Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The Vine.
First question we are going to answer is why the metaphors?
Why the I am statements?
So far in the book of John, John has recorded Jesus saying these I am statements.
The I am statements serve two functions for us.
And with every I am statement, we learn a little more about who Jesus is and what He came to do.
Also, with every I am statement, we are forced with immense pressure to realize that Jesus of the New Testament is the I am of the Old Testament.
In fact, Jesus does this most clearly in the book of John in chapter 8.
Jesus said to a group of Pharisees who are questioning his ability to know Abraham and for Abraham to know Him.
Remember what He told them?
Jesus is Yahweh of the Old Testament.
He is the God of Israel.
The God of David.
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
He is the one who shut the mouths of lions for Daniel.
He held the Sun still for Joshua.
He parted the waters for Moses.
And He is the one who brought judgment upon Pharaoh and the people of Israel for their idol worship.
Every I am statement drives us back to unmistakably link Jesus to the old Testament.
But not only that.
Every I am statement also tells us who Jesus is and what He came to be.
In ,
He is the bread of life
In ,
2. He is the Light of the World.
3. Jesus is the door of the sheep.
Later in ,
4. Jesus is the Good Shepherd.
5. Jesus is the resurrection and the Life.
6. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
Every I am statement that we have seen so far have told us something about Jesus and He has done this beautifully by using metaphors so that we can truly understand who he is.
So now we come to , where Jesus is about to deliver his last I am statement in the book of John and His last I am statement recorded HERE on earth.
And this one is gonna be different than others.
Not only will Jesus further reveals himself.
He is going to further reveal the Father and a role He plays as well.
Listen to what he says here.
John 1
So this is the metaphor.
metaphor is a comparison to something by equating it to something.
Jesus is the Vine.
Hopefully, we all know what a vine is.
I have in my mind a grape vine, and i think that may be what Jesus is referring to here, so we are gonna go with that.
For the grapevine to succeed and flourish, normally it needs someone to care for it.
The Father is the Vine Dresser, or the Gardner.
So if Jesus is the vine.
and that is the launching pad for this passage.
Everything revolves around Jesus being the vine.
What does the Father do in light of Jesus being the vine?
Look in verse 2
In verse 2 we see that there are two types of branches.
We can best understand this by understanding what these people have in common vs what is different about them.
The one thing these people have in common is that they profess to be in Christ.
They profess to be attached to Christ.
But the difference between them are unmistakable.
One branch does not bear fruit.
They claim to be Christians, but there is no fruit.
Branches that do not bear fruit.
The people probably in mind here are the Jewish leaders who claim to be God’s children, but they have proven time and time again that they hate Jesus.
At this point, it may be really easy to shrug this off.
He’s not talking about me here.
Here is where we should be careful, because this passage is just as applicable today as it was then.
We live in a culture down here in the South, where almost everyone claims to be a Christian although that is probably going to change as our culture changes.
But while many people claim to be Christians, how many of those who claim to be Christians are bearing fruit?
How many of those aren’t gathering to worship today?
How many of those live in light of God’s Word?
How many of those who claim to be Christians are living their lives in order to bring God glory?
Understand, this passage teaches that fruitless branches are not in the Vine.
It is impossible for them to.
Dead branches do not produce anything.
In fact those branches are taken away.
If you look ahead into verse 6, those branches are thrown into the fire.
2. The other type of branch is one that is fruit bearing.
Those are branches that do produce spiritual fruit.
They are connected to Christ, and because they are connected to a living vine, you see the results of them being connected.
But even the Vine dresser does work to them as well.
He prunes them.
That is he works on them to increas their growth.
At times, that means He disciplines.
Other times, we experience difficulties to test our faith.
Other times, we experience good times to encourage our faith.
But the goal of it all is bearing more fruit
Jesus is now going to speak to those who he knows are in Him.
The message that the disciples have heard, they have believed, having believed, they have been justified.
His message was himself.
They are clean.
In other words, they are saved.
And they are saved because of the Gospel, the message they have heard from Jesus.
That message is not a message that they will graduate from.
This isn't a one time response at the end of a service.
This is something that they will remain in.
This portion of the Gospel message must be preached!!
Too many people think that its about a one time transaction whereby they tell God they want their fire insurance, but Jesus describes something way different
That is the message that will continue to form the basis of their lives.
Listen to what he says here.
As believers in Jesus, we must continue in our belief and continue in His word.
Continuing in His word and in Him will inevitably produce fruit, but a failure to Abide in the Vine will inevitably make the production of Spiritual fruit impossible.
< .5
.5 - .6
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.8 - .9
> .9