The Red Sea Rules
Reduce what they were supposed to.
that's perfect Steve and then Moses actually goes back to the Lord and says what's going on here because the Lord isn't responding. Right, but the Lord is not responding. The way most is thought the Lord Auto respond in the situation. So now the people have more of a hunch if that doesn't make sense, we pray for things and things just get worse. It just how does that happen? How do you live with something like that? So the children of Israel to tell him Moses at this point in time? I think Steve might be within that is something like just leave us alone. You're making life harder for us. All right chapter 6
Okay. Always questioning you get a direction that God wants you to go and it's like is that right? What what credentials do I have and what not and I kind of picked up in at 2 and in verse 26 because I'm trying to figure out as. He was Stanley model Define everything else. We're up to about 2 million people maybe and is that leaving? It says they left by divisions and this is the first reference in chapter in the verse 26 in that and it's like this to me a Division. I thought was in the service in a service if you like. You have different divisions. So I thought I'd division would be five or something. I don't know. I'm just saying what division and I'm taking too many people and dividing it by five-figure nice ones taking the three feet of space how long ago and I was way off base, but I was trying to figure that out. But the vision when it talks about that is fact, they went out in either that tribes or their Clans or their family group. That's the divisions that they were sent forth in so you still talking a large number all at once. Doing a cross through the desert Ralph chapter 7.
Make payroll sorcerer.
Excellent. I like to try to wrap where you brought up. It was duplicated to think about that. So at this point in time.
At this point in time before Fair old is Moses anything special? And you'd have to think know I kind of think that because my sorceress can duplicate everything you're doing. Okay, let's move on to chapter 8.
Can you hear her? All right. you going to There you go, buddy.
I kind of picked up from here and I'll get them cuz we get a area of Goshen and I should have given buddy a heads up cuz but he could done this much better than 8 but we have something like they're okay with the Red Sea coming down through here and and going out and over here. There's another that comes down and goes out and this is the Sinai Peninsula or something and up here. We have the the great sea the Mediterranean Sea that flows up this way and the Goshen is over here, which is a part of again Egypt which is a lie just forced out through kind of separated. The the Israelite children are not living in with the the Egyptians. All right, there are part of Egypt, but they have the wrong Force up here and I had a verse for that and then when I come across it within this, I'll come back and relay this whatever it's a portion of land that was given to Jacob and to his offsprings. Why is a place to stay because if you look in through the scripture again, it's their occupation. You'll see in one place at least 430 years and then mentioned that they were slaves for 400. They weren't slaves for the whole duration that they were here. They were slaves for the last four hundred but 30 is prior to that their numbers. Of the grow and then I'm just out of the grow and they probably again became more of the threat which is what we're talking about. But 4:30 is things seem to work well and then the new Farrell comes in and he's like this is getting to be too many people coming into my country. You might read that and more Monday news too many people coming into the country. So that's kind of a set up here and we're going to talk a little bit more about this. This is Kanan a few. Kenneth Goshen down to Egypt, right? So that was chapter that you had chapter he all right. We're getting it chapter chapter 9. Dennis please.
if you don't
not the livestock in Goshen.
But yet that didn't work.
Play Habits.
cats dogs
thank you Dennis. The other five I liked on that too through that transition you was going there him verse 14 to says or this time. I will send you the full force of my Plex against you and against your office in your people so that you may know that there is no one like me and all the Earth and he says for a while now, I could have stretched out my hand and struck you and your people with a flag that have wipe you off the earth. I mean the Lord was so to speak meaning of gracious unto him. It's like I could have just and it's over instead of going through this process and everything else, but I've raised you up for this very purpose and when I look at that still the transition and you're going to hear that some what I think is weird as I try to read in to where I church is it this state and to wear a pastor and his wife is it to say that He's race to stop for this transition Ed and Ellen are going through a transition and the Lord has a plan and a purpose for them and we have been raised up with in this church under his leadership and guidance and everything else for a transition and we're going through that transition and as we read all of this and everything else it's to what bring glory to him. That's the main purpose of the look of the setup. It's taking place you so thank you Dennis Jeff tonight and at the end of that dentist. Yes, I deal with you when you had that verse 13 and 14. It says God has a purpose the power to Proclaim his name that's three peas for a message Dennis. God has the purpose and the power to Proclaim his name. All right, Darryl chapter 10. chapter 10 Darrell
All right. chapter 12 got to love chapter 11. I'm sorry. Debbie
Okay, this Harding o'farrell's hat. We make it into that another lesson or something to go along with that. But Debbie's mentioned in within that that it shows the difference. It mentions that within the verse that she read the difference between what's the difference between Egypt and the difference between the Israelites? What's the difference?
Everybody's starting to see this in the picture. What's the difference?
Who doesn't believe in God? Okay Egyptians don't believe in God and the Israelites to do that's the difference. So what we're saying today is we should be a difference from the world is a different. Have you ever heard somebody say, you know the way I see people live if it's like there's no difference. So is the problem with the world it's not bad enough or is it problem with us Christians or whatever but you can plainly see here and was in the Scriptures. It did Debbie shared. There is a different there needs to be that difference chapter 12 running.
It just a synopsis Bernie.
Had a lot of things written down. Going to try to make a synopsis. They had a certain restrictions and I have to follow some of them. Were they going to share with a neighbor if they don't have it maybe doesn't have one they can cut it in half and share with neighbor.
signifying the Lord Jesus Christ, I guess when you talk about the land what up with that Twilight and then they're supposed to
Go away, and on the sides of joy in the Lord will pass over. And when you do the Passover, please YouTube here to roast the land not the boiler and bitter herbs in the bread without you. You must talk in your cloak. And your belt and have sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. So that's how they fit what to do to pass over and then he had another ordinance which is in verses 14 to 20. Operation for the unleavened bread or it's the last thing on them 7 days long and if you do not if you do we get cut off from the families in Israel. No work for 7 days. The only work you can do is food preparation.
Their bread without yeast would be done from the 14th date to the 21st. Then let me have the Passover celebration. That's another lasting ornaments you to stay in your house until the morning the Lord will pass over if you put the blood on the post in on the top. And the midnight firstborn in Egypt will be struck down. And then from versus 29 to 51 is The Exodus. From Egypt the death of midnight is covered in versus 29 to 32 and there was a lot of loud wailing and Egypt if you seen the movie that was pretty good the way they could portray that and Moses and Aaron have been summoned by Pharaoh anything to get out get out of here. We don't want you around they got up and they got the door when I got articles of silver and gold and clothing and there was six hundred thousand men and livestock that left and they have the regulations for the Passover and verses 43 251 only slaves that are circumcised could take pride in it. It should be eating inside the house. I need to break no bones. All meals in the household that are circumcised could eat of that but none that were circumcised. I'm thank you Bernie. Ed's going to have a Chapter 13 if it stops this but if you read through this we're not reading about the Great Escape. This is not an escape. This is an exodus which is different than Escape. Sometimes we look for an escape out of things of life. But this is an exodus. This is an orderly fashion. And again, somebody was mentioned about I just suck at negotiating. I will that was negotiated. If they don't know this is what the Lord wants where that's not negotiable. And then later on is Debbie shared and everything else there their plunder in Egypt. Basically, they're willing to give them everything they have I think maybe a feral had moved earlier. Maybe Egypt could have had its wealth and still some of his animals and everything else goes that would have been a God's purpose is going to take place and sometimes our situations. Just keep going downhill. And that's not an introduction to head but we'll go chapter 13.
Unleavened bread is something you tell their children, but that's what the Lord did to bring him out of video.
They want them to do it.
donkey Dr. Eli saw this he could be redeemed.
I saw that I couldn't help but it's
battle that early you going to want to hit like that to Egypt.
And then he gave it to her Fire by night and A Cloud by day.
Okay going to pick up a Lil Bit. Does anybody have any question about where the Israelites are right now? Yes, where are they?
Two weeks, okay.
I was just really need you and and they are right there. That's what for you they're still in Egypt. So The Exodus hasn't started yet and everything else, but they're trying to as a class here and everything else which is much smaller than 2 million people. What is the mindset is going on with the Israelite people. What is a they've been slaves for over 400 years and I don't live that long but just generation after generation you get up in the morning and you know Neil you're going down to The Rockpile right? You work at The Rockpile down there or something and you know that every day you get up in the morning you going your slave? That's what you do you get up and go and now all of a sudden sudden something new is taking place you have this free you have this wealth the fun in that you're taking with you. This is all new territory for them, isn't it? I mean, like what is this going to be like you don't have a You don't have a slave working over you and everything else to make sure or a slave master. Thank you watching over you. So in their mindset, this is something totally new and I'm trying to grass that and everything else because coming back to analogy again here within our church. We're ready to do something new that hasn't happened in 36 years. In a work with me here. Just what is our mine said. Why do we thinking and if we look back into scripture and everything else and for those of us who have read on and knows what's going on here? We have some complaining people. And that's ridiculous. It's like wait a minute. Don't you see what the Lord has done? That's where I get irritated a little bit with this group myself. How can you see the Miracles that we've talked about this morning the 10 plagues putting the hand in the leprosy of the snakes and everything else taken place and then all of a sudden
This is the problem right here. And that's what we're going to get into a chapter 14 all of a sudden you're between a rock and a hard spot. There's no place to go. Your back is against it and we see this in Chapter 14 verse 1 and this is another problem Gerald has when the Lord said to Moses tell the Ender Israelites to turn back and then camp near V. I drop whatever big dog little dog by the Sea so that's about up in this area or something and they came down around and there's no real accurate place that people know of whether the crossing of the Red Sea is and that can't be found and that's probably a good thing but it says they're so God takes and tells him to turn South into go south and and alluded to that within his texts on chapter 13 and everything else. That put some rate In Harm's Way. What I am saying to you is that God purposely put his children In Harm's Way.
That's what scripture says everybody. Alright with that. Does that sound normal do you put your children purposely In Harm's Way? And I just like I kind of like struggle with this but a diluted what was your path you read tonight and that he was trying to tell them.
That's right. Because the shortest distance to Canaan from Goshen is here and it's called The Way of the sea because it's near the seat. So it was just been Rich prostia that trip could have taken 2 weeks and some groups for the south from us now is like to refer to them that traveling pretty fast to win their Convoy coming up through to the US border. But this right here would have been traveling across about two weeks time. And instead has added refer to and everything else in the scripture talks. They weren't ready for that battle. So God is watching out for them. Gerald's looking at the fact that like, he's putting them In Harm's Way, and I know God is watching out for me. He's putting Me In Harm's Way God's watching over me. So God tells him to go south and they come down there this side of what it was cuz they're going to have to cross over and they're caught between what I want to say again is the rock and a hard place. Are there in Camp there by the Sea directly opposite of Baal zephon and faverolle will think the Israelites wandering around the land in confusion hemmed in by the desert now when we was over to Israel, which was a great privilege and everything else to me I desert is flat. Don't ask me why but I've always had this in my mind a desert is flat. You got some sand dunes or whatever. You got the Oasis after you're out there for a while in your mind, but it's it's flat but we go down there and we go Abraham's tent and we get bust up to it and it goes up around the mountains and we're up on top of the mountain and you just gets a beautiful view and it was a pic of the desert. I don't know what it was called, but it and it was just all mountainous. So they've come down into a place. It's got mountains here and Rollins here and they come in through a certain area and we've got the Red Sea here and they're basically trapped. They are basically trapped in fayroll. Finally. Somebody comes to him and says what have we done. What are we done which channel we are slaves? You know, we got to do something different. We got to go attack. We got to do this and do that and then the confusion again, he just thinking in all okay there hemmed-in what I thought just come to me and sometimes when thoughts come to me I should leave them that way but
what other people think of you why is the Egyptian sinking hear these Israelite children are stupid. Look at what they've done? You know, how does the world really react to Christians? What's that? What's that take they look at us and say that's a stupid thing to do, you know the church to stay in the cold for three nights. I don't even make sense, you know, just send her a postcard wish everybody Merry Christmas or something. They look at you like You're you're three hide your you're different and they they just sent that in it and I just see this year this going on and stuff. It's like we're different. I'm taking place you so embarrassed for and I will harden Pharaoh's hat and he will pursue them but I will gain glory for myself through payroll and all his army in the Egyptians will know that I am the Lord so the Israelites so the Israelites did this what so that's the process. Okay, the key factor here and I got sticky notes all over my thing is and verse for it says I will gain Glory. I want to get rid of the sticky note. So they won't be there next week and verse for it. It says there that I will gain the glory and verse 17. It says I will gain glory in verse 18. It says when I gain Glory Who deserves the glory for the journey? He deserves the hand. He deserves the appreciation of what's taking place and everything else the Lord needs to get the glory and on December 16th. And refer to that are aspect with our pastor and his wife is going to be leaving after 36 years as we have people talk about that in that situation. It's like a head and we've done this and we've done this and yet we did this and I remember time it and I did this or Ellen and I can just replace it. But where does the Lord answer it the Lord wants the glory for December 16th? And he can receive it but we're the ones that are going to have to allow him to have that Glory just like was a journey we can take that Gloria selves. I mean the church as a fantastic job. Look at all the cops left and we talked about the different way. It takes a lot no question about it, but we don't want to take from the Lord his glory and he deserves and that's what's happening here in Exodus. The Lord is saying I want the glory and you know, if the Israelites were going across here as they were saying and they weren't ready for battle. Maybe they could have thought I don't know probably as slaves. They probably never fought watch they weren't prep for that. So you can see it would be maybe we could win a battle and maybe we can move on and went up and we could get up here instead of two weeks. We might make it in the month and we'd be in Canaan, but the Lord didn't want that the Lord wanted to put them In Harm's Way put them right between the desert is mountains. And the Sea so that what? They had no Xscape. They had no way out and two that I want to relate. How about something within your life. Have you had that? Have you had that situation? With the grandson and you just look at it and say I don't understand this and you pray to the Lord and you reading the scriptures and you follow down through about the prodigal son. And how long was the Prodigal Son gone and it doesn't tell us why doesn't it tell us because I would have held the Lord accountable The Prodigal Son did it in 2 years 3 months and 4 days and my want my grandson. Come back to the Lord. I got this guideline. I don't have a guideline. How long does it take for the Lord to intervene? And then with my grandson and those who know the situation with it usually buddy year about a year and he says to himself. This is not right the Lord did it work in his life and brought him around and I'm saying all that no matter what Grandpa could do or Grammy could do there's nothing you can do but pray and pray and you get down into this place and everything else and it says what stand still No, I got some ideas. Dottie shared again with the ladies in the ladies class that might have been there. How about a gentleman that's abusing his voice and it's like weather live You know, I want to get involved with that. There's something we should be doing and then you here and it gets deteriorated and deteriorated. And you decide yourself. Where is the Lord in this but you know what hasn't happened yet. It's got to be it hasn't happened. That is come to that and where nobody can do nothing except the Lord and he wants the phrase. We're able to work through it. I sell so the Lord takes us to those points that I don't like. So that he can be honored and glorified and when that happens we definitely want to give him the praise don't we when we say only by God's grace this is taking place and we need to be sharing that with others to encourage others. So that's the place where they're at.
They're leaving security to go to something that's unsecured a future Edwina a good paycheck comfortable living. Okay, and I'm moving on to obviously at this time. I certainly don't know what and I'm not sure that he does as well. But haha retirement. Okay, put that list the way I want.
are you going to
show us a future is uncertain, but God says what did God say in verse 15 in a deal with Rich one mostly but what did God say and in the verse 15 chapter 14 Why are you crying out to me? Nobody ever likes to move on. Move on God is just saying move on the Lord is still with us. Oh Lord is still Our Shepherd. He's the great Shepherd. Just move on. Don't cry out to me, you know what needs to be done move on. So we saw in the first 13 chapters of Exodus that Moses was being prepared for a specific task and that the we have been prepared on you as well. But through this study. I just pray that we will discover God's presence in our life God's presence in our life the god of Exodus 14 the god of our Bible that we believe in and we hold to is the same God today in Palermo, Maine. He is the same. And we need to see him at work and to recognize him in the work in our lives and the lives of our family and then the lies of our church. He desires to be that way. He desires to have that and the 30 that that Glory that needs to be given unto him. Tell the precise location again of that Crossing I said it is not known. They have been hot in the desert. There's no human way for escape. Our faith must be tested. Why does our faith need to be tested?
So what? So it will grow is that necessary seriously.
I love that story Lori. I understand that. I'm Not Gold.
I just I just dissed testing thing like seriously. So what am I doing rebelling against testing? I don't like it. I'm going to admit that to you. I don't like it. I don't like some things that we use people for defroster prayer request of things that are going on. Like that's that's hard to take to see families and situations.
I don't like that in the Lord's like why is he allowing that why does he allow that I can watch people get into these places. So, let's see another sticky note. Rest for the hottest thing in a battles of life. Is he still and does that mean to do nothing internally a dozen? You got to do the hard work, and I've heard that referred to before. It's hard work to pray. It's hard work to come before the Lord. And pray like that should be easy just to sit in your chair and rattle something off. It's hard work to come before the Lord and pray for the behalf of yourself or for others. And the hold the line to stand. And we still in say let's see what the Lord is going to do. I just can't imagine and yet in our lives were in that situation. I cannot imagine a being there and hearing those Chariot 600 some of the Chariots and seeing the dust cloud coming behind me and I'm standing mirror in front of the Red Sea. I could understand a little better if I could swim. And I know I could make it but least I had a chance it's all of Gerald again, but I can't swim. so I've grabbed Moses staff and maybe try to float, but it's just I'm just he's using it for a better purpose her. Yeah, all right.
If we do something and I'll eyes are in this church, and it doesn't reflect God's glory. Whose Glory does it reflect?
But aren't we selfish people? Really? During the Thanksgiving Thanksgiving great time and everything else. We had 18 in our house. So my son is there and my grandson from New Jersey is there and he's going through philosophy in the school that he's in town there in New Jersey. So my son says to Dougie Dougie tell me about the the Philosopher's in the things that you were teaching that you're being taught and so he starts naming off of the greatest when you mean Uncle Wayne will you know will and the guy that says I am because I think I think I am because I think I don't know that they're going through some personal things and Wayne is is just getting into this and everything else with dog in the talking about the minority groups, which is down to one and that's awesome because and wine cycle. Is there anything that Mankind's Dougie that you think that is not self-centered? It's not for self reason. Right at Douglas 19. So in Wayne's 40 something but is there something that what is it everything we do you think like everything we do is self-centered. And I'm dumb. So I'm sitting here, you know, I'm going back for this is good. So they're thinking the flash for you and Doug. He's like well. We were born with a nature that is contrary and that's all we desire is self. That's what it is. But when we accept Christ is our savior, I'll go when we have a new nature and that new Nature's the holy spirit that involves us and he selfish. He wants us to live for him. He gives us a new self-image so that the things that we do is not for us, but it's for him. I thought wow pretty good. Yeah, I like that one. But he isn't itself isn't that were also bringing glory to God if we don't have it on a ride most of our minds. I just feel like it's as Gerald I won't put you in my class as Gerald. I want to receive that show up. Thanks a place. Yeah, but what do we learn in one of the books? It's not all about. Gerald and then my last little sticky note so I won't have that next week. Oh now I'll save that one for next week. So our books we do have cordless books. As mine his mylamar make you alright.
as we get into this that was the end reduction. Oh my goodness 3 minutes. Alright, it's going to work good because we needed the introduction and there's only 10 lessons and usually win a quart of these 13 lessons. So we're not out. Everything went behind you but read through the book read through chapter one cuz you didn't have that. So that would be a good thing to do read the beginning of it and everything else that gives me a little afraid of it.
Then again on the Roman numeral 5 6 page 8 when it talks about that. It gives the thing that I shared recently in the in the evening service here at the church. And it just this phrase just brings it right to me down either and it says God Will Make A Way when there seems to be no way and Joe and Carol when Joe was in his motorcycle accident and I've not had the opportunity and maybe some others to be up to the hospital at the Bangor and Joe is flopping up and down just like a fish out of water on that stretcher and they got him strapped in and everything and then across the hall is Carol with a three girls and the singing that song that's within a hymn book. God will make a way where there seems to be no way. That's what God does you come to that place between a rock and a hard spot. You come to that place with problems with kids and with grandkids or with neighbors or relationships, whatever it is and every few he's got one. Believe me if they come and talk with me afterwards. Cuz I want to pattern my life a little bit more while you're talking about then what I am thinking talk about.
Yeah, so it goes to that and again, that's Isaiah 44 19. That's God Will Make A Way. God has a way of handling our dilemmas and our discouragements.
Again, these are going to be 10 powerful effective ways of handling some masses and some stresses that are in our life. And once we get the concept and will review it a little bit next week. We'll do the first one but in on the page 9 of this in the Roman numeral 9, it makes the statement Exodus 14 provides a Biblical method to process difficulties by faith in the light of gods Almighty and the light of gods Almighty presents Providence promise and power and I love anything that all goes with the p so I wrote right after that in the light of gods Almighty presents Providence promise and power it will give you Gods Almighty. Peace. And isn't that what we're looking for? I'm standing before all that Red Sea and they're coming behind me. And I'm I'm looking for Pete. I'm looking for an escape but God delivered I'm looking for peace and I'm looking for a God that can deliver that deliver that but is I've lived through some circumstances and you too. Diss God of hours. I've never seen him show up what I call really early. And that frustrates me. Because he wants me to depend today and this afternoon and tomorrow and that's just why can't he just lay it out because as soon as he lays it out for 2 weeks or 3 weeks or my life is looking good for the rest of my time here on Earth. I don't need him anymore. I've got it made I don't have to depend on it. But the problems that you're going through in the problems that I'm going through the gods taking us through it because he wants to develop our faith in him and his abilities take it home. Read it read ahead. Read. It backwards read it forward it a good concept of it next week. We're going to really get into this chapter one and we'll see what the Lord has for us. Thank you for your working here and helping out Allen.
Okay. Baptism grab out there. Please take it. We are having a little mouse problem. I don't mean you people. I mean we're having a mouse problem. So the more food that gets out of here the better.