Stay Focused
1 Do not be preoccupied with evildoers.
Do not envy those who do wicked things.
2 They will quickly dry up like grass
and wither away like green plants.
3 Trust the LORD, and do good things.
Live in the land, and practice being faithful.
4 Be happy with the LORD,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
5 Entrust your ways to the LORD.
Trust him, and he will act ⌊on your behalf⌋.
I. The Wrong Focus (1-2)
be angry, aroused, burn with anger, have a temper, i.e., have a strong feeling of displeasure, with a focus of an action to follow (Ex 22:23); (nif) enraged (Isa 41:11; 45:24+); 2. LN 50 (tifel) compete, contend with, i.e., try to outdo others, implied to be with zeal (Jer 12:5; 22:15+); 3. LN 25.223–25.250 (hitp) fret, formally, anger, i.e., be in a state of worry and concern as an extension of being internally angry
be angry, aroused, burn with anger, have a temper, i.e., have a strong feeling of displeasure, with a focus of an action to follow (Ex 22:23); (nif) enraged (Isa 41:11; 45:24+); 2. LN 50 (tifel) compete, contend with, i.e., try to outdo others, implied to be with zeal (Jer 12:5; 22:15+); 3. LN 25.223–25.250 (hitp) fret, formally, anger, i.e., be in a state of worry and concern as an extension of being internally angry
i.e. desire the advantages belonging to another person or thing (Ps 37:1; Pr 23:17; 24:1, 19; Si 9:11; 45:18; 1QS 1018), particularly material prosperity or lifestyle (Gn 26:14; Ps 73:3; Pr 3:31), beauty (Ezk 31:9), power or position (Gn 37:11; [unless §2] Ps 106:16; [unless §5]), offspring
II. The Right Focus (3-5) - LORD/YHWH
A. Trust in the Lord (3)
B. Seek the Favor (Delight) of the Lord (4)
Draw from communion with God all that inward intensity of joy which it is capable of giving. And he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. God will then grant thee all thy desires, and make thee perfectly happy.
Draw from communion with God all that inward intensity of joy which it is capable of giving. And he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. God will then grant thee all thy desires, and make thee perfectly happy.
C. Commit to the Lord (5)
The meaning is, “Cast thyself and thy life unreservedly upon God—yield thyself wholly to him—look to him for support and guidance.”
The meaning is, “Cast thyself and thy life unreservedly upon God—yield thyself wholly to him—look to him for support and guidance.”
“He will accomplish all that thy faith has laid upon him” (Kay).
The meaning is, “Cast thyself and thy life unreservedly upon God—yield thyself wholly to him—look to him for support and guidance.”
The meaning is, “Cast thyself and thy life unreservedly upon God—yield thyself wholly to him—look to him for support and guidance.”
The meaning is, “Cast thyself and thy life unreservedly upon God—yield thyself wholly to him—look to him for support and guidance.”