The Warfare of Praise and Worship

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The Warfare of Praise and Worship

Text: Ps. 57:1-11

Feb. 19, 2007 Revival at PPHC

  • In this Christian walk, we will be engaged in many battles. Scripture depicts the Christian as a soldier. A soldier desires the best state-of-the-art weaponry possible when called upon to engage the enemy. Two of the greatest weapons that the Christian has in his arsenal are Praise and Worship.
  • Direct and indirect fire streams…“Praise and Worship is an offensive frontal attack on the enemy.”

I. The PERSON of Praise

 A. Scripture

1. Often portrays God as the Lily of the Valley, The Rose of Sharon, or The Lamb of God…Because of that picture many feel that the God we serve is a push-over or some “powder-puff God”; Yet, He is also pictured as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and as the Captain of the Host of the Lord with eyes aflame full of anger for those that oppose His children!

 B.  Moses’ View of God – after crossing the Red Sea

  1. “The Lord is a Man of War; the Lord is His name.” – Exod. 15:3

C. Joshua’s View of God -  Josh. 5:13-14

  1. Joshua /  Israelites - commanded to take the land before them…to FIGHT!

  2. The Angel of the Lord appeared unto him (Commander-In-Chief) with sword drawn!

II. The PEOPLE of Praise  - Josh. 6:15-16,20

A. The Israelites Marched in Obedience Before God

 Armed Men 
 Rear Guard 
 The Host

  1. God gave them a PLAN (6:3-5)  (He provides a plan for whatever you’re facing)

2. Many times, the reason why we haven’t seen the walls of opposition fall before us/God is that we are out of alignment…we want to do it our way.

3. A crises may happen in your life: 1) Hold onto your way (which is NOT working); 2) Get in line with God (watch the power of God descend upon the adversary).

4. These were a COVENANT people: They camped at Gilgal (circumcision – “rolling away)…when conquering new ground always work from the base of the cross. COVENANT.

B. They Blew the Trumpets

  1. The trumpets – not the silver ones (shiny, attractive, expensive); the ram’s horn  (shofar - bored out, the basest matter, the dullest sound & the least show…that the excellency of the power might be of God.)

   a. i.e. - D.L. Moody – broken English - rejected by Charles Spurgeon (Prince of Preachers)

C.The Israelites’Shout of Victory (after the 7th time around)

·         They believed God…now they were to give VOICE to their faith!!

  1. Note their attitude: Shouting from the standpoint of having already won the battle!

  2. “Shout” - (ruwah) - to split the eardrum w/sound; to destroy; they shouted in obedience

to God’s word.

  3. This type of shout unnerves the enemy; he is not expecting it!  i.e. the BEAR!!

  • The Wall fell down “flat” (6:20) – God uses the basest of things - His honor!

III. The POWER of Praise - Jehoshaphat - 2 Chronicles 20;18-24

 A. Judah - invaded by three armies (v. 1) (Moabites, Ammonites, others) He FEARED

 B. They worshipped God  (v. 18-19)

  • What is the Proper Method of Worship?

  1. Can’t we just worship any way we desire…NO!! – Worship must be Biblical.

  2. Notice the POSITION of Jehoshaphat: bowing  (his humility – placed himself in a position to hear from the Lord. – He (we) needed a word from God!!)

   a. John 3:30 – “He must increase, but I must decrease.”

   b. John 4:23 “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth.”

    1. We worship by the Born-again Spirit…(man was born to worship…he is empty unless he is able to worship God)

  3. The Levites stood up with a purpose in mind - they praised God – (v. 19)

   a. halal - to be clamorously foolish; to shine; to push to the forefront; to celebrate

   b. To eulogize  - To celebrate, True praise comes from knowing WHO God is!!

  • Elohim – The Owner; Creator
  • El Shaddai – Multi-Breasted God – “…let him that is athirst come.”Gen. 18:14
  • Jehovah (covenant relationship)-Shammah (Here all the time – Everywhere present) Ezek. 48:35
  • Jehovah-Rophe (The Lord that heals)
  • Jehaovah-Shalom (The Lord our Peace) Judges 6:24
  • Jehovah-Rohi (The Lord our Shepherd – anoints me with oil: satan can’t hold me!)
  • Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord shall provide – seeing it before it happens) Gen.22:14
  • Jehovah-Nissi (The Lord my Banner – Restraining the hands of the adversary) Ex. 17:15

 C. They heard a Prophetic Word from God  (vv. 14-17)

  1. The spirit of the Lord came upon Jehaziel, a descendant of Asaph (the worship leader),

and he prophesied unto Judah (READ)  - had already fasted and prayed before the Lord.

 D. Jehoshaphat  Appointed Singers  (v. 21)

  1. He placed the praisers ahead of the armies of Judah 

  2. They were to say (awmar: to say, speak, utter or to command.)

   a. “Praise the Lord...” - yadah - to give thanks, to laud, to confess, to shoot (as with


 E. They Began to Praise the Lord  (v. 22)

  1. The yadah turned into a tehillah (a song of praise for His attributes)

   a. Contrast to the jail cell scene in Acts - Paul and Silas - the sewer part of the prison.

    1. The “pestilential” cells; no light, no fresh air; in stocks; backs cut…

    2. God heard their praises…the bonds were broken off of those that were around them.

  2. Notice that God did not start moving until they began to sing…faith in God’s deliverance

 F. God Set an Ambushment  (v. 22)

  1. We buy all kinds of stuff to solve our problems… pay people to listen to our problems.

  2. We hire businesses to come up with solutions.

  3. Often what God is saying is, “If you would just praise me, I would take care of that for you!”

 G. They Gathered the Spoils  (v. 25)

  1. The enemies had brought their belongings with them because they believed they were going to inhabit the city

   a. The enemy means for his positioning in your life to be permanent; to take up residence.

There is reason to worship and praise the Lord today…“For the weapons of our warfare [are] not carnal, but mighty through God to the  pulling down of strong holds.”

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