An Empty Celebration
An Empty Celebration
Text: Philippians 2:5-11
April 08, 2007 Easter Service PPHC
Illust. Christmas 19 yrs. old – Thought I was getting a Harley Dav. Opened the package and only contained a replica for what I was hoping. The promise of celebration turned into emptiness…and my heart sank to my feet.
Yet, for the Christian…our celebration of this day IS founded upon the emptiness and in particular, three areas that we are about to examine.
I. An Empty Life
A. The Way to Be Full is to Be Empty v. 7 (Kenosis passage – emptying)
· Real ‘fulfill’ment comes when we’re empty of our own desires and make Jesus our heart’s desire!
1. Jesus’ Last Words before His Death: IT IS FINISHED - Fulfillment
a. He emptied Himself of everything He had that we might have ABUNDANT LIFE.
1. Not just in His death…but in His living, as well. He was totally consumed for Humanity.
2. Stepped into humanity at its worst – and offered his very best!
· If you are not experiencing God’s presence in your life, it may be that you’re not “empty” enough!
· He emptied Himself of all life – To fill ours with His.
2. We serve a Lord that specializes in filling emptiness!
a. In creation, He flung the universe into an expanse of emptiness/He hung the stars upon nothing (He turned nothing into something, and then hung it on nothing!)
b. Jn. 6— over 5,000 empty stomachs
1. Four Plans were offered:
· 1. Disciples - let’s just get rid of the problem…tell them to go away (running on empty)
· 2. Phillip said, let’s raise the money. (200 days wages to pay for the food)
* Money’s not the solution to every problem…it can’t buy everything!
- You may have the nicest of houses, but it may never become a home.
- The nicest bed available can’t purchase a good night’s sleep.
- You may be able to purchase any medical care, but still have the worst of health.
- Your church may be the most beautiful...and yet, without the presence of God.
· 3. Andrew found little boy w/small lunch, and said, it’s not much, but it’s a start!
· 4. Jesus’ solution - he proved that little is much when God is in it.
c. Jn. 2 – The Marriage in Cana of Galilee
1. Everyone was in a festive mood until the unthinkable happened. They ran out of wine.
2. A great embarrassment to the host as everyone knew about the problem.
a. He let them scramble awhile before offering the solution….
b. They were allowed to feel their emptiness / inadequacy. They had no other options….
c. When they ran out of options, He used empty (emptiness) waterpots to work a mircle.
· He created something fulfilling…and He used emptiness to do it! We serve a Lord that specializes in filling emptiness!
3. Do you feel empty this morning? It may be that though you feel empty, you’re not empty enough. Make room for Jesus by taking some irons out of the fire and making Him a priority!
a. We need to be emptied of SIN.
1. Christians aren’t sinless, but we SHOULD sin LESS…not perfection, but turning to God.
b. We need to be emptied of SELF.
1. “You will never find intimacy w/ Christ until we stop bowing down to the shrine of self!”
c. We need to be emptied of SUBTITUTES. We try to substitute:
· Service for Surrender
· Work for Worship (Martha / Mary)
This Easter, we have the promise of an empty life. Jesus is our example…
II. An Empty Cross – v. 6
· The cross is empty…yet it’s full…full of God’s promises!
A. The EMPTY Cross shouts that I can be forgiven of all my sin...
1. The cross – a cruel punishment: Jesus was Beaten...Broken...Bruised
2. “The cross is”…the letter…“I marked out.” (Substitutionary death - all 4 us)
B. The EMPTY Cross shouts that the way to go up is to go down.
1. His rightful place was in Heaven; yet, he took upon Himself the form of the servant.
C. The EMPTY Cross shouts that I can be free from my past!
III. An Empty Tomb
A. Jesus showed that THE WAY TO LIVE IS TO DIE. (v 8-9)
1. Without The Empty Tomb - There is No SAVIOR, no HOPE.
2. Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone. Jn. 12: 24
a. The grain of wheat may remain in the granary for a thousand years and be preserved,
1. But it’s useless there…Doesn’t produce, nor is it food.
b. It is when it falls into the ground and undergoes dissolution, that it brings forth fruit
1. It is fruitful by giving itself up.
c. So, too, Christ knew He must give himself up.
1. His death was needful in order that he might impart life to all mankind.
Tomb, You shall not hold Him longer, Death is strong, but life is stronger
Stronger than the dark, the light; Stronger than the wrong, the right;
Faith and hope triumphant say; Christ will rise on Easter Day.
While the patient earth lies waiting; Till the morning shall be breaking
Shuddering beneath the burden dread Of her Master, cold and dead,
Hark! she hears the angels say; Christ will rise on Easter Day.
And when sunrise smites the mountains Pouring light from heavenly fountains
Then the earth blooms out to greet; Once again the blessed feet;
And her countless voices say; Christ has risen on Easter Day.
The world gives us promises full of emptiness: God gives us emptiness full of promise!
Adapted from a sermon by Jerry Shirley