More Notes on Baptism
Being baptised by John was a confession that cleansing was needed
Mt 3:11 See also Mt 3:6; Mk 1:4-5 pp Lk 3:3; Ac 19:1-4
John promised that the Messiah would cleanse with the baptism of the Holy Spirit
Mt 3:11 pp Mk 1:8 pp Lk 3:16 See also Isa 44:3; Eze 36:25-26
Baptism involves both water and the Holy Spirit
Jn 3:5
The disciples of Jesus Christ baptised like John’s
Jn 3:22-23; 4:1
Jesus Christ was baptised by John
Mt 3:13-17 pp Mk 1:9-11 pp Lk 3:21-22 pp Jn 1:32-33
baptism, practice of
Baptism is associated with repenting of sin, believing the gospel message and becoming a member of Christ’s body.
Baptism is ordained by Jesus Christ himself
Mt 28:19 See also Ac 9:17-18; 16:14-15
Baptism is linked with repentance
Ac 2:38 See also Heb 6:1-2 The “baptisms” referred to here may imply teaching about Jewish rituals or the baptism offered by John the Baptist.
Baptism follows the decision to believe
Ac 2:41; 18:8 See also Ac 8:12-13; 16:31-33
Baptism in the name of God or Jesus Christ
Baptism in or into the name of Jesus Christ Ac 19:5 See also Ac 2:38; 8:16; 10:48
Baptism in the name of the Trinity Mt 28:18-20
Baptism was by immersion
Ro 6:4 The word “buried” implies immersion. See also Ac 8:38
The person who baptises is of little importance
1Co 1:14 What matters is not who baptises but the Saviour in whose name it is done.
Passages apparently negating infant baptism
Ac 2:38-41 infants cannot repent and believe; Gal 3:7 Under the new covenant it is faith in Jesus Christ, not an outward sign, that makes a person a child of God.
baptism, significance of
The NT uses a variety of images to explain the meaning of baptism, such as dying and rising with Christ, sharing in his death and being cleansed from sin.
Baptism is a symbol of the death of Jesus Christ
Lk 12:50 Jesus Christ described his death as a baptism or a flood overwhelming him. See also Ps 42:7; 69:1-2; 88:7; Mk 10:38-39
Baptism is a symbol of the burial of Jesus Christ
Ro 6:3-4 Immersion in water symbolises how the old sinful life is buried with Christ.
Dying to sin and sharing Jesus Christ’s sufferings, symbolised by baptism, is a lifelong process: Ro 8:13; Col 3:5
Baptism is a symbol of being saved from the flood
1Pe 3:21 The flood/baptism symbolises both judgment (the death of sinners and the death of Jesus Christ) and salvation (those in the ark and those in Christ passing safely through judgment). See also Ge 7:6-7
Baptism is the gospel equivalent of circumcision
Col 2:11-12 The “circumcision in Christ” may refer either to his death on the cross or to baptism. See also Dt 10:16
Baptism recalls the exodus
1Co 10:1-2 In and through the exodus experience Israel was united with and obedient to Moses, as Jesus Christ’s people are to him. See also Ex 14:19-24
Baptism symbolises washing from sin
Ac 22:16 Baptism is an outward sign of cleansing from sin and from a defiled life and conscience. See also 1Co 6:11; Tit 3:5; 1Pe 3:21
Baptism is a symbol of putting on Christ
Gal 3:27 Baptism is seen as putting on Christ, as one might put on a coat or garment, and thus be “clothed with Christ”.
Baptism as a symbol of unity
Eph 4:5 See also 1Co 12:13