Hanging By A Thread
“Hanging By a Thread”
PPHC – 10/08/06 a.m.– Text: Josh. 2:12-21
- Why was the scarlet thread so significant to Rahab, and how does this story apply to our lives?
- The Thread was significant because …
I. It Provided Protection and Deliverance for Rahab
A. It was a Token of Someone’s Word
· What presents an even greater emphasis upon this is in light of today’s society, a man’s word means nothing. We have all failed to live up to our word at times, or someone has failed to live up a promise they have made to us.
1. Rahab puts her very life on the line by trusting the words of these strangers; knowing that across the river, an army was gathering that would about to come in and take her and her family’s life, and annihilate her city.
2. 2:10-11 - We have heard…how the Red Sea dried up before you; destroyed the Amorite Kings; our
hearts have melted; our men of battle have no courage to stand before you.
1. They went to pieces over what “might” happen even though it “hadn’t” happened yet!
B. The Spy’s Promise Concerning the Scarlet Cord was Her “Only” Means of Salvation
1. (Her family) They were not to stand atop the wall, wave their arms and say, “I’m with Rahab.”
2. Their only salvation was a thin, scarlet cord that hung outside their window.
II. It Identified Her with God’s People
A. Note the Person - Rahab
· “Rahab was a harlot, a prostitute, a lady of the night, a strumpet, a Jezebel, a hooker, a wench, a loose woman. Christian commentators have attempted to explain away this seemingly inappropriate woman. Many scholars such as Josephus refer to Rahab simply as an innkeeper. However, Rahab’s unacceptable behavior did not prevent God from using her.”
1. Now Rahab was not where God would have liked her to be at this point in time.
2. Yet, she had much in common with the C. of I. and us, as well – we have all fallen short at some time.
- Just because we fall short doesn’t mean that God is about to throw us away!
- God can and will use the Rahab in each of us…He can use anyone to obtain an end result.
B. Note the Color of the Cord - Scarlet (Red)
1. The line of the scarlet cord begins (the blood).
a. Genesis - In the Garden – God took the life of the animals and made coverings for Adam and Eve.
b. Exodus – The Passover lamb is slain…the innocent for the guilty.
· The blood (crimson – scarlet) placed on the outside.
· “When I see the blood, I will (pesach) pass over you”…(to leap over).
c. The Gospels – Show the dramatic conclusion of this scarlet cord as Jesus was crucified for all
C. Christ Identifies Himself with Us
1. Heb. 2:16-18 – “…in all things it behooved Him to be made like unto his brethren, that He might be a merciful and faithful high priest…”
2. Phil 2:7 “But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men…”
III. It Separated Her from the Rest
A. All along the wall, you may have found men in armor, trusting in their military might…
1. But she, alone, had the scarlet thread out of the window
2. Down through the ages, God’s people of faith have been a separate people.
a. Why would a whole nation trust in the blood of a lamb for their households on a given night?
b. The Israelites trusted in the shed blood of the sin offering as an atonement for their sins.
1. They WERE a nation under God [THEOCRACY = THEOS]…not a democracy, as the USA
B. The rest of the city was aware of the danger before them, but they didn’t know of any solution.
1. The world today sees the headlines screaming at them…DANGER AHEAD…and yet too many of
us are not telling them of the solution to the danger…Jesus Christ and his shed blood.
2. This, alone, separated her from the rest – she was a prostitute…the lowest of the low.
a. God isn’t concerned about your status in society…. to whosever will, let him come.
IV. It Displayed Her Obedience and Faith
A. Notice When She Tied the Scarlet Cord in the Window - 2:21
1. As soon as they left her home, she tied the line in the window
2. She didn’t procrastinate…no waiting until the last minute…until danger was threatening
3. She did it while the opportunity was given….
B. Many Today Linger
1. Many mean to make a decision for Christ, yet, put it off until a later date.
2. Many want to sow their oats before committing their lives to Him.
3. Many say, “I’ll wait ‘till my death bed”...never getting the opportunity.
4. Put your faith in Christ today…
What can wash away my sin?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood Jesus
Oh, precious is the flow that makes me white as snow,
No other fount I know, nothing but the blood of Jesus.