When a Bad Report Comes Your Way
· Childhood – growing up in Conway – lived an exciting, adventurous time (2 sis. / 1 brother) – spent many days riding my toacco stick, Trigger (Roy Rogers fame)
· Dad, my pastor….moved to J’ville in ’79…in a few years, Ray would be graduating.
· Mom had found her a job at Johnsonville Mfg…..life was good.
· Then there was the day in ’84 that Mom got sick at work…she had started hemorrhaging.
· So they went to the Dr. in Florence….a beautiful, sunny day….what could go wrong?
· The Dr.’s Report…CANCER! There was a long period of silence and disbelief.
· They made it as far outside and they sat there for what seemed an eternity, fell into each other’s arms & wept.
When a Bad Report Comes Your Way
Text: 2 Kings 18:37- 19:4
Date: April 15, 2007 A.M. - PPHC
I. (Background Notes) Hezekiah Received the Report of the Enemy – 14a
A. The Threat Against Judah was Very Real
1. The reference to a remnant reminds us that Judah’s fortified cities were falling to Sennacherib’s forces (18:13) and Jerusalem was becoming increasingly isolated.[i]
2. Sennacherib, who claimed to have taken 46 fortified cities of Judah, sent 3 messengers to Hezekiah, king of Judah. (18:17)
a. They met at the city’s walls…and the chief spokeman spoke very scornfully to them in their own “Hebrew” tongue...The theme of his speech – In whom does Israel place its trust?
· First, he mocked Hezekiah’s trust in the fortifications of Jerusalem.[ii]
· Secondly, he stated of their alliance w/Egypt, that they were too weak to help them.
· Thirdly, he said that Judah could not trust in the Lord [iii] - v. 22
· Fourthly, he claimed that Judah’s own military force was useless (18:23-24).
· Finally, he claimed that Yahweh Himself had turned against His people (18:25)
3. Hezekiah’s delegation asked the Assyrian agents to speak in the Aramaic language (judicial) as the common people heard the disturbing message and it troubled them. – v. 26
a. He then turned to the people and shouted the discouraging news. (An Assyrian army of nearly 200,000 men waited outside of their city to take them away captive). vvs. 31-32
4. A very real problem was at hand for Jerusalem.
B. Your Enemy is Very Real
· Notice the enemy strategically positioned himself in this story: Within earshot of the people.
· Recall what occurred in the wilderness: “In our own eyes we are but grasshoppers;” the people’s hearts melted like wax before a fire…before the battle was ever engaged, they had lost it, because they had believed the report of the enemy.
· Satan is a master of convincing people that their deplorable state is actually God’s will – and they must be resigned to whatever comes their way. (note last point of Rabshakeh…claimed that the Lord had sent Assyria).
1. Financial failure
2. Physical maladies – Cancer, Crohn’s Disease, migraines, high blood pressure, heart disease, sugar diabetes, Alzheimer’s, strokes…etc.
3. Marital failures - (it must not have been God’s will)!!!!!!
· Remember, the enemy will strategically position himself within earshot to give you HIS report.
Bridge: So what do you do when a bad report comes your way?
II. (Practical Application) Hezekiah Took the Report to the Lord - v 14b
· “…and Hezekiah went up into the house of the Lord, and spread it before the Lord.”
· Note the progression of entering in to God’s presence here…
A. He Eulogizes the Lord – v 15
1. Hezekiah reasserts Who God is to him in the face of the report that he had just received.
· In the face of your report, REASSERT Who God is to YOU!
a. He paints a picture of the splendor of the Lord and "confesses" His power and majesty.
B. He Expounds His Cause Unto the Lord – v 16
1. Hezekiah sees and presents this report as a reproach unto God.
· We must see and present the enemy’s report as a reproach unto the Living God.
C. He Exposes the Facts Regarding the Enemy – vvs 17-18
· Denying the enemy's existence will not make the enemy go away; denying the enemy's existence will get you get you killed on the battlefield of life.
D. Hezekiah Accepts the Personal Responsibility to Call Upon God for Help – v 19
1. “…I beseech thee…” - Called unto God for Israel's salvation.
2. So that the world around may: (1) See God and (2) Acknowledge that Israel's God was the ONLY God. (spiritual / practical application)
III. (Conclusion) Hezekiah Received the Report of the Lord - vvs 32-34
A. The Power of the Spoken (Rhema) Word Within
1. The hope it must have generated within this man and within the land of Israel. – vvs 20-28
2. It can mean the difference between victory or defeat; hope or hopelessness.
B. The Power of the Spoken Word Without – vvs 35-37
1. When God's Word goes forth, it leaves His Person with all the Authority and Power needed to complete the task at hand. – v 35
a. The angel of the Lord slew 185,000 Assyrians that night; Sennacherib turned around (v 28), never entered the city (v 32), & he was killed by his own sons (v 37).
b. It doesn't matter the vessel that is used; whether it's an angel, a man, an earthquake breaking down city walls or loosing jail cells, a talking donkey, or a whale; God's Word will not return to Him void! It will accomplish what He has declared accomplished.
Conclusion: When you receive a bad report from the enemy, don't dismiss the facts and pretend that it isn't there or isn’t happening in your life.
As Hezekiah's example:
(1) Acknowledge the facts.
(2) However, with the right perspective, Take it to God.
(3) With the right attitude, Acknowledge Who God is and declare Him to be over all things as He is.
(4) Take responsibility in your situation to cry out unto God.
(5) Remember, God has the FINAL word over every situation in your life!
· “In every life, a little rain must fall.” – biblical perspective (Rains on the just & unjust)
· Altar Call – if you do not have One that you can call on, today is YOUR day. God wants to be there for you and to bring you through your trial victoriously.
[i]Carson, D. A. 1994. New Bible commentary
[ii]MacDonald, W., & Farstad, A. 1997, c1995. Believer's Bible Commentary
[iii]MacDonald, W., & Farstad, A. 1997, c1995. Believer's Bible Commentary