Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
A new scene for a new way
Jesus had been shaking things up with the Jewish people, and they struggled with it, now to a new scene and a new audience.
A focus on an audience of one, a gentile woman.
The Jewish people had a covenant relationship with God, they had the blessings of God, they had the Word of God and yet they did not have the faith that was needed for entry into the kingdom of God.
Their familiarity bred contempt for Jesus for He was not what they envisioned as the Messiah.
A new scene and a new way that was first available to the Jews was going to be made available to the Gentiles too in the not to distant future and our passage gives us spiritual picture and a physical picture too.
To this point Jesus had only brought the message to the Jewish people and was in the Jewish area.
Instructed His disciples to take only to the Jewish people too (Mt10:5-7).
But the promise, the covenant, original covenant was for going to be for all people, not just the Jewish people (Gen12:1-3)
The good news was to start with the house of Israel and the would radiate out.
Fulfilling the promise, the prophesy and the covenant entered into with Abram.
A new scene, so let me show you a picture and give you some background so then when we look at the passage you can gain even more understanding of the significance of this incident.
(insert picture of Tyre and Sidon; already saved on the computer)
Jesus is travelling from Capurnaum to Tyre, about 40 miles north west.
The name “Tyre” means “The Rock.” it had a natural sea ridge (3000 feet long) that made a natural breakwater and a great harbor.
It is from Tyre and Sidon that the first sailors came to navigate by the stars (just a fun fact to know).
Sidon is 26 miles north east of Tyre, it too had a natural breakwater.
Both were Phoeenician cities that were a part of Syria (but part of tribe of Asher in original division of the promised land).
Eventually Sidon lost her trade, her greatness to Sidon and sank into demoralised degeneracy.
This is not the first time that we see these cities noted in the N.T.
The word about Jesus had already been spreading as far as the 40-60 miles from Jesus hub in Capernaum.
So it is no wonder that this woman, this mother in our passage knew about Jesus.
This is a Gentile territory, and it was even questioned that when the promised land was given if the Jews ever took occupancy of this area.
where the might of man was unable to accomplish the will of God because it lacked faith, the true Israel, one that came them (Jesus) came calling on faith not might.
This is not a strange land Jesus is coming to, its promised land that will help man to understand God’s grand plan for all men.
So, now you have some background let’s look at the passage as such.
The narrative
The blessings
The Narrative
After controversy at home; controversy with man over traditions, we now get to a time that is a time of withdrawal to an unlikely place to set up a picture of what was to come.
In the passage we see the reason, the request, the refusal and the response.
What do you see, what do you notice, what sticks out to you?
The reason: Was it for privacy (Mk7:24)?
Was it to finally get some rest (Mk6:31-32)?
The request: A request for a child (Mk7:25-26); there was an acknowledgement too (Mt15:22); there was originally silence (Mt15:23) then pestering (Mt15:23)
The refusal: (Mk7:27); the parallel (Mt15:24); add to that the promise to Israel (Deu14:1-2); then look at Mt7:6; Php3:2; Rev22:15)
The response: (Mk7:28) she shows her faith; Then there is Jesus response (Mk7:29-30; Mt15:28); you saw the result (Mk7:29) and the proof (MK7:30)
The reason: Was it for privacy (Mk7:24)?
Was it to finally get some rest (Mk6:31-32)?
The reason: Was it for privacy (Mk7:24)?
Was it to finally get some rest (Mk6:31-32)?
The Pharisee’s and scribes branded Him a sinner because He broke their traditions.
The people in Nazareth labeled him “out of his mind” and treated him with dislike and Herod, well to him He was a menace.
Jesus entered into a house, but you can’t hide Jesus, He will always be made known.
And you, as a spiritual house, if you have Jesus in you then you can’t hide Him and He will make Himself known through you.
Back in chapter 6, well, let me give that go you, then talk about it.
After the limited commission, they were so crowed out they could not even have time to eat.
We know what happened, they went to the other side and the crowd was there and Jesus compassion was on them as they were like sheep without a shepherd that lead to a miracle followed by another faith lesson for the apostles on the boat.
So could it be for the rest they set out for originally?
Could be.
But i think I go with what most commentators believe it was to show a picture of what was to come, salvation for Gentiles as well as the Jews.
The request: A request for a child (Mk7:25-26); there was an acknowledgement too (Mt15:22); there was originally silence (Mt15:23) then pestering (Mt15:23)
The request: A request for a child (Mk7:25-26); there was an acknowledgement too (Mt15:22); there was originally silence (Mt15:23) then pestering (Mt15:23)
what do you see in the Matthew verses here?
what does she acknowledge?
what does she request?
This leads to the next point the refusal
The refusal: (Mk7:27); the parallel (Mt15:24); add to that the promise to Israel (Deu14:1-2)
The refusal: (Mk7:27); the parallel (Mt15:24); add to that the promise to Israel (Deu14:1)
The request: A request for a child (Mk7:25-26); there was an acknowledgement too (Mt15:22); there was originally silence (Mt15:23) then pestering (Mt15:23)The refusal: (Mk7:27); the parallel (Mt15:24); add to that the promise to Israel (Deu14:1)
in case you forget where we are now.
and more that we can add from the parallel in Matthew
The response: (Mk7:28) she shows her faith; Then there is Jesus response (Mk7:29-30; Mt15:28); you saw the result (Mk7:29) and the proof (MK7:30)
According to Mt15:24; why did Jesus refuse?
(add Deu14:1-2)
Jesus was originally silent but she kept persistently asking begging and even begging the disciples; but Jesus kept to mission
He was sent to the lost sheep of Israel, the mission to all the world was yet to come but this helps to set that up.
Look at Deu14:1-2
You may think that the Lord is being hard, being difficult to a woman who is a difficult position a difficult situation.
He is growing her and making her faith evident to those who are there and even to herself.
It is more than about her daughter it is about her too.
There maybe times in our walk that we feel the Lord is being difficult with us, or not listening or caring.
But it could be that He is allowing our faith to grow, not just for ourselves but to be a display of faith to others.
She knew that as a Jew He could refuse her as a Gentile, but she came to Him anyways, acknowledge Him and begged not just him but the Apostles too.
Let me expand on the word He used “dogs”
To the Greek it was a
Dog’s were not considered a pet, a guardian of the home, but dog was a term, a symbol of dishonor
To the Greek it meant a shameless and audacious woman
To the Jew it was a term of contempt (Mt7:6; Php3:2; Rev22:15)
And finally
Anyway you look at this, Jesus using the word dog is an insult, but we need to look at context for that really matters.
Look again at Mk7:27
He said let the children of Israel be satisfied first.
Israel was offered satisfaction first, by covenant, by word.
Now the woman knew that even the scraps would be good, she displayed her faith her and it brought great response and results.
The response: (Mk7:28) she shows her faith; Then there is Jesus response (Mk7:29-30; Mt15:28); you saw the result (Mk7:29) and the proof (MK7:30)
Her response displayed her faith and her faith resulted in Jesus response.
and in the Matthew passage
The proof was shown to her when she went
So symbolically speaking the woman represents the Gentile people, the Gentile nations that so eagerly look for, long for, are willing to accept the bread of heaven which the Jews have rejected and threw away, crucified.
Finally, want to talk about the blessings.
The Blessings
The blessings we want to look at are the blessings to the Gentiles since that is what we are talking about today, Gentiles.
Gentiles blessed by faith then
The Centurion at Capernaum (Mt8:5-13)
After Pentecost, Cornelius (Act10:1-6)
We are blessed today by faith (Eph2:11-22; Mt8:11-12)
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9