to Lord it over others like Gentile rulers.
But it shall not be so among you. But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all.
And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came up to him and said to him, “Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask of you.”
Now from Miletus he sent to Ephesus and called the elders of the church to come to him.
. mark 10:35 , Twoel - - Set an example for all of us - Never forget hearing that John Macarthur asked how many deacons here, have women deacons - thousands -. Can’t surviive difficultuies or really press on advancing kingdom here, unless all diakonis, all servants. And you especiallly need leaders who lead by serving in your life.
Leadership of the towel! Set an example for all of us - Never forget hearing that John MacArthur asked how many deacons here, have women deacons - thousands -. Can’t survive difficulties or really press on advancing kingdom here, unless all diakonis, all servants. And you especially need leaders who lead by serving in your life. But look at the quality
But look at the quality
serving the Lord with all humility and with tears and with trials that happened to me through the plots of the Jews;
This is the manner of gospel ministry that all of us are to share in and we are to look for leaders in our life who have this quality. Do you remember that phrase, Don’t care how much you know until I know how much you care! Does anyone feel that from the way you walk with them? Where did Paul gets this, well - here is a wonder, we don't have elders appointed from some distant city and shipped in to order us around. Why foreign monarchs seldom could rule distant lands well. Why a king chosen from among the people from among your brothers such a gift. Do understand even before talking about Jesus humility, the gift it is that the Messiah , the King the mediator between God and you and men, that he was chosen from among us. God’s law
That’s Jesus taking on our weakness, our temptations, undergoing the trials that you and I are in midst of, that he is qualified to be our King and our Saviour as he shares in our plight.
Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people.
Paul learns this of jesus and all who would serve under his banner in his kingdom.
Like that MacArthur, US general, but they said led us here like you were one of us, he had lost whole bunch of pounds eating like the islanders did, his clothes, worn, he was living in the trenches of their life! Paul is saying, look I was slaving for the Lord with you
Humility isn’t first of all someone who think they are worthless, and pretends by showing people how humble they are. To be humble is to think less often of yourself because you are with people in their tears and you are with them in their trials. God has placed all of us beside people and some he calls you to lead along as you walk beside.
But the second quality that Paul looking back said he exemplified is in
how I did not shrink from declaring to you anything that was profitable, and teaching you in public and from house to house,
The key word there is profitable, OT word. When some has a false idol gods, they can only speak unprofitable, Those caught up in the world - no profit. But God promises his Word - is to go out and not return empty, produce real fruit. And the type of servant leaders everyone of us needs in this life, until jesus returns, are those that will not shrink - from a pulpit, in a meeting, or in house visit, or over coffee, to speak God’s life-=changing word into the situations of our lives. Into our suffering, into our sinning, into our problems when not sure what to do, gray areas scratching our heads, into brokenness. Do you have anyone in your life brings profit like that? And Paul even tells us what is profitable in someone sharing God’s Word with you:
And Paul even tells us what is profitable in someone sharing God’s Word with you:
testifying both to Jews and to Greeks of repentance toward God and of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
- well its going to confront you with A. Repentance Towards God - wandering away, in darkness, ignorance, or stubborn turned and started walking away from him, chasing down a dream or pleasure, or plan - speak a Word like John the Baptist leads back to God, 180s in our life - hurting someone by this, your staining God’s reputation, you’ve got such a gift, a talent opportunity - turn it to God’s glory Need leaders who won’t shrink from doing that.
But even more got to find people in our lives who will lead us back again and again to B. Faith in Jesus Every elders visit part of the purpose is just to encourage you in your profession f faith, what jesus promises to all who believe in Him, what you promised in terms of walking with Christ. Charles Spurgeon, put it this way: I received order some years ago from my Master to stand at the foot of the Cross until he comes. He has not come yet, but I mean to stand their until he does. You need people in your life who keep the Cross at the centre, that forgiveness, that acceptance in Christ, that new life from the resurrected Christ so never give up. You lay down your sins but then you pick them up again, live with shame guilt, condemnation, not freed from power yet. Bonhoeffer, church is really tested whether its true church or not when they find a real sinner in their midst. Will we speak to the gospel to that one. Could you. That’s what kind of people we need, we are all real sinners, all need to speak the gospel the Cross the Resurrection hope .
But next Paul shifts from his past example, to the present circumstances he and the flock were facing, and there reveals not only the manner but :
But next Paul shifts from his past example, to the present circumstances he and the flock wehree facing, and there reveals not only the manner but :
B. Open Yourself to the METHOD of Godly Leadership (22-28)
The leaders we need to follow, as they follow Christ, are leaders who are overwhelmed at the two most precious things below heaven. Do you know what they are in v.23 we see Paul’s evaluation of the a gospel of grace that is better than life its self. And in v. 28 Paul sees each little lamb, in GOd’s flock, each member of Christ, as those bought by the blood of God! God the Father gave His Son for you. How much he values every member of Christ church. Let’s look at how holding the preciousness of this grace changes the way elders lead.
In v.23 its quite interesting that Paul as an apostle has special revelation Spirit compelling him to go to Jerusalem. But prophets in the apostolic church, saying terrible things await. And its interesting that even though he know a bit by special revelation, he still says, he doesn't know what will happen. There is a lesson there in Christian guidance even for an apostle. God doesn’t want you to know the future. Imagine what joys you’d miss, imagine what dread you would live in. Holy Spirit and His Word, providence, prayer, and godly counsel put together. That’s how God grows faith and trust in us! The reason God doesn’ show us his secret will for our lives, is he doesn’t want robots, nervous jumpy at every decision, not walking with mind of Christ , not learning wisdom of Christ. God doesn’t let us know, so that we will wait on God, trust Him and lean on Him and receive from him.
And here is the first point of method, Paul is willing to go into the danger, suffer the ridicule persecution, even give up his life - because his life isn ‘t about what’s comfortable or easy, or about the goods in this life. It’s not, that he doesn’t care about those things, that he’s lazy, sitting around saying, life is no good here take me to heaven. NO, when later in prison in Rome ,even says, get me my scrolls, you know that robe I left get that for me too. Paul cares about life, and enjoys the friendship of all his bros /sisters, but in comparison to the most precious thing - he accounts it it as nothing. He’s doing the divine arithmetic the new math:
But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
You and I need leaders in our lives, Christians further along the way, who are doing the divine arithmetic the new math - who say - nothing matters more than God’s grace in jesus and people receiving it. The KJV says I don’t hold on to my life, No Something so much greater has taken hold of me, and that’s what I hold dear! It’s why I give up my time and cross the road to my neighbour. why someone trapped in their sin, not going to shame and condemn but gently comes along side they feel it too - all the stuff in life doesn’t matter. It’s empty - compared to THIS GRACE WORKING< AND ME FINISHING MY CALLING TO SHARE THIS GRACE! It’s why we risk going to places of suffering, hospice, hospital, or an family member - most important thing is GRACE. Why we bear each others burdens! Youth told me sometimes its pride or fear of what people think, often its busyness - more important than grace and people getting that grace living in it.
Life isn’t a tourist vacation here, not a picnic, life’s not for building our eternal dwelling place in this time and this place, life is a journey - finish line is beyond all this brokenness. Until then value grace working in broken lives above all!
ii. And then Paul reveals the second part of the method of godly leadership, you do that perspective changing math, and three times he says he : testifies, proclaims, declares.
ii. And then Paul reveals the second part of the method of godly leadership, you do that perspective changing math, and three times he says he : testifies, proclaims, declares.
And now, behold, I know that none of you among whom I have gone about proclaiming the kingdom will see my face again. Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all, for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God.
But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God. And now, behold, I know that none of you among whom I have gone about proclaiming the kingdom will see my face again. Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all, for I did not shrink from declaring to you the whole counsel of God.
This is what we must do for each other, esp leaders: testitfy of grace needs to be witnessed to how - how God’s grace in Jesus works. This is the content for what we talk about. What else proclaiming the kingdom - do you see that leaders must not only share about how we are saved, right with God, personal salvation, but passion for God’s kingdom, for his ways in all of life - care about Christ as King in heaven reigning now in our lives, his will for work, for politics, his will for laws of this land, his will LORD SHIP of Christ - do you have anyone in your life that spurs you on in Christian Citizenship - And then lastly he says he didn’t shrink from declaring the WHOLE COUNSEL of God. Do you know that pact, that plan , eternal covenant of redemption - from the beginning Lamb slain from the foundation of the world - God’s plan in fallen world - send Christ - redeem all things through him - Not just spiritual, but ethical, not just law, but wisdom, not just… Leaders who know this plan , this whole counsel won’t shrink from helping us walk it!
Why does Paul why will we, why will elders here do this? It is not just because grace is the most important and precious reality in this world! It is also because of the 2nd thing that is most precious is this:
Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.
that’s literally the blood of God, in one sense an impossibility, only jesus human nature can be send to have blood. But Jesus is God and we can attribute Son of God human nature blood, that God himself shed His blood, and that’s how much you and I are worth. : In this section though Paul reveals the dangerous circumstances that will lead to his separation, but his focus is really on the flock.
A leader will risk anything to get the grace of the gospel and the whole counsel of God’s word down into the life of anyone of God’s lambs as they struggle here below! But notice the order here, you know that you are that precious in God’s eyes, didn’t just save you, but he as the Great Shepherd, Over-shepherd of our souls, Jesus continues to pray and send his word and Spirit to guide you. And so Paul says to us first - shepherd your own soul with X first - take careful attention of yourself. You can’t serve those around you, if you don’t let your shepherd Jesus take stock of where your own soul is at and minster to you!
, - shepherd your own soul with him first - take careful attention of yourself. but then secondly, as you do that take care of each and every one here - so different in needs. takes time to know the flock - some strong weak, some young old, some stuck, some helathy and serving. But each blood bought and eneding the under shepherding of one who is humbly like them, eyt burning with this passion ofor God’s grace and teruth to be appolied.
And then secondly, as you do that take care of each and every one here - so different in needs. takes time to know the flock - some strong weak, some young old, some stuck, some healthy and serving. Each is blood-bought by Jesus, but each also needs ongoing shepherding by humble elders who have a burning passion for God’s grace and truth to be applied.
But lastly, Paul looks into the future as far, and with as much details as the Holy Spirit allowed him, not just for himself, but for the church without the apostles with them. That’s you and me today. And he declares the last thing we must find in godly leaders in our lives:
But lastly, Paul looks into the future as far, and with as much details as the Holy Spirit allowed him, not just for himself, but for the church wihtout the apostles with them. That you andm e today. And he declares teh last thing we must find in godly leaders in our lives:
C. With an Eye on the Circling Wolves, Pray With, Learn With, And Work hard With Your Leaders
Paul sees the spiritual enemies conspiracy against God’s Word, personal attack against the ministry of the church. Think of yourself and the people around you, do you see Satan’s strategy to drag them down, to distract them from Christ, to become ineffective in ministering grace. Paul is especially concerned for what happens to the weak in their mist. So he stares down the enemy:
I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them.
I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock;
I am not going to elaborate on the nature of the attacks on the church in Ephesus , tells us cooling of their love, Titus and Timothy tell us false teaching that lead to false living arouse within. We face the same today. Paul had the guts then, and later in letters to name the enemies, even by name and our leaders need to. First years of ministry - thought only job was to lead the flock to the pasture to feed them. But under-shepherds pastors and elders responsibility to survey the ground we walk with each other to get to the pasture, each day in the ANE in and out - On the ground ready alert what in our teens culture, what in retirees, what in middle aged, single young adults - know the territory and where the enemies lurk.
And what does Paul do first and last, not just teach and admonish. But look at him - what does he do and again with tears:
And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.
He commends them to God - he is praying for them personally, placing them face to face before the throne of God’s grace in prayer - more he is praying about the Word, With only the Word you dry up, with only the Spirit you blow up. But Word and Spirit grows up. If nothing else elders showing up to pray for you - great gain! Pray specific truths promises warning for people’s lives. Which Words of God, promise warning, friends children have on their hearts, pray about the effect?
Huge NT word,edifying, upbuilding, turn them into the temple of the living God on earth, plug them in Lord as a living stone - i the people of God.
And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.
What they do with the gospel, when fall down. Pray application. Can’t tell you how thankful I am for people praying for my preaching here. Do you pray for your elders as they visit,. For friends as they minister one to another. That too is how Paul ends:
Huge NT word,edifying, upbuilding, turn them into the temple of the living God on earth, plug them in Lord as a living stone - i the people of God. What they do with the gospel, when fall down. Pray application. Can’t tell you how thankful I am for people praying for my preaching here. Do you pray for your elders as they visit,. For friends as they minister one tot another. That too is how Paul ends:
What they do with the gospel, when fall down. Pray application. Can’t tell you how thankful I am for people praying for my preaching here. Do you pray for your elders as they visit,. For friends as they minister one tot another. That too is how Paul ends:
And when he had said these things, he knelt down and prayed with them all.
And lastly as Paul gives his last words that he will speak in peson to this church. Look what he says, not just for elders but for all of us:
In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”
Are you a net-giver or taker in Christ’ church, for sure with Jesus - taking all grace and gifts and goodness - free. But with each other here. Out of the fulness you have received, are you a net-giver with others? Especially with the week, those with particular need. IE This past week found out why my wife felt so weak - all go through times , if not your time, go to someone, if it is your time - let the body of Christ minister - but when wolves circling - better be found standing together - bearing each others burdens.
This is the type of service all of us need from the leadership of Christ church. It’s also the type of serving, they are to equip us all in our own way to exercise. Will it work?
What will we face in the next 20 or 30 years in Canada in Barrie in the CRCNA at Covenant? they didn’t always hold on, didn’t find leadership , didn’t follow the leadership - in danger of being snuffed out. But let me tell you they did repent and the y did return to the LORD and His ways. And after John gave them that wake up call, their next great leader in Ephesus churches write of how restored and growing, Ignatius. That’s is what we need and must rise to the occasion to find this godly leadership here.