A Crumb from His Hand Is More Than Enough
A Crumb from His Hand Is More Than Enough
Text: Matthew 15:21-28 - PPHC 4/22/07 A.M.
Intro: Does anybody in this room have a need in your life? I suspect that everyone under the sound of my voice has many needs. In fact, I would go a step farther and say that most people in this room today have one or more major needs in their lives and they do not see how that need can be met.
Some people are looking at devastating family problems, some at financial difficulties, problems with a child; some are looking at their own souls and realizing that they are lost. Some looking at disease and wondering what lies ahead. Some are looking at their parents and realizing they won’t be here forever…and the list goes and on.
In the midst of your problems, you need someone to help you; someone you can turn to for your solution. You need God to work in your life. You don’t need Him to lift every burden, just the heaviest. You don’t need Him to move every mountain, just the highest. You don’t need God to give you the whole loaf, just a crumb.
That is the situation we are looking at in this passage today. Jesus is approached by a mother who is in a desperate situation. Just like her, no matter what it is you think you need today, God holds the key to it. Let’s look at this lesson and learn that A Crumb From His Hand Is More Than Enough.
I. This Woman’s Petition (v. 22)
A. The Reason She Came
1. She was concerned about her daughter – demon possessed (angry / violent)…HELP!.
B. The Reason She Cried
1. To cry - speaks of one “crying out, shouting after another.” - following Jesus.
2. Heartbroken over child’s condition - determined to get the help she needed.
C. The Reason She Called (Mark’s recording – 7:25)
1. She had “heard of Him” – healing the blinded eyes, diseases, deaf man, driven the legion of demons from the man of the Gadarenes. If He did it for Him, He’ll do it for me!!
· She came because faith and hope had been sparked in her heart. She needed something that society had not been able to provide; something dead religion was powerless to furnish; something that she had not been able to provide by her own efforts…Jesus was her only hope.
D. Bridge “How many of you can identify with this poor, anxious mother?”
1. Perhaps you are at your wits end over some situation in your life and you need help.
2. Perhaps you are dealing with a child that is out of control.
3. Perhaps you have exhausted every means and do not know where to turn for help.
4. Whatever the need in your life may be today; Get that need to Jesus!
Regardless of what you face in your life today, the answer will be found in Him!
I. This Woman’s Petition
II. This Woman’s Persistence (vv 23-27)
· This woman comes to Jesus for help - when she doesn’t get the response she desires, she stays after Jesus until she gets what she wants.
A. The Obstacles Of Faith (vv 23-27)
· It seemed that she met resistance to her request at every turn…yet she persisted.
1. She had to overcome Race
a. This woman was from Tyre and Sidon...also a Canaanite. Two things noted:
1. First, a descendant of a cursed people; a doomed race. (Canaanites – Deut. 7:2)
2. Second, she was from a region known for vile religious practices.
2. She had to overcome Religion
a. A Gentile mother crying out to the Jewish Messiah.
b. She had no right to come to Jesus through the door of Judaism…”He answered not” (23)
3. She had to overcome Racism
a. This Gentile calling out to their Messiah… the disciples wanted nothing to do with her.
b. She was different and they didn’t care for her at all.
4. She had to overcome Rejection (23-26) from Jesus?? (Heartbroken)
a. First, he simply ignores her.
b. Then, He tells her that His purpose in coming was to reach the lost sheep of Israel.
c. When she persists, He tells her that she’s a dog and doesn’t deserve the children’s bread.
5. She had to overcome Reality
a. Daughter was possessed; she was a member of a doomed race; rejected by the religious.
· Spitual Contrast: “Barriers” – The lost; a doomed race; religion won’t work; What obstacles are you facing today?
B. The Opportunities Of Faith (Mk. 7:27)
1. Jesus says, “Let the children first be filled…”
2. She took that to mean that “seconds” were available.
a. These obstacles given by the Lord Jesus were not placed there to discourage and defeat.
b. The obstacles were placed there to mature her faith.
· v. 22 - Jesus came to the Jews – she had no right to approach Him on that ground.
· 24-25 – He came as a Messiah to the nation – she bowed in worship…her only Hope.
· 26-27 – He calls her a dog – Jews used this term to mean “mangy cur” Matt. 7:6 – unclean people - (this is the pet of the house…has become a part of the family…she doesn’t want the part that belongs to the children…just asking 4 a morsel from the table.
When we continue to seek the Lord in spite of every hindrance we will eventually see Him do what needs to be done.
C. The Obligations Of Faith – v. 27
1. Some would have thrown up their hands in frustration, stormed off in anger saying, “I don’t need this! So much for your God of love; for your message of compassion and your narrow, bigoted religion! I don’t want anything to do with a god or a religion like that!”
a. She persisted because too much was at stake! Daughter need deliverance (compare)
b. A crumb might have been all she could get; but she knew that a crumb from the hand of Jesus would be more than enough!
III. This Woman’s Prize (v. 28)
A. Jesus Responded to Her Faith (Her faith exceeded those that He had come to save)
1. She had more faith than the Sadduccees, Pharisees, Priests….this excites the Lord.
B. Jesus Rewarded Her Faith
1. Her faith was so strong, that she didn’t ask for proof; she turned around and went home.
Take heart, today might be the day when the Master responds to your cries…
There’s Jairus raised his daughter from the dead); Lazarus (placed in the hands of Jesus, he is brought back to life; 5,000 hungry – Jesus gives more than enough; Disciples in a storm (Jesus stills there storm); Demon possessed (Jesus gives him his right mind); the leper, the blind man, the crippled; ….Jesus has the answer to your need today.
Lindsey Bruce saved