Sermon Tone Analysis
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< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Lesson #1: Introduction, Outline: ;
(1) - Daniel's father was an aristocrat from the tribe of Judah.
Daniel's father and mother were believers.
His parents led him to the Lord at a very early age, and they taught him the Word of God on a consistent basis.
So that by the time Daniel was in his teens he was a spiritually mature believer.
Daniel was one of a very few believers in history to have developed spiritual maturity before he developed physical maturity.
(2) - With all of his fantastic background and training, and his great spiritual development, Daniel was ready to assume a leadership role.
But not leadership in his own country, because his country would be destroyed shortly.
So Daniel, a Jew, will not rule in Israel.
Daniel, a Jew, will rule over two great empires.
Daniel will be the surviving ruler of the great Chaldean Empire, and he will be the number one ruler in his area in the Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great.
(3) - Two of the greatest rulers of all time who actually handled the business of organization and administration of great empires were Joseph and Daniel.
Both Joseph and Daniel got their start with Bible doctrine early in life.
From his early youth Daniel learned and applied the Word of God.
He never compromised his stand on Bible doctrine no matter what the price.
(4) - The book of Daniel begins in the year 606 BC with Judah in apostasy and rebellion against God.
(5) - The events leading up to our first verse in Daniel chapter one are:
(A) - The Battle of Carchemish, in which the Pharoah of Egypt along with the remnant of the Assyrian army fought against the Chaldeans under Nebuchadnezzar.
(B) - Nebuchadnezzar, in his pursuit of the Egyptians came upon Jerusalem, laid seige to it and conquered it.
Judah had been a vassal under the Pharoah of Egypt before this.
(C) - Nebuchadnezzar's father, Nabopolassar, died, and Nebuchadnezzar went back to Babylon, where he was crowned king.
(D) - When Nebuchadzezzar left Jerusalem, he took with him hostages in order to keep Judah in line.
These hostages were taken from the families of the aristocrats or leaders of Judah, and Daniel was one of them.
(C) - Nebuchadnezzar's father, Nabopolassar, died, and Nebuchadnezzar went back to Babylon, where he was crowned king.
(D) - When Nebuchadzezzar left Jerusalem, he took with him hostages in order to keep Judah in line.
These hostages were taken from the families of the aristocrats or leaders of Judah, and Daniel was one of them.
(6) - The book of Daniel reveals God's care and faithfulness for born-again Jews who were spiritually mature, and it emphasizes the importance of knowing the Word of God.
(7) - The book of Daniel emphasizes spiritual factors which led to the Golden Age of Judah after their captivity in Babylon.
The Golden Age began in 516 BC and continued to the time of Alexander the Great in 323 BC.
All national prosperity is based upon believers who are functioning daily in their learning and application of the Word of God and whose minds are completely filled with a frame of reference information of divine viewpoint obtained from the knowledge of the Word of God.
(8) - The book of Daniel will answer a lot questions spiritually, historically, and prophetically.
Therefore, the book of Daniel is broken down into three areas:
(A) - Historical application, which will be the divine viewpoint of history.
B) - Spiritual application, which will deal with the spiritual life of Daniel, with applications for us.
(C) - Prophetical application, which deals with future events.
(B) - Spiritual application, which will deal with the spiritual life of Daniel, with applications for us.
(C) - Prophetical application, which deals with future events.
Historical Background to Chapter One
The background of the book of Daniel is the rise of the Chaldean Empire.
(1) - The Chaldeans are not Babylonians.
Technically, the Jews did not go into the Babylonian captivity, they went into the Chaldean captivity.
The Chaldeans ruled in Babylon.
The Babylonians and Chaldeans were two different races.
The Babylonians were a conquered people at the time of Daniel.
(2) - The Chaldean Empire was founded by Nabopalassar in 625 BC.
In 625 BC he took over the Babylonian Empire and formed the Neo-Babylonian Empire called Chaldea.
He then revolted against the Assyrians.
He had four sons, one of them was Nebuchadnezzar.
(3) - In 612 BC, he formed an alliance with the Medes and the Sythians and completely destroyed what was left of the Assyrian Empire.
(4) - begins in the year 606 BC when Nebuchadnezzar as the commander of the Chaldean army confronted Pharoah Necho of Egypt at the Battle of Carchemish.
The Chaldean army soundly defeated the Egyptian army and began to pursue them.
The Chaldeans pursued the Egyptians right through Palestine.
But when they came close to Jerusalem, Nebuchadnezzar saw the city and was very impressed with its beauty.
So he stopped the pursuit of the Egyptians and laid seige to Jerusalem which he conquered in a very short time.
Jerusalem was an Egyptian vassal at that time.
Sometime during all this action Nebuchadnezzar's father, Nabopalassar, died.
Nebuchadnezzar was then summond back to Babylon.
To make sure that the Jews would stay loyal to him, he took about 50 hostages from the royal family of Israel, and Daniel was one of them.
(5) - Who were the kings of Israel at this time?
Josiah was the last of the great kings in Judah.
He died in 609 BC while fighting Pharoah Necho in the Battle of Meggido.
Josiah reigned from 640 - 609 BC.
He had three sons who survivded him.
(A) - Jehoahaz - Also called Shallum in ; ; .
He reigned in 609 BC for about six months.
Jehoahaz was the oldest son of Josiah.
Pharoah Necho killed Josiah at the Battle of Meggido, then he came back to Jerusalem and placed Josiah's son, Jehoahaz on the throne of Judah as a puppet king.
After a very short time Jehoahaz began to give Pharoah Necho some difficulty.
So he was taken off of the throne, taken to Egypt and killed.
(B) - Jehoiakim - Also called Eliakim.
He was the second son of Josiah, and he was placed on the throne of Judah by Pharoah Necho in 609 BC after Jehoahaz was removed.
Jehoiakim ruled from 609 - 598 BC.
After the Battle of Carchemish in 606 BC Jehoiakim became a vassal to Nebuchadnezzar.
In other words, Jehoiakim was left on the throne of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar.
But to make sure that Jehoiakim behaved himself and would not go back to the Egyptian Alliance, Nebuchadnezzar took some hostages to Babylon.
At that time in Judah there were two lines of political thought.
One line favored staying loyal to Nebuchadnezzar, and the other line favored renewing the old alliance with Egypt and throwing off the yoke of Chaldea.
For a long time Jeremiah's preaching kept everything on an even course.
Jeremiah, through his preaching actually stopped the pro-Egyptian thought from succeeding.
But eventually, in spite of Jeremiah's preaching, Jehoiakim revolted against Nebuchadnezzar in 598 BC.
During the seige of 598 BC, Jehoiakim died and his son Jehoiachin took over as king.
(C) - Jehoiachin - Also called Jechoniah and Coniah.
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Jehoiachin ruled for about 100 days before he was forced to surrender to Nebuchadnezzar and the Chaldean army.
But during his 100 day reign, Jechoiachin did more evil and more wickedness than what most people could do in a hundred years.
Jechoiachin or Coniah was one of the reasons for the necessity of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.
In Jeremiah's prophecy Coniah, because of his intense evil, was told that he would never be included in the Davidic covenant, even though he was a descendant of David.
After taking the city in 598 BC Nebuchadnezzar decided to take hostages again.
But this time, instead of taking hostages from the royal family, he decided to take hostages from the spiritual leaders, and one of them was Ezekiel.
When Nebuchadnezzar took over Jerualem in 598 BC, he took Jehoiachin captive and placed him in prison in Babylon.
But he allowed Ezekiel to have freedom in Babylon.
(D) - Zedekiah - Also known as Mattaniah, ruled from 598 BC - 586 BC.
In 598 BC when Nebuchadnezzar took Jersualem and imprisoned Jechoiachin (Coniah) he placed Zedekiah, the youngest son of Josiah on the throne.
Zedekiah also ignored all of the prophecies concerning "going to Egypt for help."
Jeremiah kept warning him until he put Jeremiah in prison.
Zedekiah expelled all Chaldean diplomats and began to negotiate a new alliance with Egypt.
Then in 586 BC Nebuchadnezzar returned the third time to Jerusalem, and this time his patience had worn out, so he totally destroyed the city and the temple, and took everyone into captivity.
This is the background of and This is the death march crowd.
(6) - In Daniel's day they had the liberals and the conservatives.
< .5
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