Mysterious Sacrifice

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Gospel seems to focus on pointing out where Jesus life and actions fulfilled prophecy in scripture travel from place to place John the gospel. He was consistent as he wrote in 1st Corinthians 2:2 for I decided to know nothing among accept Jesus Christ and him crucified Matthews prophecies.

Expectation of the coming Messiah and is important to the world but those prophecies weren't crystal clear. The prophets didn't say Jesus will be born of a virgin in Bethlehem. And when he's 33 years old, he be crucified as a sacrifice for the sins of the world.

Most of that ends in scripture, but it's hidden in coded if you will not like the Bible code for you manipulate the original Hebrew text into Burns and then look for words. No God spoke clearly through the prophets, but the message itself was not always clear and it wasn't clear for a reason. 1st Corinthians 2 vs 7 and 8 but William Hart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for Power Glory. None of the rulers of this age understood this for if they had they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory. Jesus as Messiah and Son of God had to be sacrificed and if the rulers of this age as Paul puts it at understood the entire plan. Tried to make it sale. What are the things that I find strange about Matthew's gospel after Judas betrays Jesus?

In Matthew's gospel. That's where the Fulfillment stops. John the disciple that Jesus loved points out other prophecies that are fulfilled in Jesus life and actions and or around his crucifixion then the other three Gospels. The main focus of John's gospel is that Jesus is the Lamb of God. Early in John's gospel tells us that John the baptizer pointed out Jesus by using that term and we find that in John 1 verse 29 the next day. He saw Jesus coming toward him and said Behold the Lamb of God who takes away. The sin of the world is Lamb of God is only used in John chapter 1 It's not used any phrase is not use anywhere else in the Bible, but the concept permeates scripture. It's everywhere almost everywhere. You look you can see. the sacrificial lamb of God The idea of the Lamb of God is that Jesus was the Passover sacrifice for the world. And we share that Passover meal when we show the Lord's Supper. But the concept of the Lamb of God is a single thread that runs throughout the Gospel of John. For Jesus to be a sacrifice an acceptable sacrifice. He had to be sinless. So we had to be falsely accused of a crime in order to be crucified the priests and the elders spent a lot of time and energy trying to accomplish that they saw Jesus as a troublemaker and needed to get rid of them. So eventually Judas met with the priests and the elders and agreed to turn on Jesus over today. Jesus being the Son of God knew that it was going to happen and who was going to do it. After Jesus had wash the disciples feet at the Last Supper. He explained what he had done and why as an example of a leader being a servant for his followers as he was finishing up his explanation explain part of what was coming next later in the night. John chapter 13 verses 18 and 19 speaking of all of you. I know whom I have chosen, but the scripture will be for Phil. He who ate my bread Has Lifted his heel against me. I'm telling you this now before it takes place, then when it does take place. You may believe that I am he Jesus points out of a filament of scripture here so that the disciples would believe Jesus uses prophecy the same way that Matthew use prophecy to help people believe in him. Jesus doesn't say that it's prophecy being fulfilled. He says it's scripture fulfilled. He says it this way possibly because he's not quoting from one of the books of Prophecy from Psalms specifically. He's quoting from David's Psalms Psalms 41 verse 9, even my close friend in whom I trusted who ate my bread Has Lifted his heel against me. Cheetahs have been with them from the beginning. He was The Keeper of the money bag. The treasurer John says that Judas was embezzling. Keeping a little prince elf from the treasury.

But he was one of the disciples any travel everywhere. They were all closed. How could you spend three years together and not be close? Right after Jesus quotes from this song. He did some bread and hands it to Judas as a sign that he would betray him. Just left immediately the Betrayal. John's gospel gives us the most detail about what Jesus said during his last meal with the disciples beginning and chapter 14 John tells us what Jesus says and continues through the end of chapter 16 and the middle of this Jesus talks about how the disciple because the world and how they will be persecuted because Jesus was persecuted John 15 verses 23 through 25. Whoever hates me hates my father also, If I had done if I have not done among them the works that no one else did they would not be guilty of sin, but now they have seen and hated both me and my father. But the word that is written in their law must be fulfilled Without a Cause. Jesus had performed Miracles. So no one else had done before ever. Even after that the people chose not to believe in him and even hate him for no apparent reason as we've been presented. The show another fulfilled scripture Jesus quotes from another one of the babies Psalms Psalms 69 verse for more in number than the hairs of my head. Are those who hate me without cause my tear those who would destroy me those who attack me with lies what? I did not steal steinhour restore. So always be more people who don't believe them those who do believe. I guess that's just the way things are eventually though. Everyone will believe because in the end Jesus and every tongue will confess that he is

after he was betrayed arrested and wrongfully convicted and sentenced to be crucified. Jesus was forced to carry his cross to the place of the skull just outside the city of Jerusalem traveled road to conduct their public execution and crime deterrent. Crucified criminal Woods could survive for several days while he was hanging on a cross depending on the person's condition at the time of the crucifixion criminals were usually crucified nude to add to the humiliation of the public execution. So when Jesus arrived at the place of the skull he was stripped and then Nelson cross John chapter 19 verses 23 through 25 on the soldiers that crucified Jesus they took his garments and divided them into four parts 1 parkour each Soul also his tunic with the tunic was seamless in one piece from top to bottom current cast lots to see who's in Shelby. This was to fill fulfill the scripture which says they divided my garments among them and for my clothing they cast lots. So the soldiers did these things but standing by the cross of Jesus where his mother and his mother's Sister Mary the wife of cleophas and Mary Magdalene. Set a timer for Roman soldiers in this particular crucifixion detail of their pay for performing this task was whatever whatever the victim Wyndham at the time of the crucifixion. So the soldiers divided Jesus clothing among themselves, but his tunic was was well made was a nice piece of clothing that was techno seems four pieces. They gamble to see who when the tuning. the scripture says scripture that John says is fulfilled is from yet. Another of David Psalm Psalm 22 verse 18. They divided my garments among them and for my clothing they cast lots. Matthew and Mark have Jesus quoting the first sentence of this Same Song & there a version of the crucifixion verse 1 of Psalm 22 my God my God. Why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me from the words of my groaning? In fact, there are a lot of parallels between Psalm 22 and Jesus crucifixion scorned and despised Mott the curses that were yelled at even the description of the pain of crucifixion itself. Bajan only comes out Verse 18 people gambling for his clothing when Jesus had died on the cross for nearly 3 hours new he was dying John chapter 19 starting to verse 28 after this Jesus knowing that all was now finished said to fulfill the scripture. I thirst a Jar full of sour wine stood they are so they put a sponge with ass out full of the sour wine on a hyssop branch and held it to his mouth. When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said it is finished about his head and gave up his spirit.

Jesus was in control the entire time.

What time does on the cross he decided when it was time to Die the Romans were simply tools that were used to perform the necessary actions to achieve the end goal that was needed. Again, John points out. One of David's Psalms scripture that is fulfilled by Jesus Psalm 69 verse 21. They gave me poison for food. They gave me sour wine to drink.

All of the Gospel accounts include the soldiers giving Jesus our wine to drink prior to his death. Historians say that this was a form of sour wine. That was a common drink during that time. Because it was less expensive good wine and supposedly it relieves thirst better than water. Did I don't know about that giving Jesus. The sour wine may have been an active Mercy to a dying man. As I said crucifixion was not intended by the Romans to be a quick form of execution was a public display of deterrent to stop other people from the same actions as the one who was being crucified. Jesus had a sign over his head on the cross that said this is Jesus king of the Jews is crime would have been considered an act of treason against the empire of Rome by declaring himself to be a kidney. S people who passed by the place of the crucifixion they would see the signs over the victims and know that if they were caught doing the same thing. They would receive the same punishment and that punishment was excruciatingly painful and often lasted 4 days. Before the victim would die.

The Jews asked for special consideration on this particular day because it was the eve of Passover a High Sabbath. It was considered a curse for someone to remain hanging overnight on a tree and having a curse displayed on Passover would be a bad thing. John chapter 19 starting and verse 31 of preparation. And so that the bodies would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath for that Sabbath with a high day. The Jews asked pilate that their legs might be broken that they meant might be taken away. So the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first and of the other who have been crucified with Jesus and saw that he was already dead. They did not break his legs. So one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear and it once they're came out blood and water. Who saw it has borne witness his testimony is true, and he knows that he is telling the truth that you also labeled.

Are these things took place that the scripture might be fulfilled not one of his bones will be broken. And again, another scripture says they will look upon him they have pierced.

Crucified with Jesus were still alive. So the soldiers broke their legs to speed up their deaths. But I saw that Jesus was already dead. And said the soldier pierced Jesus side with a spear there is no good reason.

Bubba Stewart happened there's no explanation as to why the soldier did this except that it fulfill the scripture.

The soldiers not breaking Jesus legs ties in with John's overarching reason for his gospel to demonstrate that Jesus was the Lamb of God a sacrifice for sins. John says this by the Roman soldiers fulfilled scripture about the Passover Lamb find that Exodus 12 verse 46 it shall be in one house. You shall not take any of the flash outside the house. Are you shall not break any of its bones? It's also mentioned in numbers because the Romans who killed Jesus didn't break any of his bones. He was still an acceptable sacrifice. Now II fulfilled prophecy the John points to his from Zachariah Zachariah was a prophet during the time of the building of the second temple starting in the ministry sometime around 5250 to 520 BC. How does prophecy the John points to has an interesting wording in it? That makes it more likely to be a Messianic prophecy Zachariah chapter 12 verse 10 and I will pour out on the House of David in the inhabitants of Jerusalem with Spirit of Grace and please for mercy so that when they look on me on him whom they have. They shall mourn for him as one who Mourns for an only child eats bitterly over him as one over a first born.

This is God talking. True Zachariah. God says when they look on me.

Chemical make it pierced. The prophecy is not about a prophet who was stabbed or murdered in a particular way. The only possible interpretation of this prophecy is that God himself is pierced. Bored as for an only child. Jesus being the Son of God his only begotten son was born on the day. He was crucified and through the next few days while he was in the Tomb.

About evening before Sundown Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus took Jesus body to a new tune never been used. No one has ever been buried. They wrapped his body and clock and sealed the two. Nicodemus I brought the materials to prepare the body with but they had to seal the tomb because it was almost Sundown which signifies the beginning of the Sabbath on Saturday Sorry, Saturday Lee was the Sabbath they couldn't do anything on Sunday the first day of the week. Some of the women went to the tomb. It was their first opportunity to get there to prepare the body Mary Magdalene Thomas stone moved away from the entrance of the Tomb and she ran to find Peter and John. I told them that Jesus body was gone. They both ran toward the tune, but John outran Peter. Got there first but hesitated and didn't go in Peter arrived at the tomb and immediately went inside Peter saw the Clause that Jesus was wrapped in line where the body should have been. But there was nobody. John chapter 20 verses 8 and 9 then the other disciple would reach the June 1st also went in and he saw and believed or as yet did they they did not understand the scripture that he must rise from the dead?

Know what to think about the bodies being gone and the clots still being there John immediately believed that Jesus had risen from the dead. John Wright's they did not understand the scripture. It's kind of difficult to know what I mean. Is this a particular scripture or is this several scriptures that prophesied prophesied that Jesus would rise from the dead scripture in general?

There are a few places in Scripture that point to that are pointed to when talking about the Resurrection. The first is from yet. Another of David Psalm psalm, 16 verses 9 and 10 there for my heart is glad that my whole being rejoices My Flesh also dwells secure for you will not abandon my soul to sheol or let your Holy One to see corruption. Peter also uses the scripture on the day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2 and Paul uses the scripture as Foxy the Jesus would remain in the Tomb and that he would rise again when he's preaching in by City And Antioch in Acts chapter 13 another place in Scripture that John could be talking about here as prophecy about Jesus resurrection is in Hosea Hosea. And Isaiah is about returning to God. Which is what Jesus was all about bringing us back to God, Isaiah chapter 6 verse 2 after 2 days. He will revive us on the third day. He will rise us raise us up that we may live before him. Now this is the only place in the Old Testament that actually talks about being raised up on the third day. But both of the scripture psalm 16 and Jose up 6.2 a risen Messiah.

John point in two different events before during and after Jesus crucifixion that were prophesied in scripture in most instances. He quoted the scripture to support the event. He did all that to help his readers understand that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. That's important. Because without that sacrifice we would all still be living in our sins. We would have no chance to be righteous before God. The only way to be in Jesus to be immersed in his dad a raise out of the water like he was raised out of a tomb. If you want to learn more about being immersed to wash away your sins or if you have a problem if you want to talk about or you need prayers. Let me know as we stand together and sing.

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